A hundred years has passed by in a blink of an eye for everyone in Honghuang. During this hundred years, Haotian also absorbed and transformed all the remaining divine power into its own strength, thus successfully raising its realm to the peak of the **** emperor.

After completing the improvement of the realm, Haotian took out a lot of harvests, and improved the comprehensive strength of Tianting regardless of the cost, and the effect was obvious. With the help of massive cultivation resources, Taibaijinxing and others cultivated It can be described as a thousand miles in a day, all of which have been promoted to the peak of Luo Jinxian, the Profound Primordial Yuan.

The same is true for the army of Heavenly Court. There are tens of millions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, including Daluo Jinxian, and among them, the heavenly generals are all quasi-sage powerhouses, but the number is still too small for Haotian, because Haotian Heaven is very clear.

If the tens of millions of Daluo Jinxian were replaced by the previous Great Luo Jinxian, without the sage's action, they could have destroyed the flood countless times. Even the Honghuang Sage faced such a large number of Daluo Jinxian, his scalp would be numb, but in eternity The power of the God Realm can only be regarded as ordinary.

At this time, in a corridor of Heavenly Court, Haotian looked at Taibaijinxing on the side and said: "This number is still too small, you are arranging people, at least 100 million people must be recruited, I will allocate another batch. Cultivation resources, and strive to make their average strength reach the quasi-saint level."

Taibaijinxing said with a wry smile: "Your Majesty is not an old minister who doesn't do his best, and the only people who can be called elite in the Great Desolate Heaven are my heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, but until you left, the number of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals has been maintained at around ten million people. , although there are quite a few reserves, they add up to only tens of millions of people, and your Majesty, you want to expand your army, and the first step will be hundreds of millions of people, it is really impossible to find."

Haotian didn't speak when he heard the words, and he knew very well that Taibaijinxing did his best. After all, not everyone in Honghuang has a good aptitude. Before he left Honghuang, the qualifications to reach Daluo Jinxian were not bad. However, many people are stuck in Taiyi or even Jinxian all their lives. Such people's talent is definitely not much better, and even if they forcibly improve their strength, they may not be able to reach Daluo Jinxian.

Thinking of this, Haotian sighed and said: "I know you have tried your best, but it's best to find a way to recruit more people for this kind of thing, resources are not a problem, I still have a lot here, but also be careful not to let anyone All recruits, what I need is an elite with a hundred battles, not an army that has always been excellent."

Taibaijinxing nodded slightly, but then couldn't help saying: "Even if we do our best, even if we choose from the major affiliated forces, I am afraid we can only recruit hundreds of millions of people, and the rest is probably only going to the underground to say the eternal god. recruited."

Haotian nodded slightly and said: "As long as you can recruit these people, it's enough. Let's go to the Eternal God Realm for the rest. Let's go to Yaochi first. It is estimated that those people are almost there."

Taibaijinxing responded respectfully, and then followed Haotian to the Yaochi fairyland, and just as Haotian thought, when a hundred years came, the major forces of Honghuang gathered in the heaven one after another, including the former Lord of Heaven. Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi and others.

It is worth mentioning that since the Lich War, Chang Xi, who had been sleeping in the ancient stars, was found and awakened by the resurrected Xi He after Haotian left. He has lost control of the heavenly court over the demon clan. Chang Xi was not surprised. After all, she had already guessed it after the outbreak of the Lich War. Otherwise, she would not be living in seclusion in the ancient stars, and she just didn't want to get involved in the demon clan. It was just that Xihe woke up Chang Xi after his resurrection. Countless years of sisterhood also made Chang Xi return to the demon clan, but the sense of existence is very low.

In addition to the demon clan who have arrived in Yaochi, the witch clan also came here, but at this time, the two lich clans no longer had the situation of fighting each other as soon as they met. After all, they also understood that they were just abandoned sons. The purpose is just to let the people come to power.

Although this status is not good, they can only slowly accept it as time goes by. In fact, it is not enough to not accept it, whether it is Nuwa or the rest of the Martial Saints, or the Heavenly Court headed by Haotian and others. He is a staunch supporter of the human race, and the luck and various benefits of the human race are also obtained by these forces, and naturally no one will be allowed to turn the table.

Not to mention the two lich clans, there are other forces gathered in the huge Yaochi fairyland, but it can be seen that these are divided into circles, each has its own circle, and even some relationships are very bad.

Before Haotian's return, this was the scene that Heavenly Court most wanted to see. After all, after Haotian left, Heavenly Court's top combat power had some discounts, and it could only rely on the support of Jade Emperor and others, although it still had a lot of deterrence Power, but obviously not comparable to when Haotian was there.

But now it's very different. With the return of Haotian, it doesn't matter even if these forces report to the group. What's more, the benefits brought by Haotian also make these old-fashioned forces unable to raise their minds to resist the heavenly court. After all, there are benefits. Who's brainstorming to rebel? What's more, Haotian doesn't care about these benefits, which proves that there must be better ones. Only a fool would fight against Heavenly Court in this situation.

And just when the forces in the circles were talking to each other, the auspicious auspiciousness outside the Yaochi fairy appeared, the golden flowers fell like rain, and the golden dragon made an excited sound, and then I saw the eight scenery luanyu of Haotian. Appearing outside the fairyland of Yaochi, and surrounded by nine golden dragons of luck, the golden dragon guards looked sacred around Haotian.

After seeing this scene, the major forces respectfully greeted Haotian, and Haotian also walked down Bajing Luanyu and came here, and looked at everyone with a smile and said: "It seems that I am the last one to arrive, this Pan Tao Conference invites There is one thing to inform you when you come here, but before that, you can taste the new peaches."

After the words fell, everyone came to their respective positions and waited. At the same time, they were also a little curious about what was the difference between this new Pantao? But soon, a famous female fairy brought up the picked peaches and divided them according to the strength of the people attending the banquet and the grades of the immortals in the heavenly court.

Sitting in front, Lao Tzu looked at the mother tree Pantao in front of him and was greatly surprised, because the spiritual power contained in this Pantao was very strong. Rao was unable to see through the depth of this Pantao because of his own cultivation base, the peak of Luo Jinxian. Lao Tzu is not surprised.

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