In the teleportation array, a large number of demon troops and demon goddesses rushed out. There were tens of thousands of people in the first batch alone, and there were more than a dozen teleportation arrays like this. The entire extraterritorial battlefield was in At the same time came a full-scale attack.

"Prepare the archers!" The leading Golden Armor will shout directly after seeing it.

As his words fell, thousands of archers among the tens of thousands of celestial soldiers and generals immediately knelt on the ground, the bows and arrows in their hands shot into the air, and then fell into the demon army like a rain of swords.

Although the rushing Demon Race and the tens of thousands of allied troops of the Destroying Demon God have made certain preparations, there are still some people who cannot dodge in time, and thousands of people are shot to death by bows and arrows in the blink of an eye.

But this is not the end. After the first wave of bows and arrows were fired, several waves of arrows rained quickly. The rushing Demon Race and the allied army of the Demon God of Destruction hurriedly resisted, but before the dense arrow rain attacked down, it doesn't make much difference at all.

Batches of allied forces of the Demon Race and the Demon God of Destruction were directly shot to death by the rain of arrows, but the tens of thousands of allied forces lost nearly half of their troops in just one stick of incense, and then a row of demon-killing cannons deployed in the back began to show their might.

Cannonballs were shot out and exploded near the coalition forces. These cannonballs caused more harm than bows and arrows. Often a single cannonball could kill several coalition soldiers. Only some of them reached the level of Jinxian. In order to avoid the attack, but once the number is too large, the fate of being bombed to death is inevitable.

Under the constant attack of the demon-killing cannons and bows and arrows, tens of thousands of coalition soldiers lost more than half of them. The surviving archers launched a counterattack, but they were all blocked by the shield players of the Tianbing Tianjiang camp. There were occasional casualties but not many.

In contrast, the shield hand of the coalition army can block the attack of the bow and arrow, but it is still not the same in the face of the attack of the magic cannon. The Sanming Daluo Jinxian in the coalition is in a state of despair, and flew directly into the air to attack the magic cannon. However, he was quickly stopped by several big Luo Jinxian from the Heavenly Court side, and the two sides immediately started a melee.

As for the Taiyi Jinxian on the coalition side, they also started a melee with the Taiyi Jinxian on the Heavenly Court side. The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals below attacked the heavily-lost coalition forces, and there were shouts of killing in more than a dozen passages around for a while. and screams.

Seeing such a tragic situation, no matter whether it is the demon clan or the people under the command of the demon **** of destruction, the complexion is not very good, because this is simply not successful. shot.

As soon as these people appeared, they launched a rapid attack. Thousands of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals suffered heavy losses under the killing of these people, and some Da Luo Jinxian were also killed without being caught.

"Shy!" Taiyi Zhenren, who was on the side of the heavenly court, shouted angrily, and then flew directly into the sky.

Among the 12 Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Yuding Zhenren, Qingxu Taoist Zhenjun, and Lingbao Grand Master also rushed up. As the original proud disciples, these people's strengths are naturally not bad. At the mid-stage of the quasi-sage, the real Jade Ding is about to break through to the later stage. As a senior brother, Guang Chengzi is also a peak of the quasi-sage, but it is only worse than Zhao Gongming and the Grand Master Xuandu.

After all, these two have already broken through to the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and Guangchengzi is still hovering at the peak of the quasi-sage, but this can't blame Guangchengzi, whether it is talent or chance, Guangchengzi is slightly inferior to the two.

However, Primal Nature will not see that Guangchengzi has been lingering in sincerity. At this time, he has already planned to ask Haotian to see if he can get a Hongmeng Jindan for Guangchengzi, because he is the most promising of all his disciples. A mixed success.

Moreover, although Sanqing is reconciled, but every day watching Laozi and Tongtian's proud disciples become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! He was a little uncomfortable, how embarrassing it was to co-author with his second child!

Not to mention the original thoughts, at this time, several quasi-sage powerhouses of the coalition have already fought with Taiyi Zhenren and others. Among them, Taiyi Zhenren directly confronted a quasi-sage early stage powerhouse, who was holding a middle-grade Xiantian Lingbao's sharpening knife continued to attack, but each time it was easily avoided by Taiyi Zhenren.

After dodging several violent attacks from the powerhouse, Taiyi Zhenren directly sacrificed the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Mask in his hand, and then nine flame dragons flew out of it and roared towards the Demon Race powerhouse.

Looking at the fire dragon that rushed over quickly, this demon quasi-sage strongman changed his face, and quickly retreated back to try to open the distance from the fire dragon. However, what made him desperate was that no matter how he retreated, the nine fire dragons were still unrelenting. chasing him.

In desperation, the demon powerhouse could only throw the magic knife in his hand, and the thrown magic knife turned into skeletons and fire dragons, entangled with each other, but the flame itself had light, which was just right for the dark attribute. The Spirit Treasure was restrained, so the magic knife was quickly restrained.

Seeing that his spiritual treasure couldn't hold up, the demon strongman looked very ugly, but he gritted his teeth and prepared to evacuate. However, Taiyi Zhenren actually stared at him, how could he let him go like this? I saw that he quickly controlled the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and after blowing the magic knife in front of him, it attacked at the fastest speed.

Seeing that the other party didn't intend to let him go, this demon powerhouse also knew that he had no hope of escaping, so in despair, he brazenly fought with the real Taiyi.

However, his realm is not as good as the real Taiyi, and the spiritual treasure in his hand was knocked out again. How could this strong man be the opponent of the real Taiyi? However, after a few sticks of incense, he was killed on the spot.

On the other side, Jade Ding Zhenren, who is good at kendo, and a strong kendo under the command of the Demon God of Destruction are inseparable. Both sides are in the middle stage of quasi-sage. no one.

In contrast, the opponents of Qingxu Daozhenjun and Lingbao Grand Master are easier to deal with. Like the powerhouses that Taiyi Zhenren dealt with, they are all powerhouses in the early stage. Therefore, after a lot of effort, they have After killing it, the three slowly surrounded him from three directions.

It was indistinguishable to fight with the real person Yu Ding. The eyes of the mid-stage quasi-sage strongman flashed a stern look, and finally exploded. If Taiyi and others didn't react in time and quickly launched the defense, I am afraid that under the shock wave of this explosion Either die or hurt.

And as the quasi-sage powerhouses of these coalition forces fell one after another, the morale of the coalition forces in this area plummeted, and they were soon slaughtered by the nearby heavenly soldiers.

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