In a palace in Heavenly Court, a young man's expression was very excited. This person was none other than Lu Yadaojun, one of the five elders. He never thought that his father and uncle could be resurrected, then his own Can the brothers and mother be resurrected too? "

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait, but at the same time, he also had some worries. Anyway, his father and uncle were the former Lords of Heaven, and he didn't know how Great Heavenly Venerate would treat them.

Thinking of this, he directly launched the Golden Crow Huahong and rushed to the Yaochi Fairyland at the fastest speed. At this moment, he has made up his mind, no matter what, he must find out the true attitude of the Great Heavenly Venerate.

But how does he know? Haotian didn't take his father and uncle in his eyes at all, let alone deal with them. After all, these two might have been formidable enemies before the Lich Tribulation, but now in Haotian's eyes, they are no different from ants. , even if he was the former Lord of Heaven, he could no longer pose any danger.

In this case, Haotian didn't need to kill them all, but Lu Yu was too excited and didn't think about the problem carefully.

After coming to the Yaochi Wonderland, Lu Ya immediately said to the rolling curtain heaven general guarding the Yaochi fairyland: "Please also let the rolling curtain Taoist friend inform, just say that Lu Yu asked to see His Majesty and Empress."

The roller blind nodded slightly and didn't say anything. He also guessed Lu Ya's intention to some extent. After all, he also heard Di Jun's voice before, so he went directly to Yaochi Wonderland to report.

After arriving at Yaochi Wonderland, Roller Curtain clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty! The two empresses, Daojun Lu Ya is asking to see you outside Yaochi."

Haotian heard this with a smile: "This Lu Ya is really impatient, for fear that I will take action against his father and uncle, but the question is, do I need this? Let him come in."

The roller blind responded with a sound, and then went to inform Lu Ya who was outside Yaochi. After a while, Lu Ya walked in from outside Yaochi and said respectfully, "Chen Lu Ya has seen His Majesty and the two empresses."

Haotian, who was sitting in the first place, said: "Lu Ya, I already know your intentions. You don't have to worry. I will do something to them. They don't threaten Heavenly Court now, and I don't need to do so."

Hearing this, Lu Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he gradually cleared his head. Indeed, as His Majesty said, today's Heavenly Court is strong and skilled, so why should you care about your father and uncle, even if it is the Yao Court in its heyday, In the face of today's Heavenly Court, I am afraid it can only be described as being vulnerable.

As for those demon races who joined Heavenly Court, they are already in the Immortal Class and enjoy generous treatment. What's more, although some of them were once subordinates of their uncles and fathers, I am afraid they will not respond to their uncles and fathers' calls now. Now, let's not say whether they are willing or not, the shackles that they can't get rid of are just the list of conferred gods.

Thinking of this, you Lu Ya made up your mind. When you go back, you must persuade your father and uncle not to be enemies with Heavenly Court, and clean up those radical demon clan by the way, because their actions not only cannot help the demon clan, but will make the demon clan buried with them. .

But what Lu Ya didn't know was that his father and uncle understood this better than him, so he cleaned up those radical demon clan early, so as not to drag down the entire demon clan because of their words and deeds. Something unacceptable no matter what.

After saying goodbye to Haotian, Lu Ya suppressed the excitement in his heart and turned into a streamer and rushed to the demon clan. He wanted to see his father and uncle as quickly as possible, and after Lu Ya left, Nuwa on the side was a little bit more. Hesitant to speak.

Seeing Nu Wa's expression of hesitating to speak, Haotian said with a smile: "What's wrong with you? Seeing that you want to speak but stop, just say what you want to say."

After hearing it, Nu Wa said, "Why do you think Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi can be resurrected? If they can be resurrected, can the Twelve Ancestors be resurrected too?"

Hearing Nu Wa's words, Haotian smiled and said, "The reason why Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi were resurrected must have some chance, or they found something in the first place, but according to my guess, the possibility is the highest. It is part of the source power of the Demon God of Reincarnation, and it is estimated that the Twelve Ancestral Witch may also be resurrected."

As soon as these words came out, both Yaochi and Nuwa were a little shocked. Obviously, they didn't expect that the twelve ancestor witches could be resurrected, not to mention that this matter also involved the reincarnation demon **** among the 3,000 Chaos demon gods. It is not an easy matter to reach the devil.

However, Haotian didn't care about this, because even if the Demon God of Samsara was reborn, it was not his opponent, let alone only a part of the origin, which was nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Haotian turned his eyes to the underworld, and in the palace of peace in the underworld, he was also very excited to look at the 10 drops of blood essence in front of him, because these 10 drops of blood essence contained the breath of his 10 brothers and sisters. These blood essences are about to take shape after being nurtured by Pangu's heart for many years.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel a gaze, and then looked up, only to find that the gaze came from the heaven. Seeing this, she smiled bitterly. She knew that the Great Heavenly Venerate already knew about this matter, but the other party It doesn't seem to stop.

This also made Ping Xin relieved. Although she is now in the early stage of Primordial Primordial Profound Luo Jinxian, she still feels a lot worse than Haotian. If the other party insists on blocking it, then she can only use the six reincarnations to threaten each other. But this is not what she is willing to do, but fortunately, such a thing did not happen, and he also felt that the Gonggong who was suppressed at the foot of Buzhou Mountain actually got out of trouble.

Thinking of this, he bowed his hands gratefully, and Haotian in the heaven just smiled slightly, and then he stopped paying attention to the situation in the underworld, but looked at Nuwa and Yaochi and said, "Wait, it won't take long. Twelve Zuwu will also be resurrected."

Both Yaochi and Nuwa were a little surprised. Although they had guessed that the Twelve Ancestors would be resurrected before, they didn't expect it to be confirmed, but they didn't care much.

Because even if they are all resurrected, they are just docked in the quasi-sacred realm. Like the demon clan, they cannot pose any threat to the heaven, so there is no need to care too much.

As long as they act honestly, Heavenly Court will not deliberately make trouble with them, because the two Lich clans are no longer worthy of Heavenly Court's big fight, so as long as the two major groups don't make any mischief, they can go well. survive.

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