Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 394: Check into the mansion

The guy responded after hearing the words, and then handed the illustrated book to Haotian, and Haotian also began to slowly look at it. The first one was naturally very ordinary, just some ordinary houses, but when he got to some of the mansions in the back, Already good.

Because the original owners of these mansions, or the mansions used by the people who built them, were at least at the level of Divine Origin Realm, and there were also quite a few in the Divine Sovereign Realm, but very few were once the mansions of the Divine King Realm. There are only a few in total, and they are all empty, but fortunately, they all bring their own small world.

However, this was just right for Haotian. After making a selection, Haotian pointed directly to a mansion in the illustration and said, "Just this mansion, how many divine stones do you need?"

The guy was very happy to hear that, because even if this kind of mansion in the small world was given a discount, it still required at least 10 million mid-grade divine stones, and he could get a 1% commission, which means that he could get 100,000 mid-grade divine stones. Huge remuneration, and his normal annual income is only 1,000 mid-grade divine stones, which is equivalent to his 100-year income!

Thinking of this, the guy suppressed his excitement, looked at Haotian and said: "VIP, if this mansion is given a discount, it will require a total of 10 million mid-grade divine stones. The small world where the mansion is located has its own array. It can be resisted. The full attack of the peak of the gods, I don't know if you want to buy it."

Haotian nodded and said, "Of course you have to buy it, take me to the checkout."

After hearing this, the guy didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly took Haotian to checkout, because this is a rare and big business. If he lost it because of poor hospitality, let alone he would regret it, even the people above would not. It would make him feel better, so he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

However, Yaochi and others waited quietly. It didn't take long for the checkout, but after a cup of tea, the 10 million mid-grade divine stones were handed over, and Haotian also walked out of it, but there was more than one hand in hand. A token was obtained, which was the control token of the mansion. "

"Has it been done, Haotian?" asked Nuwa on the side.

Haotian nodded slightly and said, "It's all done, let's go see the new home."

Everyone responded, and then followed Haotian away from here, while on the other side of the Yu family, Yu Tian, ​​the head of the Yu family, said gloomily after seeing his son's tragic appearance: "What's going on? How could it be? Make it look like this?"

When Yu Wei heard his father's words, he could only tell his father a few things, but Yu Tian also looked ugly, and finally snorted: "Look at all these **** things you did, my Yu family's face has been disgraced by you. Exhausted, but no matter what, you are my son, I can beat and scold at will, but others can't, Bai Cheng, let someone check the details of those people, I want to see who dares to refuse I have the face of the rest of the family."

Yu Baicheng responded after hearing it, and then left here, ready to let someone go to investigate. On the other side, Haotian and his party had already come to the outside of the small world. After showing the token, the guards of the small world were very Say goodbye quickly and leave.

Haotian and others also officially entered the small world and settled in this mansion, and the furniture of this mansion was prepared, as well as a garden and other places.

Haotian chose this mansion, not only because there are more auras gathered here, but also because he doesn't have to bother to reset the formation, because just the formation outside is enough to resist the attack of the peak of the gods!

After letting Yaochi and others find their own rooms, Haotian looked at the old man and the little granddaughter and said, "You guys stay here temporarily, and what are you familiar with?"

Hearing the words, the old man said: "To be honest with my benefactor, this old man has worked here before, and I dare not say anything else. At least it's okay to manage the problems of the mansion."

Haotian was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect this old man to work in this mansion. It's just that the original owner of this mansion should have moved out of here, and the old man didn't want to follow him, so he stayed here. . "

Hearing the old man's words, Haotian asked again, "Why are the Yu family being aggressive towards you?"

Hearing this, the old man said angrily: "In the end, Yu Wei is too lecherous, even my granddaughter is not spared, but as we all know, how many women he likes have good endings? I don't want my granddaughter sheep. Into the tiger's mouth, he is aggressive."

Hearing this, Haotian didn't say much, because he knew what was going on? It's no wonder that this kid Haochen couldn't help but take action. With his young and vigorous mentality, it's no wonder that he didn't take action when faced with such a thing.

Thinking of this, Haotian said: "I see, you and your granddaughter can live here with confidence, even if the Yu family come here! I won't hand you over."

The old man nodded gratefully after hearing this, and the little granddaughter who was cowering beside the old man also whispered in her sweet voice: "Thank you big brother for helping my grandfather."

Haotian smiled when he heard the words, then touched the little girl's head twice, then left and returned to his room.

After coming to the room, Haotian took out a box in the Fengyin storage ring. He had never noticed this box at first, and only recently remembered that there is such a box, and because of the formation on it, so He didn't even bother to open it at the time.

Now that he finds a place to settle down, he can also open the box with a little effort, but the formation of this box is indeed very advanced. With his current strength, he can only open and remove part of the formation, and the rest will have to wait for his strength to improve. Say it again.

Just when Haotian was trying to open a part of the formation, the Lingfeng brothers and sisters in another room were secretly weeping. They didn't expect that they would still be able to come back one day.

Lingfeng will never forget that terrifying day. Although he was still young at the time, he still remembers the events very deeply. In order to let him and his sister escape, his father took the people in the mansion to resist, but in the face of it. Those mysterious men in black were in vain after all.

When he and his sister were fleeing under the cover of a few cronies, he could hear screams and endless begging for mercy, but those people showed no mercy, even the newborn baby was unwilling to let go, even he There was also a smell of blood.

Thinking of these Ling Feng's bodies trembling constantly, his eyes were constantly red, and he let out a painful roar, his fingernails scratched out marks on the ground, but he couldn't feel the pain at all.

Ling Xue, who was beside him, was stunned when he saw this scene. He knew that his brother recalled the painful things at the beginning. Ling Xue, who was in a panic, was about to find someone, but was called by Ling Feng, who was in pain. Living.

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