In other areas, Guangchengzi and others also achieved good results. In addition, the disciples of People’s Education and Intercepting Education also performed very well. With the high-level Lingbao and the various tricks they had learned before , The quasi-sage strongmen of the coalition who fought were miserable.

As for the army of the coalition army, it has fallen into a disadvantage in the fierce battle with the heavenly soldiers and the generals, and the same is true for the army of the two lich clan. In order to prove their own two lich clan, in the fierce battle with the coalition army, it is almost useless. Destined to describe it, once surrounded by the coalition forces, it will explode with a bang.

The current coalition forces did not dare to confront the Lich clan's army head-on, for fear that the other party's self-destruction would cause them heavy losses.

In a place where the armies of the two sides were fighting, Donghuang Taiyi, who was holding the top-grade congenital Lingbao Donghuang Bell, fought against the quasi-sacred peak powerhouse of the same level, but he completely gained the upper hand.

The Donghuang Bell in his hand kept making a sound of dong dong dong. Although this Donghuang Bell was not his once companion treasure, and its power was only half of that treasure, it was temporarily enough for Donghuang Taiyi. .

I saw that Donghuang Taiyi kept launching the Donghuang Bell, directly pressing against a peak powerhouse of the Destruction Demon God in front of him. No matter how the opponent launched a counterattack, the Donghuang Bell was firmly blocked.

Not far away, Di Jun was also fighting another peak powerhouse. Obviously, in order to allow Haotian to help, Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi both used their absolute skills.

The eleven ancestral witches not far away are even more exaggerated. Although their realms are generally in the middle and late stages of the quasi-sage, but relying on their powerful flesh, they forcefully put one of the quasi-sages under the command of the demon ancestor Rahu and the demon **** of destruction. The peak powerhouses are stubbornly suppressed.

With one punch and one kick, these two quasi-sage peak powerhouses were beaten miserably, causing the coalition forces in this area to be defeated by the overwhelming attacks of the heavenly soldiers and the heavenly generals. Not to mention a few areas, the Heavenly Court army, who had been prepared for a long time, directly stunned the coalition forces.

On the other hand, the saints and Hunyuan-level powerhouses on the Heavenly Court side have been keeping a close eye on the situation. Once the coalition forces dare to dispatch Hunyuan-powerhouses to participate in the war, they will also unceremoniously take action to entangle these Hunyuan-powerhouses and prevent them from letting them. The strong interfere with the battle below.

At this time, at the core of the Heavenly Court army, an extremely luxurious skyship flew slowly, and this skyship was Haotian's royal ship. , not weaker than a half-step innate treasure, or even better.

After seeing the original who was ready to ask Haotian, he directly made up his mind and came to the place where Haotian was at the fastest speed.

Looking at the sudden arrival of Primordial, Haotian asked with some doubts: "What's the matter, Senior Brother Primordial? If you don't go to the front to observe the battle situation, how can you come to me when you have time?"

Yuan Yuan heard it and said: "The battle situation ahead is all going well! Da Tianzun, your army has initially suppressed the coalition forces, so Pindao can take the time to come here, and I want to exchange half of my teachings for a piece of Hongmeng gold. Dan."

After listening to Haotian, he smiled and said, "So it's about this, senior brother, why didn't you tell me earlier? But I happen to have another one here, so I'll give it to senior brother, and you only need to have someone bring the treasures of heaven and earth over here. ."

"Then thank you Da Tianzun," Yuan Yuan said happily after hearing it, and then took the Hongmeng Jindan and left here.

Yaochi on the side asked inexplicably after Yuan Yuan left: "Husband, why didn't Senior Brother Yuan tell you before, why did he ask you for the Hongmeng Golden Pill until now?"

Haotian heard the words with a smile: "There are only two words, that is face, among the three clears, Lao Tzu is inactive and straightforward, but Primordial needs face at the same time as arrogance, so I have been struggling until now to ask me for the Golden Pill of Hongmeng. "

Yao Chi nodded thoughtfully, but didn't say much, and Haotian took out the Haotian Mirror to watch the scene on the battlefield, Yao Chi on the side also leaned to the side and looked at the picture in the mirror.

However, the powerhouses on the coalition side couldn't help it. They had been preparing for so long, why did they still act like this? Even Rahu and the Demon God of Destruction looked a little unsightly.

After thinking for a while, Luo Hu looked directly at the Demon God of Destruction and said, "You can't go on like this, let's just use the top combat power!"

After hearing this, the Demon God of Destruction pondered for a while, and finally nodded cautiously: "Alright, I'll send out two powerhouses from the early stage of Primordial Primordial to try it out. If the other party doesn't respond, it's best. If there is a response, we will suppress them all above, and suppress them with lightning speed."

The demon ancestor Luohu nodded when he heard it, and then saw the Demon God of Destruction beckoning, and then the two powerhouses in the early Primordial Period disappeared directly. When they reappeared, they had already appeared on the battlefield.

As soon as they appeared, the expressions of Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi and others changed, and then they quickly retreated, but it was still a little late. I saw two powerhouses in the early stage of the Primordial Yuan jointly launched an attack, directly killing Di Jun, Dong Huang Taiyi and the others. Eleven Great Ancestral Witch and others were all wounded.

Even so, the two still did not intend to stop, but instead planned to pursue the victory, but at this time, Emperor Ziwei and Emperor Gouchen also appeared on the battlefield, and they were in a melee with these two early Primordial Powerhouses. Together.

After seeing it, the Demon Ancestor Luohu and the Demon God of Destruction looked at each other, and then sent out all the Hunyuan fighting forces under their command. For a time, more than a dozen Hunyuan powerhouses appeared here.

Haotian, who was in the back, looked at the picture in the Haotian Mirror and said with a slight twitch: "I can't help it anymore? Since that's the case, let our Primordial Force also take action!"

Taibaijinxing on the side responded after hearing it, and then, the Hunyuan battle strength of the Heavenly Court side, including Laozi, Nuwa and Jie Yin, who had reached the peak of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Tongtian, who was about to break through the peak, the primitive in the late Hunyuan, Zhunti in the middle of Hunyuan, Ao Chen, Kongxuan, Daluo Jinxian in the early Hunyuan, Changsheng Emperor, Qinghua Emperor, Zhenyuanzi, Sanhuang, Zhulong and Dapeng joined the battlefield one after another.

The Hun Yuan of the two sides, Da Luo Jinxian and Saint level combat power, both in terms of quantity and quality, this is obviously beyond the expectations of Luo Hu and Destroyer Demon God, but it is too late to withdraw troops, the only one The only way is to carry it hard.

One of them, Luo Hu, looked at the Demon Destruction God and said, "I'll go find that old fellow Hongjun, and I'll leave the rest to you."

After hearing this, the Demon God of Destruction said, "Don't worry! Even if the rest of the people add up, they are not my opponents at all."

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