Haotian, who was far away in Tianyun Prefecture, didn't know that Bao Fei had entered Jia's house. At this time, Haotian had brought everyone to the entrance of the auction. A guard of the auction saw it and said respectfully: "Young Master Lin is here, the box is ready, please come in."

Haotian nodded slightly, and then led everyone into the exclusive VIP channel, and everyone who could only enter the normal channel was envious, but it was just envy, their financial resources were simply not enough to support them in the VIP channel, only Can honestly walk the normal passage, not even a box.

Because the boxes here are at least prepared for God Kings who have enough financial resources. People below the God King are not qualified to come in. Of course, if they have enough financial resources, it is another matter. No one will be difficult with God Stone. Even if you are just a god, you can come in. If you don't have enough money, you are a **** king.

And there are a lot of people who enter the VIP channel like Haotian. Among them, there is no shortage of God King powerhouses, and there are also some powerhouses at the God Emperor level. Of course, there are also some powerful God Sovereign powerhouses who have enough financial resources to enter the VIP channel. Most of them It was entered on behalf of some forces.

In this way, as more and more people came, the people outside the small world of the Eternal Chamber of Commerce auction became more and more busy, but all of this had nothing to do with Haotian. On the third floor on the top floor, there are independent boxes here, not only the entire box is very delicate, but also has independent prohibitions and formations. Without the permission of the owner of the box, there is only one dead word.

At the same time, the configuration in the box is also very good. All kinds of melons, fruits, tea, and drinks are available. Especially in the box on the top floor, you can see the situation of the box on the second floor. As for the people on the first floor, you can see it all On the contrary, the people in the boxes on the first and second floors cannot see the situation on the third floor, which is also one of the advantages of the boxes on the third floor.

Different from the box of Tianlei City, the box of Tianyunzhou City is full of spiritual energy, far beyond the box of Tianlei City. Although the benefits are not that great, there are still some benefits.

And the whole box is also very spacious, even if so many people come in, it will not look crowded. After tasting a cup of tea and eating a melon and fruit, Haotian quietly began to wait for the start of the eternal auction.

And the auction did not make everyone wait long. After a while, a girl who looked like a fairy appeared here, and Haotian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he saw it.

Yao Chi on the side said with a bit of jealousy: "What's wrong with Haotian? Do you think this girl is pretty? Do you want to bring her back?"

Nuwa on the side was also a little jealous, Haotian, who knew the second daughter's jealousy, said with a smile: "You must have misunderstood me, I laughed because the Eternal Auction seems to like to use beautiful women to attract people's attention first, and then Another auction."

As soon as these words came out, Yaochi and Nuwa were slightly stunned, but after thinking about it, this was the case, so I didn't pursue any further investigations, and the fairy-like girl below introduced herself: "Every guest. Good! All the guests present may or may not know me, so let me introduce myself. My name is Ziqian. Those who are familiar with me may be familiar with me, and those who are not familiar with me will be familiar with me in the future."

After the words fell, Zi Qian smiled. Many guests who were familiar with Zi Qian were fascinated by this smile, but most of them were only on the first floor. The people in the boxes on the second and third floors were still very determined. Strong, although Zi Qian's face is beautiful, it is not enough to make them mess up.

Seeing the fascinated appearance of many guests on the first floor, Zi Qian didn't say anything, but let someone take out the first auction item, and this auction item was a piece of icy coldness. A breath of ice longbow.

I saw Zi Qian's familiar introduction: "Everyone, this longbow is called the Ice Soul Bow. At the same time, release the icy energy. If the powerhouse of the same level does not have good defense means, they will be attacked by the icy qi. The lighter ones will move slowly, and the severe ones will be directly invaded by the icy qi and injured. The starting price is 600,000. For the **** stone, the price increase shall not be less than 10,000 medium-grade **** stone each time."

As soon as these words came out, many people became interested, but they were only people on the first floor, but even so, it was foreseeable that this long knife could be sold for a good price.

After a while, a middle-aged man raised a sign and said, "I've got 650,000 mid-grade divine stones, and I must get this ice soul knife."

"I want to get it for only 650,000, and I will give out 700,000 of the mid-grade divine stone," said a man with a scar on his face coldly.

After hearing this, a stern young man said, "I will produce 1 million middle-grade divine stones."

The auction room was quiet for a while, after all, a one-time increase of 300,000 is really rare, but the price of this knife is not more than 1 million, so someone joined it soon, and I saw an old man saying with a mature face: "Old man 1.2 million mid-grade divine stones were produced."

"I'll pay 1.3 million," another young man said with a lazy expression.

The big man with a knife scar on his face gritted his teeth and said, "I will buy the 1.5 million mid-grade divine stone."

Many people hesitated when this remark came out, not because they were afraid of the big man, but because the price of this knife was obviously a bit higher. Under normal circumstances, the price of this ice soul bow should be around 1.2 million, even if this bow The icy aura of his is a bit special, it will not exceed 1.4 million to death, and 1.5 million is already more than 100,000 more than this base, so many people choose to give up.

And Zi Qian said directly after seeing it: "This gentleman bid 1.5 million, is there any higher?"

The cold young man said directly: "I have produced 1.8 million mid-grade divine stones."

As soon as these words came out, many people on the first floor took a deep breath. The previous bid of 1.5 million had shocked many people. Unexpectedly, this seemingly inconspicuous young man actually added another 300,000. Is such a bow worth it? "

Many people on the first floor are wondering whether this bow is worth it? However, Haotian, who was in the box, felt that the icy energy of this bow was not simple. If this icy energy could be refined smoothly, the power could be multiplied several times, and even the rank could be advanced to the best. , In this way, this young man's vision is indeed extraordinary, but he doesn't care. After all, the person who can come here is definitely not the only one with extraordinary vision.

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