I saw Ling Feng gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, you can't trouble the master and them, I'll just bear with it."

"But brother, you can't stand it like this," Ling Xue cried while seeing her brother's pain.

As soon as Ling Xue's words fell, Ling Feng could not help groaning in pain, and the body was sweating coldly. At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and Nuwa, who was about to call the two out, was stunned when she saw this scene.

Because Ling Feng, who was in front of him, was lying on the ground and struggling in pain, while Ling Xue stood aside and seemed a little overwhelmed, not knowing what to do at all.

And Nuwa didn't even bother to ask why this happened? He shot directly and shot a beam of light into Ling Feng's body, which temporarily eased the pain on Ling Feng's body. Ling Feng's eyes, who had been relieved from the pain, fainted as soon as his eyes darkened.

"What happened to your brother Xue'er?" Looking at Ling Xue with tears in her eyes, Nu Wa asked softly.

Ling Xue wiped away her tears and then said, "Master! In fact, we used to live here, and the owner of this mansion is our father."

Nuwa was a little surprised when she heard the words: "Then how did you all end up in Tianlei City? What happened?

Ling Xue no longer hesitated after hearing Nu Wa's words, but told the whole story.

Following Ling Xue's remarks, the events of that night 100 years ago seemed to reappear.

In the room at that time, the young Ling Xue and Ling Feng were constantly playing and playing, but at this moment, their father Ling Fei suddenly walked in, and after lovingly stroking the two of them, he said: "Xiao Feng Xiaoxue! Listen to me, there may be bad people coming in from outside, and father will let you take you to escape from the back, remember not to come back right away, it's better not to come back again, do you hear?"

In the center, Ling Feng, who was mentally mature, seemed to have thought of something bad. Then he grabbed his father's hand and cried, "Father, what's going on? Why do you want us to go? What are you going to do, father?"

Looking at the crying Ling Feng, Ling Fei's eyes flashed a trace of reluctance, but this reluctance was quickly replaced by a touch of firmness, and looked at the two of them and said, "Don't worry! Father will come to you when it's safe. "

After the words fell, Ling Fei hung another jade pendant on Ling Xue's body, and then let several confidants lead the two to evacuate from the secret passage, while he rushed out.

Several confidants had tears in their eyes, and then evacuated with Ling Xue and Ling Feng who were crying constantly. At the last moment of entering the secret passage, Ling Fei who was outside suddenly shouted, and then burned his own soul, killing two gods in a row. Wang Qiang has severely damaged a god-king peak powerhouse, and at the same time dozens of god-king powerhouses have fallen, but the price is that Ling Fei himself has also fallen.

And this also angered those men in black. With the relentless pursuit of some men in black, the few confidants who evacuated with Ling Tian and Ling Xue were killed one by one. Until now, Ling Xue can still Recalling what the last confidant said,

"You must live, young master, and avenge them!" The last confidant who fell to the ground shouted, and then blew himself up, blocking the way of these pursuers.

And Ling Feng, who was the first to react, ran frantically with Ling Xue, who kept crying. I don't know how long they ran, only to find that no pursuers were chasing after them, but they were not happy because they even The only relatives were gone, and the men who protected them also died tragically. They didn't understand why things had evolved to this point.

And as Ling Xuejian recounted this tragic situation, Nuwa also felt sympathy. No wonder he found that Ling Feng and Ling Xue had some wrong expressions when they entered the mansion.

Thinking of this, Nuwa decided to tell Haotian about this matter, maybe Haotian could have a way, so after comforting Ling Xue, Nuwa left here.

At this time, in Haotian's room, after seeing that the seal on the box was partially lifted, Haotian did not continue to do it, because the seal on the next floor had to wait until he broke through the level of the king of gods.

After putting the box away again, Haotian opened the door directly, but happened to meet Nuwa who was about to come in.

"What happened? Nuwa?" Looking at Nuwa Haotian, who had red eyes, she asked suspiciously.

Nuwa told Haotian what Ling Xue said at the beginning. As for Haotian, she fell into silence after hearing these words, because the tragedy that happened to Lingfeng brothers and sisters did give him a great deal. Touched, there was also an unstoppable sense of disgust in the hearts of those people.

After being silent for a while, Haotian looked at Nuwa and said, "Let's go, let's go and see how Feng'er is doing."

Nuwa nodded, and then followed Haotian to see Lingfeng, but she ran into Yaochi on the way. Looking at Yaochi who was a little puzzled, Nuwa also told Yaochi that Lingfeng brothers and sisters had been destroyed. Let Yaochi also feel sympathy.

In this way, the three of them came to Ling Xue's room, and Ling Tian, ​​who was in a coma at this time, also woke up. When Ling Feng learned that his sister had told Nuwa about the disaster of the annihilation, he still complained a little, because those black people Yiren is too powerful, his father, as a god-king strong man, can only burn his soul to compete, while the master and the others only have the strength of a god-monarch, and they are even less likely to be opponents. He does not want the master and them to follow his father's old path.

But just when Ling Feng complained about his sister, Haotian and others had already come here. Looking at Ling Feng, who was a little pale, Haotian asked directly, "How long have you been suffering from this disease?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng forced a smile and said: "Master! This is not a serious illness, it doesn't matter, the disciple will get through it after gritted his teeth."

After hearing this, Haotian said displeasedly: "Do you think I'm blind? The divine power in you is very confusing now. If I say he's good, you can't control this disease at all."

Ling Feng lowered his head and said nothing after hearing this. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that what his master said was right. Although he always thought his master was very mysterious and seemed to be scheming, he really didn't want to let this happen. Master Adventure.

Seeing Ling Feng bowing his head without saying a word, Haotian scolded: "Do you really think that this will keep us safe from danger? I gave you a word from the teacher called cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, and you are the last root of the Ling family. , if the force that attacked you knew that you were still alive, it would definitely do it, and since I accepted you as a disciple, do you think I can stay out of it?"

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