Prehistoric: My Jade Emperor Will Never Be a Puppet

Chapter 448: Siege of Bao's house

Sihai Prefecture City is not far from Tianyun Prefecture City. After crossing several teleportation formations in a row, everyone in Tianyun Mansion quickly came to a place not far from Sihai Prefecture City. After coming here, everyone hid themselves. The strength of the Bao family was about to be caught off guard, but the Bao family was not vigilant enough.

At this time, in the Bao family's mansion, Bao Yang, who had just returned, looked gloomy, because this time he really lost his face. Not only did he fail, but he was forced back by the other party. The most important thing is that after this incident, The Bao family and the Murong family were completely torn apart, but they didn't have any good plans yet.

After all, the relationship between the Murong family and the Feng family is not ordinary. This is why some powerful forces have not attacked the Murong family. It is because the other party has the support of the God Emperor family. Who dares to provoke them when they are full? And their Bao family doesn't have such a good backer.

snort! Suddenly Bao Yang snorted heavily, and then said to himself, "Even if I can't deal with the Murong family, can I still deal with your fellows in Tianyun Prefecture?"

Bao Fei, who had just walked in, heard some doubts and asked: "Is there a better way for the owner?"

Bao Yang sneered when he heard it: "Of course, since we can't get those things, naturally we can't make them feel better. I decided to find a trusted friend to personally go to the capital of the God's Domain to find the Jia family. How will they react when they know that the inheritance of Tiandanmen has been obtained?"

Bao Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "If this is the case, the Jia family will definitely send people to Tianyun Prefecture, and maybe there will be conflicts with these people, and there will never be their good fruits to eat. , we might even be able to get some benefits from the Jia family."

Bao Yang said with a smile: "You are right, you will arrange someone to go later, or you will go to the capital of God's Domain in person, and be sure to inform the Jia family of this matter."

Bao Fei heard the words and said, "Please don't worry, Patriarch, I will go to this matter in person. It just so happens that I have nothing to do recently."

"Then it's up to you to go in person," Bao Yang said directly after hearing Bao Fei's words.

Bao Fei responded, and when he was about to leave, an elder suddenly came over and said anxiously: "The family leader is in trouble, we found that there are many powerful **** emperors surrounding us here, not only among them There are people from the Murong family, and some we don't know."

Both Bao Fei and Bao Yang were shocked, but what did Bao Yang think of quickly? Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it! I didn't expect that they would actually do it directly. It must be a suggestion from that guy Murong Hui."

Bao Fei heard the words and said, "Then what should we do now, Patriarch?"

Bao Yang gritted his teeth and said: "You immediately leave the family's secret passage. Since they are here, they will definitely not let our Bao family go easily. I will arrange for some of the Bao family to leave Tongtong together and leave some blood for my Bao family. And you hurried to the capital of God's Domain with the fastest speed."

Although Bao Fei had some hesitations, he finally left here, because he knew that if he stayed, he couldn't help much, but he vowed to go to the capital of God's Domain and invite the Jia family to rush to Tianyun Prefecture. Don't let these people feel better.

And when Bao Fei was leaving, Bao Yang also arranged for some people to start moving, and he brought some other people to the outside of the Bao family's small world, preparing to fight against the Murong family and the people in Tianyun Prefecture. To stall for time, but he did not know that these were all useless efforts.

That is to say, Bao Fei left quickly, so he was not blocked. Those people who were transferred by Bao Yang were blocked by the people from Tianyuan Prefecture and Murong family who arrived later, and none of them were able to escape smoothly. It's just that Bao Yang at this time naturally didn't know this.

After coming out of the small world, Bao Yang looked at Murong Hui with an ugly face and said, "Murong Hui, you brought all the people from Yunzhou these days? Do you have to kill our Bao family?"

After hearing this, Murong Hui said: "No, I must be put to death, but you haven't made any good ideas from the beginning to the end, right? Even if we don't do it, you will probably send people to the capital of God's Domain to inform the Jia family. man, isn't it?"

Hearing Murong Hui's words, Bao Yang's face was extremely ugly, and Yang Feng and others knew that Bao Yang must have this plan when they saw that Bao Yang didn't speak. Completely disappeared, and made up his mind to destroy the Bao family, otherwise, they will only be unlucky behind.

And Bao Yang also knew that these people would not let their Bao family go, so he looked at the people behind him and shouted: "Children of the Bao family, these people are going to destroy our Bao family, we will talk to these people. Fight."

Everyone in the Bao family roared angrily when they heard it, and then rushed out. Although they were equally afraid of death and feared in their hearts, they also knew that if the other party insisted on destroying their Bao family, they would not be able to survive.

And Murong Hui, Yang Feng and others also rushed out with the powerful **** emperors under their command. Among them, Haotian took back Zhutian Qingyun who had originally lent it to Yun Yi, and then dragged the Haotian Mirror and Chaos Bell. , directly entangled the two peak **** king powerhouses.

And Yun Yi also entangled a peak powerhouse of the Bao family. As for the others, they also began to besiege the powerhouses of the Bao family. Because of their absolute advantage in numbers, the Bao family's people resisted very much. Difficulty, destruction is only a matter of time.

Such a big movement could not be concealed from the other forces in Sihai Prefecture City. Among them, in Sihai Prefecture City Mansion, a girl looked at the old man and said, "Grandpa, do we really need to intervene in the Bao family's affairs?"

After hearing this, the old man shook his head and said: "There is really no need to intervene in this matter, Murong boy has already greeted me, I will give this face no matter what, after all, the one from the Murong family has already married into the Feng family. Although it is often inconvenient to favor the Murong family, we cannot ignore it."

The girl nodded when she heard the words, but her eyes were still somewhat puzzled, the old man said patiently when he saw this scene: "Linglong, you must know that our Shui family can have today's development not hard-won, and the reputation of the Bao family is not easy. It's not good, Bao Yang's dead son's **** thing has also given us no reason to intervene, so we can only pretend not to see this matter."

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