Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 125: Birding fun

    A ray of sunlight cast a golden light from the sky of Jiuxue. An'er cherished this rare snow stop time, and let the sea shark sweep out an open space in the open space in front of the village, and brought a few nearby children to catch birds on the snow.

    Before crossing, she accidentally turned to a Chinese book three hundred years ago, and saw a scene, saying that it was a long snow and a clear sky, and the birds had nowhere to find food. Sometimes I sweep out a clearing in the snow, sprinkle some millet or something, and use a shallow bamboo basket to catch birds.

    Before, the post-apocalyptic climate did not allow her to try. After all, she was an eighteen-year-old girl with a childlike innocence. As soon as she saw the thick snow, she remembered the episode of catching birds in the snow—try to see if it can be done, if not, it will be a game; if it is, there will be fresh prey for dinner .

    An'er asked Daer to go to the warehouse to fetch a wide-mouthed shallow bamboo basket, he broke a wooden stick from the tree, and tied a long thin vine to the bottom.

    "An'er, didn't you say you want to take us to hunt birds? What do you want a basket and sticks for?" Yingxue curiously watched An'er busy in the open space, a little confused asked in understanding.

    An'er looked at the confused faces and pretended to be mysterious: "You will know in a while!"

    She tried to prop up the bamboo basket with wooden sticks, sprinkled some corn husks in it, tidied up the rope, and held it in her own hands. And let the children retreat to a far place, squatting in the snowdrifts, and told them not to make a sound. She stepped on a place on the snow where she could squat, with a look of excitement, but she didn't care about the cold.

    Sure enough, the birds in the forest couldn't wait to find food when the rare snow stopped. Gray turtledoves, pheasants with colorful feathers, and many bright colors. Unknown bird...

    They hovered in mid-air for a while, then tentatively approached the millet under the bamboo basket, and when you thought it seemed like it was going to walk into the trap, they backed back alertly. Da'er, Xiaoxue, Kong Kong, who was squatting with An'er, and Yingxiu, who was awkward but full of curiosity, were scratching their heads in a hurry. Dar'er's little friend whispered in a low voice: "Go in, hurry up and eat! The corn is delicious..."

    An'er couldn't help laughing. She covered her mouth with her cold hands and smirked.

    "In, in! Quick, quick—" Da'er suddenly and eagerly pulled An'er's clothes. The monkey was anxious but did not dare to let out his voice, his face flushed with excitement.

    "You guys, what are you doing squatting in the snow!" Atu said loudly. The bird that finally got under the bamboo basket was startled and fled away.

      Birds! It's all you. Early or late, scares my birds away!"

    A Tu saw everyone staring at him with resentment, and touched his nose embarrassingly, not knowing why he became angry. It was Yingshuo who was usually close to him, and explained to him the idea of ​​An'er taking the children to hunt birds in the snow.

    A Tuyi listen. Immediately excited, he shouted: "You guys are too boring, such a fun thing. You didn't bring me one! No, I'll come too! Count me in!"

    An'er rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "We have enough people here, so don't mix it up. If you want to play, go to the warehouse with Xiaohu and Yingshu to get a basket for yourself. Go play!"

    Speaking. Then he greeted the children to squat down. In order to keep warm, she put the little Darl in her arms. Feel the heat radiating from him. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Ah Tu muttered in a low voice, "Just play by yourself. I'm such a good hunter, can I still beat you women and children? Shhh, let's go! Let's also get a basket to catch birds."

     Sending away the **** of plague, An'er's plan to catch birds was not so smooth. The birds in the mountains are all fine. Sometimes they just fled as soon as the rope was moved; sometimes they just lingered around the basket, pecking at the corn and then exiting alertly... After tossing for a long time, the basket was still empty, and the corn wasted a lot.

    An'er was a little discouraged, but she also figured out a set of tricks for catching birds: fasten the rope, wait for the bird to reach the depth of the basket and then pull the rope, and sprinkle a little corn husks inside... After paying attention to this, as expected, when a fat pheasant poked his head into the bamboo basket to eat millet, she suddenly pulled the rope and the bamboo basket was covered. The chicken fluttered its wings inside, becoming a turtle in a urn, a bird in a cage...

    It wasn't until the evening, when the sky was covered with dark clouds again, that An'er and the others returned to their respective homes with no end in sight. There was a lot of harvest in the afternoon. The pheasants and pheasants caught five or six birds. Small birds such as quails and sparrows usually came in groups. When they caught, there were several birds, tied together with ropes, at least thirty or forty birds. only! Not only that, they were lucky enough to catch a huge turkey-like bird the size of an adult eagle, weighing at least a dozen pounds.

    An'er gave Xiaoxue and Kongkong, two pheasants and ten little sparrows for each of them, and Daer and himself took the spoils and entered the warm room. At this time, Abu, who had been busy helping the clansman Qingxue all afternoon, had just returned home and was asking Ming where they had gone.

    At this time, An'er pushed the door and came in, full of chills, but very excited. Da'er was carrying a bunch of small birds, and bellowed ostentatiously: "Dad, Ming! Look at the birds we caught! Ann, take what we caught, Kong Kong and Xiaoxue also got a lot! Dad, Ann said. Make us fried quail tonight!"

    Abu took the prey from An'er's hand, warmed her hand, which was as cold as ice, in his big palm, and said softly, "If you want to eat a bird, tell me, I'll just go and catch it. I've been squatting in the snow for half a day, what should I do if it freezes?"

    An'er laughed dryly, and then she felt cold from the head to the heels, and fought several cold wars in a row. Seeing this, Abu hurriedly carried her onto the warm kang, took off her fur boots, and the animal skin coat that was cold outside, and wrapped her tightly with the hot bearskin quilt. Seeing her feet, they were flushed red from the cold, and she rubbed them with her hands in distress, holding them in the palms of her hands. Sure enough, he is a super good man that is rare in a thousand years!

    Ming also carried Da Er onto the kang, took the prey by himself, and went to the outside to clean up. Dart squeezed into An'er's arms, still chatting to himself about the fun of catching birds in the snow, and embarrassing Ah Tu and Ying Huo.

    It turned out that when they were allocating prey to Yingxue, they saw Yingxiu who came to pick up his sister, holding a dead prey in his hand, with an arrow hole on it and blood dripping down Woolen cloth. After his explanation, he realized that the three teenagers were impatient, and finally gave up using bamboo baskets to catch birds, but took up bows and arrows and used the birds as targets for practice...


    Da Er learned A Tu's tone and expression vividly, and then rolled on the kang laughing. An'er took the opportunity to rub his armpit, the little guy's laughter was even louder, he rolled around on the wide kang, dodging An'er's "sneak attack", and he even stretched out his small paws to give An'er a counterattack.

    In the evening, An'er used the pheasants and quails she just caught to make "beggar chickens" and "crispy quails" for a few greedy cats at home.

      Get up and stuff it into the hearth. Da'er said strangely: "The fire in the hearth is so strong, won't the pheasants be roasted?"



    An'er sighed softly, reminiscing about the rare snowy and sunny afternoon in the afternoon, and the movement of cooking in her hands did not stop.

    The practice of "crispy quail" is a bit cumbersome. After the quails are cleaned and cleaned, they must first be loosened with a knife - this step, of course, does not need to be done by her. Then put it into a small clay pot, add a few kinds of seasonings, rub it well, and marinate for about half an hour to taste. Then steam it in a drawer, drain the soup and seasoning residue, and then sprinkle the remaining corn flour evenly on the quail, and dip it evenly.


    Da Er, who was anxious, smelled the fragrance of fried quail, and his saliva was drooling. I can't wait to take one from the plate, my hands are so hot that I scream, but I still can't bear to let go.

    He took a light bite, and suddenly felt his teeth and cheeks fragrant. The dried quail was fragrant and crisp, and the meat was so rotten and fragrant that he almost swallowed his tongue in his stomach. He killed a quail in three or two bites, and even the fried bones were chewed up and swallowed into his stomach.

    The little guy couldn't stop, he stretched out his little paw and took the second one, but An'er patted it back: "When I cook the egg drop soup, the beggar chicken should be ready, too. Time to eat together!"

    Da Er smiled embarrassedly, and said, "The quail is so delicious, and its size is small, it can be used as a snack, and it doesn't take up much space."

    An'er rolled his eyes at him, and said to herself, "There are only a dozen quails, and you may not be able to fill your stomach if you eat them. Can others try it?"

    Fortunately, the "beggar chicken" is coming out soon, the crispy and delicious quail, golden and bright, the meat is tender and soft, the beggar chicken with strong fragrance, plus the light seaweed egg flower The soup, the Abu family's mouth was full of oil.

    After the winter, An'er always changed the way to make them good food. It's only been ten days, and everyone has some flesh on their faces. I don't know what it will look like in the spring...

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