Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 439: Intimidate the Pei family

Even Pei Gang, who was on the side, looked at Haotian with a complicated expression. If Wang Long and his son were his enemies, at least he couldn't do this.

Looking at Pei Gang and the other two powerful **** kings with complicated expressions, Haotian said lightly, "I won't kill you, but don't even think about leaving. If my guess is right, you've already informed the Pei family. Presumably they will come soon."

Pei Gang's expression changed when he heard the words, because he didn't know how Haotian knew? Seeing Pei Gang's puzzled expression, Haotian said lightly: "You don't need to make a fuss, I heard this from the Palace Master of Tianyun Mansion, the Divine King Family has some special means, I think you have it. There should be."

As soon as these words came out, Pei Gang smiled bitterly, but also had some helplessness. He didn't expect that Haotian did not have the slightest respect when he mentioned the Palace Master of Tianyun Palace, as if he was just referring to an ordinary person, doesn't he know Is this a **** emperor? Or they have a very good relationship.

Compared with the former, Pei Gang is more willing to believe the latter, but if this is the case, then what he has done before is to harm the Pei family, and it is so simple for those who can be related to the powerful emperor of the gods. ? Although the Pei family also has the support of the royal family of the gods, the other party may not have a bad relationship with Tianyunfu because of the Pei family.

He really wanted to inform the Pei family not to come, but now he didn't dare to act rashly, because no one knew what the other party would do? So he can only wait here indifferently.

At this moment, Zhao Hong came over, and looked at Haotian and said excitedly: "Thank you, Young Master Lin, for helping, otherwise, my Zhao family will really suffer disaster."

Haotian shook his head slightly and said, "Since your Zhao family has become my subordinate force, I will naturally not die. This time, your Zhao family has suffered heavy losses, and I will also give you subsidies."

The words fell to Haotian and looked at Pei Gang and others not far away and said, "Hand over all your storage equipment, don't let me do it."

Everyone in the Pei family, look at me, I'll look at you. In the end, Pei Gang gritted his teeth and set an example and took off his storage ring. With Pei Gang taking the lead, even if everyone in the Pei family was reluctant, they could only put themselves The storage rings, storage bracelets, storage belts and other equipment were taken off one by one and gathered together.

After everyone in the Pei family had gathered their things, Haotian looked at Zhao Hong and others and said, "You Zhao family take 40% of these things, and the City Lord's Mansion, Liu family and Yao family each take 20%. There shouldn't be any objections, right?"

Zhao Hong naturally has no objection, and as for the other three-party forces, there is no objection. Just kidding, even the strong king of the gods are soft, do they dare to object? What's more, even if they can only take 20%, it is an astronomical sum. These resources can completely increase their strength several times or even ten times, which also makes them glad that they did not really go to the Wang family at the last moment. Otherwise, , I am afraid they are going to be the company of Wang Lung.

Seeing several major forces dividing their property, everyone in the Pei family said it was very ugly, but now it's a knife, and I'm a fish, so they can only recognize it through gritted teeth. , I'm afraid it would be even more ruthless if it was replaced by their advantage in the battle situation.

After the financial divisions were completed by several major forces, Zhao Hong looked at Haotian respectfully and said, "Young Master Lin, what should we do next?"

Haotian heard this and said, "Naturally, they are waiting for everyone in the Pei family to come to the door. Just these things are not enough to show their sincerity."

Zhao Hong was a little speechless after hearing this, so many things can't show sincerity, how much more? Whether it is poverty that limits their imagination, or this one's vision is too high. "

Not to mention the thoughts in Zhao Hong's heart, at this time, Lin Wen, president of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, Xu Yang, president of the Divine Pill Master Guild, Bai Cheng, the president of the Divine Artifact Master Guild, and Wei Long, the owner of the Shadow Building, all rushed here, just seeing this After the lineup, everyone took a deep breath.

Because there are actually 100,000 people at the level of Divine Origin, and there are more than a thousand gods and more than a dozen gods, and these people actually look at Haotian respectfully. This is the Hao they knew before. God?

In particular, Wei Long had never dealt with Haotian. He thought that they had taken over the job of assassinating Haotian. Although the job was later cancelled, it still made him a little nervous, but fortunately Haotian didn't seem to attack. the meaning of.

Lin Wen and Xu Yang said with some guilt: "I'm really sorry, Young Master Lin, we can't take action due to some reasons."

To their relief, Haotian just smiled and said, "You two have done their best. If it wasn't for your help, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see Zhao Hui, let alone know what's going on here."

Seeing that Haotian didn't want to investigate, the mood of the two was relieved a lot, and they began to introduce Weilong, the owner of the Shadow Building, and Baicheng, the chairman of the Artifact Master Guild. Haotian only nodded slightly after seeing it, because After all, he and these two people are not familiar with each other, so naturally there is no need to talk about it.

Afterwards, Xu Yang and Lin Wen talked to Haotian about the profits made by selling Shendan. There are already quite a few, after all, the average **** king family only has the wealth of several billions of middle-grade **** stones.

It's just that Haotian didn't take all the money, and took more than half of it, and he used the rest for other purposes, because he remembered a very popular mode of lending in his previous life, and he planned to use it in Tianlei. He created a force in the city to be responsible for lending, not only lending, but even some other methods he intends to copy, but this kind of thing has to be managed slowly and cannot be rushed for the time being.

Just when Haotian was thinking about these things, a huge breath suddenly approached, and then 12 powerful gods and kings appeared here, and the leader was Pei Yao, the head of the Pei family.

It's just that when Pei Yao saw the fifteen powerful gods in front of him, his face was a little ugly, especially after seeing the three people who were under control, he also knew that the three of them were not wronged.

After being silent for a while, Pei Yao finally locked on Haotian, the leader, and said, "What do you mean by this? Why are you holding on to my Pei family? Do you want to be an enemy of my Pei family?"

Haotian laughed lightly and said, "Let's not say whether it is against your Pei family? Your people deliberately came to Tianlei City to attack my subordinate forces, should you give me an explanation?"

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