Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 443: Murong Hui's decision

At the same time, this also made Murong Chen very embarrassed. At this moment, a middle-aged man came over. This person was none other than Murong Hui, the head of the Murong family, and also the father of Murong Chen and Murong Wan'er.

The sixth-order top-grade pill that Murong's old butler asked Yun Yi for was actually prepared for Murong Hui. It turned out that during an expedition to a secret realm, Murong Hui was poisoned. Unstable, even the Divine Alchemist Guild in Sihai Prefecture City is helpless.

This also caused the Murong family to be very low-key, and they focused on forbearance in many matters. Although the Murong family had a good relationship with the Nangong family in the Southern God Domain, the Murong family did not want to rely on the help of the Nangong family, so they did not take this matter. stretch.

It wasn't until Murong Wan'er came out of the secret realm and brought back the sixth-order divine pill that Murong Hui returned to normal, and the Murong family became active again, but the time of the Murong family's hiding was not short, so many places It was swallowed up by other families and forces.

Therefore, even if they knew that Murong Wan'er was almost tainted by the young master of the Bao family, the Murong family did not rush to attack the Bao family. The original control area of ​​the Murong family was restored, and the strength of the Murong family was restored.

It was not until these things were completed that the Murong family began to cut off some cooperation with the Bao family, and began to hostile to the Bao family, but the Murong family was not ready for a full-scale war with the Bao family, so they did not extend the original matter. This also caused the Bao family to be unclear, and did not understand where the Murong family was offended?

After seeing Murong Hui coming, Murong Wan'er and Murong Chen said in unison, "Father, why are you here?"

Murong Hui smiled and said, "I have nothing to do, just come and have a look. Chen'er, are you bullying your sister again?"

Hearing the words, Murong Chen quickly explained: "How can there be, father, I didn't bully the little sister, it was the little sister who bullied me."

After hearing this, Murong Hui said angrily, "I said you deserve it. I understand Wan'er's character. You must have provoked Wan'er."

Murong Chen was a little embarrassed when he heard it, but finally Murong Wan'er came over and said, "Father, this time you have wronged eldest brother, eldest brother did not bully me, we are just kidding."

Murong Chen glanced at Murong Wan'er gratefully, while Murong Wan'er glanced at him proudly, as if to say, look, you are far better than me when it comes to being favored. "

Seeing his sister's triumphant appearance, Murong Chen was suddenly filled with grief and anger. He didn't understand. They were both born to the same mother. Is there justice in this world? "

Seeing Murong Chen's grief and indignation, Murong Hui said earnestly, "Chen'er, you have to give more to your sister, after all, your sister will marry sooner or later, so we just love your sister more during this time. ."

Murong Chen nodded, but when he looked at his sister, there was still some reluctance in his eyes. When it comes to playing, he still loves his sister very much, but he also knows that her sister will leave sooner or later. Family, the difference is only sooner or later.

And Murong Wan'er was also a little uncomfortable, only when she thought of Yun Yi, she felt better, watching the change in Murong Wan'er's expression, Murong Hui looked at Murong Wan'er and said, "Wan'er, over the years, there have been many family members. People want to marry you, but you have refused without exception. Since you came back last time, I feel that you have changed a person. You can tell me the truth, do you like the person who got the inheritance called Yun Yi? ."

Murong Wan'er blushed a little after hearing this, but after seeing her father's gaze, she hesitated and nodded, she wondered how Yun Yi felt about her? But her sense of Yun Yi is indeed very good.

And Murong Hui also sighed after seeing the appearance of his daughter: "Since this is the case, I can only reject the marriage requests of those families. In addition, there is a later matter, and we have to participate."

Hearing her father's words, Murong Wan'er was a little surprised at first, but then she looked at her father with some doubts and said, "Father, what is it that we need to participate in?"

After hearing this, Murong Hui said: "The Bao family seems to have determined that Yun Yi is the murderer of Bao Cheng, so that guy Bao Yang has already rushed to Tianyun Prefecture City to ask for his guilt with a few powerful **** emperors."

Hearing this, Murong Wan'er was immediately a little nervous. In his opinion, although Yun Yi has been inherited, he has not yet fully utilized it. His strength is only at the level of a **** king. How could he be the opponent of multiple **** emperors? Thinking of this, Murong Wan'er immediately prepared to intercede.

However, Murong Hui said: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much, Yun Yi also has forces behind him. His master Lin Hao forced the Pei family to admit their mistake more than a month ago, but behind the Pei family is the Bao family, and this person His identity is not simple, he is still an honorary guest of Tianyun Mansion, so it is not so easy for Bao Yang to deal with Yun Yi, unless he can convince the head of Tianyun Mansion, Yang Feng."

Murong Chen on the side said: "Father, in my opinion, Bao Yang may not succeed, because this is the face of Guan Tianyun Mansion. won't back down easily."

Murong Hui nodded and said, "That's right, so this time I plan to go to Tianyun Mansion. One is to show the hostility between my Murong family and the Bao family, and I also want to meet this guy. Yun Yi's master, because according to the information I have received, the pills that have been sold recently may all come from this person."

Murong Chen was a little surprised when these words came out. You must know that those elixir pills are all fifth-order pills. Generally, fifth-order pill masters cannot refine such pills, even if they are sixth-order pills. I am afraid that the teacher has some hangs, and Yun Yi's master Haotian himself is the strength of the middle stage of the **** king. If he even has such high attainments in alchemy, it is really unimaginable.

Even Murong Wan'er was a little surprised. Although she knew that Yun Yi's master was very mysterious, she did not expect that Yun Yi's master was so simple.

Murong Hui smiled wryly when he saw his son and daughter who were a little shocked. After all, anyone who knew about this matter might not get any better. After a light cough, Murong Hui said directly, "You two come with me. Go, especially Wan'er, you can also go see that person named Yun Yi."

Although Murong Wan'er's face was a little ashamed, she nodded, and followed Murong Chen and her father to leave the mansion and rushed to Tianyun Prefecture City. Fortunately, there was a teleportation formation nearby, so they didn't need to spend too long. But even so, it can't be reached in an hour and a half.

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