Looking at Jia Youde sitting in the main seat, Bao Fei was a little nervous, because this is a veritable god-respected powerhouse. Although he is the elder of the Bao family, he has never seen a god-respected powerhouse. The powerhouses are gathered in the capitals of various gods, and it is difficult to see them in other places.

And these gods and powerhouses will basically not leave the capital of the gods, because the aura here is much higher than the aura of those state cities, so they naturally disdain to come to various state cities, even the **** emperor who was born in the capital of the gods. Divine King powerhouses are no exception, especially those young talents from the capital of the Divine Realm who are above the top.

There are not all such arrogant people in the capital of God’s Domain. There are still many people who are more rational. They will not look down on those from the state capital because they are from the capital of God’s Domain, because they know very well that those who come from the state will cultivate The conditions are far inferior to them, but they can still reach the same level as their own, which shows that their talent is definitely not bad. Such people can often go further, and they are not comparable to megalomaniacs.

It's just that it's hard to see such a person in the Jia family. This point has come all the way from Bao Fei. When those people learned about their ability, they could feel it with contempt in their eyes. Although they were very dissatisfied, But he didn't dare to vent, and he also hoped that the Jia family would teach those who killed the Bao family a hard lesson.

Fortunately, Jia Youde, who is the head of the family, does not have contempt in his eyes, but think about it, being able to become the head of the Shenzun family has long been able to hide his emotions perfectly. Even if the other party really has contempt, he will not show it. In the mood and tone, because this is not qualified.

Looking at Bao Fei, who was somewhat restrained, Jia Youde said indifferently: "You said that there is something important to report, what is it? I can tell you in advance that if this matter is important to our Jia family, the benefits will not be less for you. Yes, but if it's not important, it's to fool me, I'll make you regret coming into this world, I'll do what I say."

Bao Fei's heart shuddered when he heard the words, and then he hurriedly and respectfully cupped his hands and said: "Patriarch Jia, I absolutely dare not fool you. I wonder if you are interested in the ruins of Tiandanmen?"

Jia Youde tapped the handrail next to him rhythmically and said, "Listen to what you mean, is it possible that the ruins of Tiandanmen have been acquired by someone?"

Hearing this, Bao Fei continued flattering: "The Jia family is really amazing, the ruins of Tiandanmen have indeed been obtained, and there are survivors in Tiandanmen, an old man in white robes and a white cat, they He also followed that person and left the Tiandanmen ruins."

When Jia Youde heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly: "I didn't expect that there are still remnants of Tiandanmen. It seems that it was not cleaned up at the beginning, so you should stop filming the flattery, and talk about it. Who is the one who got the ruins?"

When Bao Fei heard it, he gritted his teeth and said, "That person's name is Yun Yi, and his master is Lin Hao. It is said that he has excellent skills in alchemy, and he is also an honorary guest of Tianyun Prefecture, as well as various members of Tianyun Prefecture. The first-class forces have maintained a very good relationship, and they also maintained a very good relationship with the Murong family. We originally planned to inform your Excellency about this matter, but who would have thought that they would join the major forces to destroy us. The Bao family, I am the only one who escaped from the entire Bao family, and I came here to report to the family master Jia, and also ask the family master Jia to be the master of our Bao family."

Jia Youde's eyes narrowed slightly after hearing this. Of course, he knew that Bao Fei was not telling the truth. It could be said that what he said was half-truth. It was true that the remains of Tiandanmen must have been taken away, and that person was just like Bao Fei. The name Fei said was Yun Yi, and his master and the people in Tianyun Prefecture could be sure that it was true. As for the fake, it was not that the Bao family wanted to inform them from the beginning, and even wanted to take it alone. The idea, but it was destroyed by the other party before it could be implemented, so he came to himself to sell miserably, and at the same time, he wanted to guide the Jia family to deal with those who destroyed the Bao family.

Thinking of this, Jia Youde glanced coldly at Bao Fei below, which made Bao Fei's heart tremble, because he felt that his trick was seen through by the Jia family master, but he didn't know what would happen to the other party?

Looking at Bao Fei, who was a little frightened, Jia Youde said lightly: "The information you provided did interest me a little bit, so let's just join my Jia family and become an elder of the Jia family from today onwards. What do you think of 100 million high-grade divine stones and a batch of cultivation resources?"

Seeing Jia Youde's unacceptable tone, Bao Fei knew very well that if he dared to refuse, he might not be able to go out alive at all. Therefore, he could only agree to this condition, and he had to pretend to be grateful.

Thinking of this, although Bao Fei was unwilling, he still pretended to be grateful and said, "Thanks to the Jia family for taking in. Bao Fei is very grateful, and he is willing to be loyal to the Jia family for the rest of his life."

Jia Youde nodded with satisfaction, and then waved his hand to signal to the person beside him to take him down. After Bao Fei left, Jia Youde sneered. Of course, he knew that Bao Fei was definitely not reconciled, and even wanted to ask for greater benefits, and Rebuild the Bao family with these benefits, but so what? Since the other party is here, don't think about going out. If you want to go out, it's not impossible, that is, going out as a corpse. The other party must also know this, so he pretends to be like this.

As for the issue of loyalty, he is not worried. He never really trusts people with foreign surnames. Those cultivation resources have their own means. Even if the other party can see it, I am afraid there is no way. Use it on the scalp, otherwise it will not end well.

After taking a slow sip of tea, Jia Youde said to the steward beside him: "You should call the decision-making elders in the family immediately, and those who have been healed in retreat do not need to call. Let them rush over as quickly as possible, just say I have something to discuss."

After hearing this, the housekeeper responded and left here. Somewhere in the Jia family's small world, Bao Fei looked at the ring with 100 million high-grade divine stones and cultivation resources stored in his hand with a face full of unwillingness, because he knew that Once he used these things, he completely became a subordinate of the Jia family, and it was difficult to have the day of freedom, but now he has no choice at all, he can only choose to join, and after putting away the ring, Bao Fei He rushed to the mansion prepared for himself.

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