Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 444: The Bao family is coming

In the small world of Tianyun Prefecture City, Haotian did not know that the Bao family was about to arrive in Tianyun Prefecture City. At this time, he was concentrating on destroying the formation, because even the first seal could not be cracked immediately. .

I saw Haotian hit a few magic tricks and hit the box with lightning speed, and then the seal on the box weakened a bit. Seeing that Haotian played a few magic tricks again, hitting the box. Above the box, after a stalemate for a while, the first seal formation on the box began to slowly dissipate.

But even so, there is a second seal and a third seal on this box, and Haotian's strength to open the second seal is not something that can be done now, even Haotian feels this box It's not Feng Yin's, or even Feng Yin doesn't know what's in this box?

The reason for making this judgment is because he does not think that Feng Yin can shoot this kind of seal. It is very likely that Feng Yin found this box from somewhere, but he was involved in chaos before returning to the family. It was designed to be killed by the Devil of Destruction, and the matter of this box will naturally come to an end.

Just as Haotian thought, Feng Yin did get this thing from a certain Jedi. Just when he was about to bring it back to his family, he unexpectedly encountered an eternal storm that would sweep into the chaotic world, and was finally assassinated by the Demon God of Destruction. , And because the Demon God of Destruction didn't pay attention to this ring, he naturally didn't know about it, and later invaded the Great Wilderness and fell, thus cheapening Haotian.

In addition, the seal of this box is not something that ordinary **** emperors can set up, at least it is the peak of **** emperors or even **** emperors, because you can know just by looking at the strength of the seal above, although Haotian's strength is only **** king In the mid-term, but if you really want to face it head-on, the ordinary god-king peak powerhouse is not an opponent. If you break through to the god-king peak, you can even fight the god-king.

Therefore, this kind of seal cannot be set only by the strength of the Fengyin God Emperor in the middle stage. He glanced at the box in front of him, and Haotian put it away. After all, he can't break the second seal now. Time-consuming, it is better to put it away for now.

After leaving the room, Haotian happened to see Yun Yi who was a little absent-minded. At this time, Yun Yi was the same as Murong Wan'er. It was also difficult to forget the other party. He didn't know what was going on with him? It was obvious that she had not been in contact with Murong Wan'er for a long time, and she had met quite a few beautiful girls, but the one that impressed me the most was Murong Wan'er.

Looking at Yun Yi who was a little absent-minded, Haotian came over and asked, "What's wrong, disciple? Why do you look absent-minded?"

Yun Yi hesitated for a while, and finally raised his head and asked, "Master, what do you think if one person can't forget the other person?"

Hearing Yun Yi's words, Haotian was stunned at first, but then he remembered some things that the white cat and the old man had said to him, he roughly understood why Yun Yi was a little absent-minded, so he looked at the other party with a smile and said: " In this case, either the other party is your close relative, or the person you admire in your heart, in my opinion, it should be the latter, is it the girl you saved back then?"

Although Yun Yi didn't know why Haotian guessed so accurately? But he still nodded embarrassedly. Looking at Yun Yi, who was a little embarrassed, Haotian said lightly, "If you really have feelings for that girl, just let go and chase after her, and don't regret it until you lose it."

"I understand Master," Yun Yi answered heavily after hearing it.

However, at this moment, a huge breath suddenly appeared outside the small world, Haotian, who felt the breath, changed his face slightly, then looked at Yun Yi and said: "The visitor is not good, it seems to be someone from the Bao family. ."

Yun Yi said with an ugly expression: "It should be because they know that Bao Cheng died because of me, so they want to take revenge."

Haotian snorted coldly and said, "If they want revenge, it depends on whether they have the ability. I want to see how capable these guys are?"

After the words fell, Haotian walked towards the entrance of the small world first. At the same time, at the Shendan Master Guild, the Divine Artifact Master Guild, the Shadow Tower, the Tianyun City Lord's Mansion, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce, and the four major families, they all sensed someone breaking in. Enter outside the small world where Haotian is located.

Among them, Yang Feng patted the table and said, "You're so brave, I want to see who dares to break into Tianyun Prefecture directly, and I'll talk about it when I clean it up."

The words fell, Yang Feng took one step and disappeared in Tianyun Mansion in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already taken the outside of Lingxiao's small world, but after seeing Bao Yang, he did not show up immediately, but hid his breath. , quietly observing, he would like to see what tricks this guy is doing? By the way, I also want to see how Lin Hao will respond? "

After a while, Nangong Wen and others also came here, but they didn't show up right away like Yang Feng's choice, just then Haotian came out and said, "If my guess is correct, you are the Bao family. The owner of the house, right?"

Bao Yang snorted coldly after hearing this: "You still have some eyesight, I advise you to teach Yun Yi, otherwise, you and the small world you live in will be trodden by my people."

"Why should I hand over my disciple?" Haotian looked at Bao Yang and asked back.

Bao Yang said coldly: "Your disciple killed my son, I must kill him with my own hands to relieve the hatred in my heart, if you don't pay, don't blame me for killing me, even if it is Tianyun Mansion. The palace lord can't stop me."

Yang Feng, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly appeared and snorted coldly after hearing it: "What a big tone, I have been listening for a while in the dark. In my opinion, from beginning to end, it was you who made trouble unreasonably, and your son died. Why did you come to us to make trouble? In what way, or do you think our Tianyun Prefecture is easy to bully?"

Bao Yang looked at Yang Feng who appeared and said, "Of course I have evidence. Someone once saw Yun Yi come out of the place where my son died. Who else could have done it if he didn't? There are also members of the Murong family and your son Yang Chen who came out."

Yang Feng said angrily, "Damn, are you addicted to biting? Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Just as the two faced off, Yun Yi suddenly appeared and said, "Palace Master Yang, please stop! I have something to say."

"Boy, you are finally willing to come out and return my son's life," Bao Yang said fiercely, looking at Yun Yi below.

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