Hearing this, everyone including Haotian was silent, until after a while, Haotian looked at the other party and said, "This is indeed a way, but after all, we are not from Sihai Prefecture City, and taking action against the Bao family will not cause any problems. Rebound?"

After hearing this, Murong Hui said: "Please rest assured on this point, I still have some thin faces in the Four Seas State City Palace Master, as long as I don't interfere with the stability of the Four Seas State City, even if I take a shot at the Bao family, it will not cause too much damage. rebound."

Yang Feng and others were a little moved after hearing this. After all, they and Haotian were both prosperous and lost. With the huge interweaving of interests, if Haotian was unlucky, they would have to follow the bad luck, especially the Jia family of the god-respected family. , they don't believe that the Jia family will show mercy to them.

In this case, they absolutely can't let the Bao family make things worse, so they must get rid of the Bao family, otherwise, things will change later.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng said: "Since the Murong Patriarch can make this guarantee, then let's give it a try. Everyone, go back and gather some people. We will rush to Sihai Prefecture City as quickly as possible, and strive to be in the Bao family. What do you think of killing everyone in the Bao family in one go to avoid future troubles when there is no time to react?"

The clans of the four major families and others nodded in agreement, and then left one after another. As for Murong Hui, he did not leave in a hurry, but stayed in the small world of Lingxiao, waiting for everyone to gather their hands.

As for Haotian, he took out a bag of tea leaves and said, "Why don't the Murong family come and taste the taste of this Dao Enlightenment tea?"

"Then I would like to thank Young Master Lin," Murong Hui replied after hearing the words, and then began to enjoy the tea he had brewed.

But this drink made his expression startled, because the tea leaves actually contained a trace of scorpion. Although it was of no use to him, it had a refreshing effect. After taking another sip, Murong Hui couldn't help but said: " I don’t know how many tea leaves like Young Master Lin have? I want to buy some.”

Haotian heard the words and said, "There's no other way. This tea was brought here from another place before. I use it less, and I can only go back and get it later."

Hearing Haotian's words, although Murong Hui felt a little pity, he didn't say much. Anyway, he wasn't an addicted tea addict, it was best to drink it naturally, and it didn't matter if he couldn't drink it.

While the two were enjoying tea quietly, in the prehistoric world far away from the Eternal God Realm, the Heavenly Court has been completely renewed, and even some so-called technological items have been added, but in general it still maintains most of its appearance. But what is certain is that with the extension of time, the changes in the heaven will become more and more different from before, but all this is left for the time being.

At this time, in Lingxiao Hall, all the immortals of the heavenly court gathered in Lingxiao Hall, and reported to the Jade Emperor the big and small matters of the Three Realms in order, and the Jade Emperor just listened quietly, and occasionally made some decisions, and let the people decide. Xianlai is responsible for implementation.

But at this moment, Taibaijinxing suddenly came out and said: "Your Majesty, there is a heavenly soldier who will report back, saying that some strange passages have been found in the Great Wilderness Barrier, and we once threw some Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian demons. Entered it, but all fell without exception, Wei Chenchen went to check it out in person, and found that the energy emitted by the passage here is enough to kill any big Luo Jinxian, even ordinary quasi-sages cannot guarantee safety."

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Lingxiao Hall was in an uproar, and the Quansheng was definitely considered a top power in Honghuang. Even some ordinary Quasi-Saints could be powerful in Honghuang, but it was shocking that they could not guarantee the safety of the entrance channel.

It's no wonder that all the immortals in Lingxiao Palace lost their temper, because most of the immortals in Lingxiao Palace are Daluo Jinxian, only a few hundred people can reach the quasi-saint realm, and many of them are in the early and middle stages. , I am afraid that this kind of strength does not necessarily guarantee safety when entering the channel, even the quasi-sage powerhouse in the late stage and peak may not be able to guarantee it.

I am afraid that only the Great Desolate Saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can safely enter the passage, right? Just thinking of this, many people shook their heads. Although Honghuang's development strength has increased a lot after this period of time, the number of saints and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is still small.

Even in the Heavenly Court, apart from the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Nether Emperor, Lin Hao Daojun, and the three disciples of the Great Heavenly Venerate, there are only a few great emperors who rank in the Four Imperial Palaces, the Northern Zhenwu Emperor, Taibaijinxing, Zulong, Zhulong, Yuan Feng, Shi Qilin, Yang Jian and the others were all, and these people already occupied most of the prehistoric power.

As for those who do not belong to the Heavenly Court, there are only the five great saints of the Great Desolation, as well as Zhao Gongming, Tathagata, Sun Wukong and others, and the others are Hongjun Daozu, who is at the helm of Xuanmen.

And these people do not add up to more than 30 people. The entire flood relies on these people to maintain its stability for many years. No matter who you send it to, there is no insurance. If you go to that place and can't come back, it will also be a big loss to the flood. .

The Jade Emperor also knew the thoughts of the immortals, because this was indeed a difficult question. After a long time, the Jade Emperor looked at the crowd and said, "Let's discuss this matter later, Taibai, you can arrange for someone to monitor the place at that time. At the same time, no one is allowed to approach that place.”

Taibaijinxing responded respectfully when he heard it, and the Jade Emperor immediately announced the dispersal of the dynasty and left the Lingxiao Palace. Haotian in the Eternal God Realm did not know what happened in Honghuang, and he had already left at this time. Lingxiao Small World.

Not only him, Yun Yi, who was originally with Murong Wan'er, was also called over. When Yun Yi came to the outside of Lingxiao's small world, he was a little stunned, because there were a lot of strong people gathered here. By.

And looking at their costumes, these people are all from the four great families, the Shadow Building, the Shendan Master Guild, the Divine Artifact Master Guild, the Eternal Chamber of Commerce and the Tianyun Palace. Among them, there are 30 people from the God Emperor alone, and this does not include Yang Feng. With the others in, this made Yun Yi very puzzled. He didn't understand why such a big battle was dispatched?

Haotian on the side looked at the puzzled Yun Yi and walked over and said, "There's no need to be surprised, this time the purpose of gathering so many people is to destroy the Bao family, so you don't need to care."

Although Yun Yi was a little surprised when he heard it, he quickly recovered and said, "Master, I want to go with you."

Haotian heard the words and said directly: "If you want to go, you can, just come with me now, it's time for us to go."

Yun Yi immediately came to Haotian's side when he heard the words, and then a white cloud appeared at their feet, and slowly lifted them up to the sky, and then left Tianyun Prefecture City with the forces assembled by Tianyunfu and others. Head towards Sihaizhou City.

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