Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 541: Demon Emperor Resurrection

"Gongming, what do you think of what happened recently?" Tongtian asked Zhao Gongming who was sitting beside him in the Great Hall of Intercepting Sect.

When Zhao Gongming heard the words, he immediately said: "Teacher, I think we should strengthen the defense here in addition to assisting Heavenly Court. No one knows whether the demons will suddenly attack us here."

Tongtian nodded and said: "You are right, but the teacher found that there seems to be a little situation on the Yaozu side, it may be that the original Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi left behind, but what is it, even if I don't know if it's a teacher."

Zhao Gongming heard the words and said, "They shouldn't cooperate with the Demon Race. This is equivalent to betraying the entire Great Wilderness."

Hearing Zhao Gongming's words, Tongtian shook his head and said, "That's not true, there are still many wise men in the demon clan, such as the most typical Bai Ze, he knows that cooperation with the demon clan will not bring good results, so he will not let this kind of things happen.”

After hearing this, Zhao Gongming also agreed very much. He had dealt with Bai Ze several times. He was still very impressed by this monster with a white feather fan and a pair of immortal style bones, especially the other party's rationality, prudence and prudence. That unique vision was one of the main factors that allowed the demon clan to continue multiplying after the Lich War. "

It is rude to say that without Bai Ze, the demon clan might still be able to survive, and it feels that they will not be able to maintain their status as a first-class clan as they are now, and I am afraid that they have long since been reduced to second- and third-rate clans.

This is the truth. At this time, there are indeed some people in the demon clan who tend to cooperate with the demon clan, but they are all insignificant roles. At least the top ten demon saints, the leader of the demon clan, have no intention of cooperating with the demon clan.

They knew clearly in their hearts that cooperating with the Demon Race was tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

At this time, in the base camp of the demon clan, some radical demon clan members had already begun to propose, but Bai Ze, who was sitting in a high position, suddenly said: "Is it enough? You are not doing this for the good of the demon clan, but for yourself For your own selfishness, what benefits did the people of the Demon Race give you? Let you keep lobbying here.”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of these demon clan members were a little ugly. They did receive some benefits from the demon clan, but they didn't understand that this matter was so secret, how could it be discovered?

However, the change in their faces was discovered by others, and Jiuying snorted coldly: "It seems that you have an affair with the demons. Since you are willing to betray the ethnic group for a little benefit, you are simply a group of shameful people, come here. Take them down."

As soon as the words fell, a team of soldiers stepped forward, but at this moment, a radical demon member suddenly said: "We are taking the benefits of the demons, but what's wrong with cooperating with the demons? We can totally share To control the floods and famines, I believe that even the two Your Majesty will agree to it when they know about it.”

"What if we don't agree?" At this moment, a majestic voice came.

Immediately afterwards, two men appeared here. These two were none other than Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi, who had long been considered dead in the outside world. No one would have thought that they would still be alive.

Looking at these two people, the faces of those radical monsters turned pale, and they never thought that the two His Majesties who had already died were still alive! It is incredible, and the two His Majesties do not support their ideas.

Not only were they shocked, but other members of the demon clan were no exception. It was just that the top ten demon saints were obviously insiders, and the earliest insider was naturally Bai Ze. After all, Bai Ze was the most rational in the entire demon clan. .

And Di Jun, who came over at this time, said: "You keep saying that it is for the demon clan, but you dare to swear to the heaven, if you violate this oath, you will be wiped out."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the demon clan hesitated and hesitant, and the stubborn Donghuang Taiyi said: "People like this who betrayed their clan for their own selfish interests don't deserve to live, let this emperor die. !"

Speaking of Donghuang Taiyi, he launched the real fire of the sun! All of these demon clans were burned to ashes, and it took a while for the members of the demon clan to react and shouted in unison: "I will welcome the return of the demon emperor and the demon emperor to the demon clan."

Di Jun nodded slightly and said: "Everyone has worked hard for you! I know that the people of the demon clan have been very difficult during this time, but this is definitely not the reason for us to cooperate with the demon clan. Cooperating with the demon clan is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Once they succeed, our demons will not be able to escape, so we can only choose to contend with the demons."

None of the members of the demon clan said a word, but they gradually recognized Di Jun's words in their hearts. At this moment, Bai Ze suddenly said: "My two majesties, the matter of your resurrection will soon spread throughout the whole prehistoric world. At that time, whether it is the Six Saints of the Great Desolation or the Heavenly Court, they will know that instead of hiding it, it is better to tell the Three Realms directly to show that we are willing to fight against the Demon Race."

Emperor Jun nodded, and then directly used his mana to tell the Three Realms: "I am Emperor Jun, and I am returning with my younger brother Taiyi. I am willing to lead the demon clan to fight against the demon clan, and look to the heavens for reference."

As soon as these words came out, Tiandao responded immediately. In fact, after Di Jun and Donghuangtai appeared in the Yaozu Hall, Tiandao already knew. Although he didn't know why the two could be resurrected, Tiandao didn't plan to fight.

The reason is very simple. In the final analysis, the demon clan is also a fighting force, and it can also contribute a little when fighting against the demon clan. At this time, if Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi go to war, they will inevitably force the anti-demon clan high-level, when the time comes. A civil war would break out, resulting in a tragedy of chaos before the war, so Tiandao did not intend to pursue it too much. Of course, there are also reasons for the ancestors of Hongjun.

In the Yaochi Wonderland of Heavenly Court, Haotian was not very surprised, because he, like Heavenly Dao, discovered it as early as when Emperor Jun appeared, so he didn't care much. Although these two were the former Lords of Heavenly Court, but Still can't do any damage to him.

After all, in the end, these two are still only the peak of the quasi-sage. Although they are also super strong in the prehistoric wilderness, they really pose no threat to him. Besides, if these two people are wise, they will not have any serious problems. Back to the mind of heaven.

Just as Haotian thought, Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi did not have such thoughts today, because since they knew about the development of Honghuang over the years, they had completely extinguished their plans and wanted to return to Heaven.

Because today's Heavenly Court is no longer something that the demon clan can contend against, and even if it is not for Nuwa's sake, whether the demon clan can have the current development is another matter.

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