Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 126: Hatsuharu Hisayuki

    The second snow of this year has lasted for a month and a half. According to Abu, the second snow in previous years was only a month long, and most of them lasted for twenty-five or six days. This year, however, it has nearly doubled. Moreover, the thickness of the frozen river water has also increased compared with previous years, indicating that the temperature this winter will be much colder.

    Speaking of this, Abu sighed endlessly: this winter is likely to be extended. As a result, I don't know how many tribes people starved to death due to lack of food! If there is no An'er, I am afraid that their tribe will not escape bad luck...

    An'er leaned on her man's arms, looked through the window at the falling snow, and listened to his remarks about the struggle of the tribe to survive in previous winters, feeling a little distressed in her heart. Abu, who has taken up the livelihood of a tribe at a young age, seems to have seen a handsome and thin teenager looking at the falling snowflakes from the sky when the snow fell last winter, and she was so sad for the tribe appearance.

     "Don't worry, our tribe has a lot of food, even if the winter is extended for a month, the tribe will not be hungry!" An'er patted her man's big hand, and kept comforting on. However, I can only hold on for one more month. If it is longer, I am afraid that I will also face the situation of starvation. An'er gritted her teeth. If that was the case, she would take out the seeds stored in the warehouse to feed her hunger. As long as people were there, it wouldn't matter if she postponed her farming and animal husbandry for a year.

    Abu saw the delicate and tender white face of the little woman in his arms, covered with sadness, and hurriedly comforted her: "Don't worry! There has never been a winter that can be delayed for a month, even if the food is tight , I won't let you go hungry either..."

    An'er buried her little face in her man's warm and broad chest, an inexplicable sense of security enveloped her. My heart is full of emotion.

    "It's sunny!! The sun is out! The second snow is over!" There was a burst of human voices outside, and the voice was full of extreme joy. That voice is like a river, the more it gathers, the louder it becomes louder and louder, and finally it converges into a vast ocean...

    An'er, who was snuggled in the man's warm embrace, got out in a daze, rubbed her eyes, opened the animal skin curtain and looked out. Sure enough, the sky was bright, and the long-lost sun broke through the clouds. Spread sunshine and hope to all things on earth with fraternity.

    Da'er rushed out of the east wing and stabbed into An'er and Abu's room. Cheering loudly: "Dad, Ann, it's sunny! The second snow is over!"

    It turned out that in prehistoric winter, there were generally three snowfalls. The first snow is not big and the duration is short, like a rehearsal of winter, tell everyone - winter is coming, hurry up and prepare for cat winter! The second snow usually lasts for twenty days. The amount of snow is large and the temperature is low, for the tribesmen of the primitive tribes. is a big test. After the second snow, there will be a sunny buffer for a month, and then the third snow.

    The third snow generally lasts longer, but the amount of snow is not large, and some animals will come out for food at this time. Some tribes lacking food will also take advantage of the gap between two snows. And the early days of the third snow, come out hunting. However, at this time, the beasts were all starving and red-eyed, and they appeared in groups, which were very ferocious. In addition, after being hungry for so many days, the fat stored in autumn has been used up, and the body is completely skinny, so it is not the best time to hunt.

    An'er followed the excited Abu and went out the door. Sure enough, the dark clouds in the sky had already dissipated, revealing a clear blue sky. The sun shines directly on the ground without any hindrance, and shines on the snow, making it eye-catching. The sun shines on people, warm and comfortable.

    An'er closed her eyes, enjoying the long-lost warmth, and on her small face, which was illuminated by the sun, a smile that made Dongyang inferior. The sun was shining warmly, and the black animal skin coat on his body was absorbing the sunlight. If he didn't open his eyes, it would make people think that spring had come early.

    The people in the village walked out of the house, stepped on the thigh-deep snow, and danced and cheered in the sun. For primitive people, to survive the second snow is to survive half the winter, which is indeed something to celebrate.

    At noon, the sun was stronger, the temperature rose, and the surrounding snow began to melt. The people of the Atayal tribe, in the open space in front of the cave, cleared a piece of snow, singing and dancing in the sunshine like a festival celebration. The laughter shook the mountains and forests, startling a few foraging birds, those smiling faces with sincere joy...

    The cat was on the kang and did not go out on a snowy day. He solemnly wore a feathered hat on his head, and his neck and wrists were also wrapped with colorful bones, stones and feathers. He held a bone staff in his hand, and his arms shot up into the air, staring directly at the dazzling sun, with an ancient language in his mouth, as if performing a solemn ceremony.

    After the revelry, An'er moved a chair and basked in the sun lazily in the yard that had been cleaned of snow. She hasn't seen the sun for a month and a half, and she feels like mold is about to grow on her body. Seeing Ming taking out the animal skins in the house to dry, she stretched her waist like a lazy cat, and stopped: "The snow has just started to melt, and the moisture concentration in the air has increased, so it is not suitable for drying."

    Indeed, the animal skin will absorb moisture when exposed to moist air. In this way, the drying effect will not be achieved.

    Ming listened to her words, and silently hugged the animal skin back again, and then took out the herbs she had collected before to ventilate it.

    The good weather will continue. The sun seemed to take out the energy that had been accumulated for more than a month and spread the heat. After four or five days, the snow accumulated on the ground has almost melted. It was fine at night, the temperature was low, and the snow-soaked ground was frozen, and it was hard to step on. But after the sun comes out, especially in the afternoon, when you step on it, your foot sinks into the deep, and when you lift your foot, it will bring up heavy mud.

      In the past 20 days, An'er has already knitted the sweaters of men big and small in the family and her own sweaters. With the remaining thread, each person knitted a pair of rabbit fur socks. Every time the little guy Darle went out, he would come back with yellow mud dripping from his legs, and the snow-white socks were so ruined that the original color could not be seen. An'er looked distressed and had a headache.

    She decided to help her family get a pair of hair nests for going out. Maowo is the 1980s. The most common kind of shoes made of reed flowers and grass ropes in rural snow days. The bottom is made of wood in order to prevent moisture, and it is very high. It is similar to the bottom of the flower pot worn by the women of the Qing Dynasty. When it snows, as long as the snow is not deep, it will not wet the feet. However, the hair nest also has a fatal disadvantage, that is, the foundation is too high, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of slipping your feet and falling.

    However. In order to keep her feet dry when going out, she decided to make two pairs to try first. She asked Abu to help her get a few pieces of wood and cut them into an inverted "concave" shape with a dagger. It is used to make a wooden base, with a circle of eyes on the edge, and then weaving it with reed flowers and cattails.

    In the beginning, she made up. Dismantled, not satisfied with anything. Gradually, she mastered the method of weaving and gradually became proficient. I saw a pair of small snow-white hands, weaving up and down on the wooden bottom on the knees. That movement, that demeanor, is as graceful as a palm dance...

    The first thing she tried to weave was Daer's small hair nest, and soon a pair of deep and round hair nests were born in her dexterous hands. She cut another piece of rabbit leather insole. Put it in the hair nest and put your palm in it, it's very warm!

    At this time, Daer brought two yellow mud feet in and took off his shoes. To climb up to the kang. An'er glanced at his muddy feet with disgust, and took off his socks that couldn't see the color. He dipped the hot water on the cloth again, wiped his little feet clean, and then patted his little buttocks and said, "Okay, you can go up!"

    Following Da'er to play with the little mammoth outside all morning, she saw An'er excitedly hug her sagging calf beside the kang with her two front legs covered in yellow mud. Immediately, An'er's light-colored snow wolf leather pants were stained with dazzling mud marks. An'er was so angry that she wanted to hit the culprit who ruined one of her favorite pants with a stick. Da'er hurriedly hugged her arm and shouted, "Xiao Meng, run!"

      On the flutter, the yellow mud on the hoofs is everywhere on the edge of the kang.

    Ann was completely speechless…

    Seeing that she had no intention of punishing the baby elephant, Da'er let go of the hand holding her arm, pointed to the small hair nest on the kang table, and asked, "What is this? It's very strange. It feels like straw sandals, no! Straw sandals don't have such a high bottom... Judging from the size, they should be made for me? Ann, is this for me?"

    An'er nodded, picked up his little feet, overturned Da'er on the kang, picked up a hair nest to help him put it on, and said: "This is called a wooden bottom hair nest, it is It is worn when it rains or snows in winter. Wearing this is not easy to get your feet and socks wet! There is also a riddle about the wood bottom fur nest: 'It looks like a bridge from a distance, but it looks like a cat from a distance. Run with people!'"

    "Wooden bottom fur nest? Hey! This bottom really looks like a bridge, the top is round and fluffy, it really looks like a cat! The fur nest is worn on the feet , didn't you run with people on your back? An'er, your riddle is too vivid!" Da'er stepped on the wooden bottom of the hair nest, walked a few steps on the kang, and almost fell without standing.

    An'er saw the drawbacks of the wooden sole and asked him to take it off. On the front wooden sole, he cut a **** down, like a shoe with a sponge sole, with an arc in front of the sole. . Da'er put it on again and walked a few steps. It was much easier than before. He stepped on the hair nest and practiced walking in the house, while An'er continued to sit down and weave her own hair nest. In the evening, the big and the small, they stepped on the hair nests and showed off everywhere.

    Don't mention it, after having this hair nest, An'er feels much more convenient to go out. Da'er also paid a lot of attention to walking because he stepped on the high-bottomed hair nest, and would not get two feet of yellow mud every day. The next day, a skilled woman came to An'er's house to ask how to do this hair nest. An'er started a small hair nest preparation tutoring class at home. Afterwards, most of the Atayal tribes wore wooden fur nests, and when they walked, they crunched and had a unique charm...

    PS: When she was young, she walked through the hair nest made by her grandfather. It was small, stupid, and very warm, but she was young at that time and often wrestled when she wore it...

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