"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Wang Fei said in disbelief, looking at Haotian with his hands on his back.

Wang Long, who was on the side, looked at his son's gaffe, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but at the same time there was also some despair. He knew that this time, he couldn't help himself. If nothing else happened, whether it was him or his There is only one way for the son to die.

The fact was just as he thought, neither he nor Wang Fei were on the blacklist in Haotian's heart, and such a person would surely die, and there was no discussion to discuss.

As for Pei Gang, who was not far away, he recovered after a brief shock. After all, he came from a family of gods and kings and had experienced a lot of wind and rain, so he quickly adjusted.

Looking at Wang Fei, who was insane state, and Wang Long, whose face was ashen, Haotian shook his head slightly and said, "I gave you a chance, if you were honest, I wouldn't target you, but it's a pity that you didn't grasp it yourself. If you have a chance, you have to find your own way, and since this is the case, you won't be able to stay."

Pei Gang on the side looked at Wang Fei and Wang Long, although he wanted to kick them to death, but if they were really killed, it would be detrimental to the Pei family's face, so he came over and said, "Your Excellency, Wang Long has already led the Wang family Surrender to us, can you spare their lives in the face of our Pei family."

Although Pei Gang's words were very polite, they actually implied threats, but what Pei Gang didn't expect was that Haotian would not eat this set at all, and Haotian said coldly, "Are you threatening me?"

After hearing this, Pei Gang said sternly: "I don't dare, I just hope you can think about it."

Haotian sneered when he heard the words: "I hate threats from others the most, and no one can successfully threaten me, you are no exception. If you didn't have this attitude before, even if I wouldn't let Wang Long and the others go, it would still be fine. I won't embarrass you too much, but now I've decided to kill them in front of you."

Pei Gang said with an ugly face: "Your Excellency, you have to think about it, do you have to be an enemy of our Pei family?"

Hearing Pei Gang's words, Haotian sneered: "Don't say you can't represent the Pei family, even if you can represent me, what's the fear?"

The words fell, and the cultivation base and breath of the middle stage of the God King of Haotian burst out in an instant. However, although it was the cultivation base and breath of the middle stage of the God King, it almost overwhelmed Pei Gang to the ground. puzzled.

Obviously both sides are in the middle stage of God King, why is the gap so big? He had a hunch that if he really wanted to confront the other party head-on, he wouldn't be able to get through a few tricks from the other party's hands at all, which made Pei Gang both shocked and helpless.

As for Wang Long in the back, he was even more shocked. When he left, he was in the early stage of the god-king, but in just over a hundred years, he broke through to the middle-stage of the god-king. This breakthrough speed is simply heaven-defying. Let's do this, it's just that he has met such a person, and he has become his enemy. Wang Long doesn't know if he is lucky or unfortunate?

As for Wang Fei, he completely collapsed. He originally thought that Pei Gang would be able to escape by chance, but he did not expect that even Pei Gang was suppressed, which made Wang Fei completely fall into despair, because he knew that no one could save him. They are.

In fact, more than Wang Long was shocked, Lei Ming of the City Lord's Mansion, the patriarchs of the other two major families, and even Zhao Hong himself were shocked. No one thought that when he left, Haotian was not even the strength of the gods in the early days, but when he came back, he was actually shocked. Has the cultivation base of the middle stage of the **** king.

He glanced at the incomparably powerful Haotian. Whether it was Lei Ming or the head of the other two big families, they all looked at Zhao Hong with very envious eyes, because the other party had really succeeded in getting on the tree, and the future development was definitely the future. Unlimited. "

And Zhao Hong is also very fortunate, fortunately he made the right choice back then. Otherwise, the Zhao family would really miss the opportunity for great development, and Haotian, who was not far away, didn't know what these people thought. At this time, he looked directly at Wang Long.

And Wang Long also said very stubbornly: "If you want to kill, kill it, I hope you can let go of the Wang family and surrender to the Pei family is my decision. The members of the Wang Family Elders Association and the elders are all imprisoned by me, so They don't know it, and I hope you don't implicate them."

Hearing this, Haotian said: "Don't worry, things started because of you, and naturally they will end because of you. Except for you and your son Wang Fei, I won't implicate the rest of the Wang family."

Wang Long breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, then looked at Haotian with complicated eyes and said, "Thank you for letting the Wang family go. Your talent is really shocking, but I hope you know that the water in the Eternal God Realm is very muddy. If you don't deliberately restrain yourself, sooner or later, you will cause more trouble."

Haotian was silent when he heard the words, the so-called people who are about to die are also good at their words, he knew that what Wang Long said was indeed from the heart, so he said lightly: "Thank you for reminding me, in return, I can give you a decent death. Law."

When the words fell, Haotian turned his palm over, and a long sword appeared here. This is Haotian's sword, the Hunyuan Sword, and now it is also a sixth-order magic weapon.

I saw Haotian handed the Primordial Sword to Wang Long and turned around, and Wang Long couldn't help laughing after picking up the Primordial Sword: "I didn't expect to see such a peerless **** before dying. Soldier, this life is worth it."

The words fell, Wang Long hugged Wang Fei, and at this time Wang Fei was no longer afraid, but there was still a trace of remorse in his eyes, he was regretting why he offended Haotian for the momentary limelight, and why he bewitched his father. To do such a stupid thing, it's a pity that there are all kinds of medicines in this world, that is, there is no regret medicine.

As Wang Longyi exerted force, the Hunyuan Sword directly cut the throats of Wang Fei and Wang Long, and then the two fell directly to the ground and lost their vitality.

After hearing the sound of the two falling to the ground, Haotian let out a long sigh. Although Wang Long was no longer his opponent, he still respected him, at least more than those who would die as soon as he heard it. people are much stronger.

Looking at Wang Long with wide eyes, and Wang Fei with tears in his eyes, Haotian stroked his hands slightly, closed the eyes of the two, and then looked at a powerful **** beside him and said, "You brought someone to bury them. Well, although they are dead, they can't be trampled on in this place."

The powerful gods on the side responded after hearing it, and then led people to take the bodies of Wang Long and his son to bury them. This scene also made Haotian win the hearts of people, at least let everyone feel that Haotian has the virtue of benevolence and righteousness. Heart.

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