After Zhen Yuanzi left, Haotian looked at Laozi again and said, "What is the overall situation of the human race now?"

Laozi heard the words and said: "Except for some of the innate humans who stayed in the immortal world, most of the human races have separated from the three worlds of heaven, earth and human, and have been dispersed to all parts of the prehistoric universe, but their physique is much worse than that of the innate human race. You can tell by looking at it with the Haotian Mirror."

Haotian did not hesitate after hearing it, and with a casual move, the Haotian Mirror appeared in his hand, and then the situation about the human race in the prehistoric universe was displayed in the Lingxiao Palace.

Compared with the innate human race who are still specializing in the Golden Elixir Avenue and the Immortal Dao, these human races who were born after Haotian left, as well as some of the human races who migrated to the prehistoric universe have given up the Golden Elixir Avenue and the Immortal Dao, and have instead embarked on A road of science and technology, you can see from the picture, originally only the powerhouse of the fairy level can cross the starry sky, but the human race who has embarked on the road of science and technology can also do this with some equipment.

More importantly, with the rapid development of human technology for so many years, the human race in the prehistoric universe can even destroy the sky and destroy the earth with some equipment, although this kind of destroying the sky and destroying the earth is far from being on a par with the methods of the saints, after all, the destruction of the saints. The destruction of the world is enough to cause the floods to be severely damaged, and the so-called destruction of the world by the human race is just to destroy a planet, but even this is enough to make people feel a little surprised.

But it's just a surprise. Even if there are even people in the human race who can destroy the planet by themselves, it's no big deal. At least the heaven can do this by picking out a heavenly soldier at will, not to mention that the human races of these prehistoric universes are very longevity. It is short-lived. Although some of the lifespan can be extended through some technology, there is still a day when you will grow old.

In contrast, although the human race stranded in the immortal world is not as diverse as the human race in the universe, but after the arrival of Haotian, they got a hand of rain and dew, so that the human race in many immortal worlds have become immortals, although only It is only the lowest level of human beings and immortals, but it can still be improved quickly.

At least once Honghuang is merged into the Eternal God Realm, these people will be promoted to Xuanxian, or even Jinxian, under the sublimation of the Eternal God Realm. talk.

After putting away the Haotian mirror again, Haotian looked at Taibaijinxing on the side and said: "The road of technology that this human race has taken is somewhat interesting, and maybe it can even inspire my heaven, you arrange for someone to go for a walk first. Come, find out the specific situation of the human race in the prehistoric universe, it is best to find a way to bring some objects back to the heaven, let our people strengthen or even transform these things, maybe it can strengthen the combat power of my heaven army."

Taibaijinxing responded respectfully when he heard the words, and then withdrew from the Lingxiao Palace, preparing to arrange for someone to find out the specific situation of the human race in the prehistoric universe, and Lao Tzu and others also retreated. After all, more benefits have been obtained, and they should also Strengthen the strength of their respective sects.

Haotian's sentence that Da Luo is not as good as a dog's quasi-sage walking all over the place is not a big shock to them, so they must improve their strength as soon as possible.

And not long after they left, Yao Chi and the others also walked in, looking at Murong Wan'er who was standing beside Yun Yi and looked around, Haotian suddenly chuckled and said, "Look at my memory, I'm busy. After so many years, I forgot to prepare for your wedding with Yi’er, and when I return to the Eternal God Realm this time, I will personally go to the Murong family and try to hold this wedding as soon as possible.”

Murong Wan'er, who was still visiting the Lingxiao Palace, was suddenly flushed, and even Yun Yi's face was slightly flushed. Obviously, she did not expect Haotian to suddenly say such a sentence, causing them to be caught off guard.

Looking at Yun Yi and Murong Wan'er who were embarrassed, Haotian took out a storage ring and handed it to Murong Wan'er, "I gave you the training resources in this ring for Yi'er, and it is enough for you to practice. When you reach the peak of the emperor, you can accept it."

"Thank you, senior," Murong Wan'er said as she took down the ring with a blushing face.

Haotian smiled when he heard the words, and then arranged for someone to bring the Dugu and Lingfeng brothers and sisters to find a palace to live in, and Haochen seemed to have changed his original temperament and did not wander around. He was very satisfied with preparing for a breakthrough in ascetic cultivation.

As for Yaochi and Nuwa, they also left one after another. After all, they haven't returned to Yaochi and Nuwa's palace for a long time. The second daughter had to go back to see and prepare some things. After the second daughter left, Haotian teleported directly to Pan Taoyuan.

Looking at the vibrant Peach Tree, Haotian directly took out a part of the Holy Water of Hongmeng found in the Primordial Treasure and poured it on the Peach Tree, and then exchanged the huge amount of Divine Stones into system exchange points, which were used to improve the Peach Tree's power. The level has made the level of the peach tree become the original Chaos Spirit Root, and it has been upgraded to the level of the Hongmeng Spirit Root.

Although it is only a one-level upgrade, the value is not the same. If nothing else, it is just the 3,000-year-old peach. If people under Daluo take it, they can instantly realize the way of quasi-sage. At that time, as long as there is an innate spiritual treasure, you can directly cut off the three corpses and achieve the quasi-holy realm.

As for the 6,000-year-old Pantao, if it is taken by a quasi-sage powerhouse, it can forcibly raise the realm to the Hunyuan Daluojinxian without the slightest side effect. Luo Jinxian, and although the peaches from the mother tree are only 60 in 20,000 years, it is enough to increase the strength of a person to the immortal and immortal Da Luo Jinxian of Hunyuan, which is equivalent to the realm of the gods of the Eternal God Realm.

Looking at the fully sublimated Pantao Garden, Haotian said to the Pantaoyuan land on the side: "You can pick some Pantao Garden for food, you are now at the peak of the quasi-sage, you can first pick a 6000-year-old one to break through the chaos. Yuan, after stabilizing the realm, pick the 9,000-year-old ones to make you break through to the boundless realm of Primordial Yuan, and then I will reward you with a mother tree peach to make you break through to a higher realm."

Pan Taoyuan Land heard the words excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your generous gift."

Haotian waved his hand slightly and said, "You have worked so hard to guard the Pantao Garden for so many years. These are all things you deserve. Besides, the sublimated Pantao Garden also needs a strong guard to guard it, so you still have to stay here."

Pan Taoyuan Land heard the words and nodded, then watched Haotian leave, and then couldn't wait to step on a 6000-year-old peach, and then felt that his cultivation was actually rising, and he was about to take it. Breaking through the barrier of Primordial Yuan, feeling the cultivation base in the body, the land did not dare to wait too long and directly returned to the mansion to prepare for retreat.

On the other side, Haotian also used up all the Hongmeng holy water in his hand, so that Huang Zhongli and other spiritual roots were all raised to the level of Hongmeng spiritual roots, and then returned to Yaochi Wonderland to accompany Yaochi.

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