Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 150: spring ploughing



    In the warm spring season, the animals that disappeared for a winter, as if burrowing out of the ground, suddenly increased. The Atayal tribe's hunting team, like the gathering team, harvested a lot every day. The weather was getting warmer, and the prey was afraid that the prey could not be eaten and spoiled. At An'er's suggestion, the hunting team began to use beast nets to catch some live animals.

    Live animals such as pheasants, hares, and wild goats that are caught are clipped off their wings, tied around their necks, and kept in cages. When they get used to the captive life, they put the sheep in the independent chicken pen, sheep pen and rabbit cage. Even the little wild boars caught two and kept them in the pigsty covered with adobe!

    Seeing that the spring ploughing is about to start, the Atayal tribe's people who go out to gather and hunt every day have been cut in half. In this way, it is enough to supply the food of more than 200 people in Atayal. The remaining half of the people have already begun to clean up the land to be reclaimed.

    Thousands of acres of land have been demarcated, although the trees above have been cut down and the roots of the trees have been dug out. However, after the spring rain, all kinds of weeds grew like crazy, and most of them were ankle-deep. If the seeds are planted like this, these weeds will compete with them for nutrients that are not originally, I am afraid that even the seeds will not be recovered in autumn.

    Although An Er is tossing around in the tribe, not everyone believes that food can be obtained by planting. In the eyes of primitive people, food is given by God and raised by nature. Isn't artificial planting a credit to God? However, in their minds, An'er was the messenger sent by God to save their tribe and brought so many benefits to the tribe. Therefore, I thought that maybe An'er could break the status quo of the tribe relying on the sky for food. Lead their tribe into a new era!

    Therefore, many people in the Atayal tribe are very conflicted. Accepting a new thing requires a process. An'er has a lot of energy in her heart, she must work hard in this spring ploughing, give the clan people a confidence, and establish a belief!

    Whether the prehistoric safari society can be transformed into farming, success or failure is here!

    An'er did not care about her hard work for half a month. Take the hoes made by the tribe in winter to weed the weeds! No iron, these hoes are made from mutated mantis shells left over from making crossbow bolts. A little bit of grinding, plus a long wooden handle, it is not inferior to an iron hoe, and it is much lighter.

    Cut the grass to remove the roots, so it is time to weed. Dig deep and destroy those weeds by their roots. Because of the rainy spring, the removed grass cannot be left in the field, otherwise some weeds with strong vitality will reabsorb the water and nutrients in the soil and continue to grow.

    Therefore. The adults were weeding with hoes in the front, followed by the little tail-like children, pouting their little butts. Pick up the grass dug up by adults and sort them into piles. If you can feed the animals, you can carry them back with a basket. The animals don't like to eat, they throw them into the cesspool, and they compost as fertilizer.

    These reclaimed lands. Because of the dead branches and rotten leaves every year, a large amount of humus is accumulated. The soil is dark and fertile.

    After working for half a month, the grass was finished, and the land was turned over by the clansmen. In the past two weeks, the hunting team actually attacked a herd of bison and caught several half-sized bison with beast nets. Let the tribesmen who specialize in horse-training, after half a month of training, finally learn to pull the plow. At this time, An'er brought the plow made by the clansmen, which came in handy.

    According to the information in the notebook, An Er made a plough, similar to a curved plough, with a freely rotating plough plate installed on the yoke head, the plough frame is small and light, easy to turn around and turn, flexible operation, Save manpower and animal power.

    Originally, An'er thought that the wild buffalo was hard to tame, and it was very difficult to hunt. Although the production process is a little more complicated to make this kind of lightweight plow, it can save a little effort if you pull it manually.

    I did not expect that primitive people could hunt bison in such a short period of time, and train them obediently. In this way, plowing the land saves even more effort. According to real historical records, it has been at least a thousand years since the farming society entered the era of using the curved plough. And the Atayal tribe, who opened the plug-in, was uniquely blessed to have such advanced production tools from the very beginning.

    Five or six cows, pulling five or six curved ploughs, took ten days to plow nearly a thousand mu of land. During the period of plowing, An'er brought the strong labor force of the clan to repair the canals in the fields and cultivated nearly 100 mu of paddy fields.

    An'er has already planned, nearly 1,000 mu of wasteland, 100 mu of paddy fields, 200 mu of wheat, 100 mu of corn, and the rest are all planted with upland rice. As for vegetable fields, each household cultivates it by itself, and grows whatever vegetables they like to eat. She found time to reclaim some land behind the house and planted her favorite peppers, cucumbers, beans and cabbage. After a spring rain, the cabbage has already sprung out small sprouts.

    Spring ploughing, under the leadership of An'er, the agricultural commander-in-chief, proceeded in an orderly manner. Because An'er is free, he will publicize the bright prospects of a bumper harvest in autumn to the clansmen. When he thinks that there is a full warehouse of grain to eat in winter, even if the winter is extended for a few more months, there is no need to worry about running out of food and starving. The clansmen are very motivated to work hard. Live very hard.

    When all the seeds were planted in the fields, it was more than a month later. At the beginning, An'er was not used to this kind of farm work, and went back every day with aches and pains, laying on the bed and screaming sadly, Abu and Yingye, two men, took turns to massage her. This lasted for seven or eight days before I gradually got used to this kind of labor intensity.

    Almost all of the family's labor force joined the intense rush to cultivate, and even Ming, who was thin, also participated in the ranks of corn. The task of cooking at home fell on Little Daer. Don't look at his five-year-old appearance, after a winter, he has reached the size of a seven- or eight-year-old child in the twenty-four world.

    Compared with An'er, his craftsmanship is a lot worse, but it's fair enough. At home, apart from An'er's cooking skills, no one can compare to him. Some simple dishes, he learned well. Every day, everyone is exhausted, and their appetites are widened. No one dislikes his lack of cooking skills. Even Ann. I also eat meat in big mouthfuls every day, for fear that I will not have the strength to work the next day.

    The same is true of the clansmen, no one is lazy and slippery, and spares no effort to work! An'er also knew that there were various drawbacks to an absolutely average cauldron of rice, and it would definitely face reforms in the future. But now, primitive people still maintain their simple nature, and egalitarianism can last for a while.

    After the busy farming season, An Er planned to rest for a few days. Reward yourself. However, she had to get up from the comfortable kang as soon as she saw that the clansmen had resumed their hunting and gathering life. Follow your destiny to work together.

    Fortunately, the clansmen did not ask her to collect wild vegetables seriously, she just followed her to find some new edible things, just go out to the green .

    Abu led the tribe. Begin to expand the territory to the grasslands. In the hearts of the Atayal people, the grassland is the place where their ancestors lived for generations. If the tribe was not in decline, they would have to temporarily succumb to the forest if they were squeezed and forced by some neighboring tribes.

    And the grassland tribes around the forest, because the winter is prolonged. Lost a lot of people. Some small and medium tribes were wiped out even in the brutal winter.

    The wolf clan that was attacked by the Atayal tribe. The population dropped sharply from a few thousand to a few hundred, from a veritably large tribe to a medium-sized tribe. The so-called wall is pushed down by everyone, and the strength of the wild wolf clan is seriously weakened. Some tribes around them who had been bullied by them even joined forces. An attack on the wolves.

      In this way, the strength of the surrounding grassland tribes has been greatly reduced.

    The Atayal tribe visited the neighborhood several times, regained the territory of some genocide tribes, and occupied the territory of several tribes that migrated to other places. On the grassland, it gradually occupied a place. Of course, there will inevitably be some frictions and battles with some indigenous tribes in the grasslands. With sophisticated weapons and a team of cavalry raiders, even a medium-sized tribe of five or six hundred people, they are not afraid!

    The reputation of the Atayal tribe gradually spread in the forest and grassland. Of course, they did not always use a tyrannical attitude towards the surrounding tribes. Some tribes who have exchanged baskets with the Atayal tribe, Atayal established friendly relations with them.

    The patriarch of the Tiger Clan, Hu Shan, is a visionary leader. When he made good friends with Abu Patriarch, he never regarded himself as the patriarch of his own large clan, and regarded Abu as a good friend. At his insistence, the Tiger Clan and Tai Ya formed a brother tribe.

    Of course, there is an allusion! Large tribes like the Tiger Clan have large grasslands and forests as their territories, and they have relatively sufficient food reserves. However, the extension of winter, coupled with the large population of the tribe, consumes a lot. At the end of winter, the tiger clan's food is also tight.

    Hushan Patriarch personally led the hunting team. When looking for food in the grassland forest, he encountered the hunting team led by Abu. In the gap between the second snow and the third snow, the Tiger Clan had already learned the news that the Lulu tribe had merged into Ataya.

    Seeing that the members of the hunting team led by Abu, although a little thinner, are in good spirits, it seems that they are short of food and drink. The Hushan Patriarch was amazed: How much food did the Atayal tribe store in autumn? The number of tribe members has increased several times, and after such a long winter, they can actually eat their stomachs? Or... how do they get food in the winter?

    He turned to look at the pale and feeble clansmen behind him. This is because the food must be eaten by the members of the hunting team before they have the strength to come out to hunt. Think about the women and children in the tribe. They staggered when they walked, and some of them couldn't get up!

    He couldn't help but ask the question in his heart. The Biqing River winds for thousands of miles, and the resources in the river are inexhaustible. Abu thinks it is worthwhile to be able to exchange this news for the trust and friendship of a big family. So, he told Hushan, the patriarch of the Tiger Clan, about the method of ice cutting and fishing.

    It is precisely because of this that the tiger family has supported the most difficult ten days of winter, and ushered in the prosperous season of spring...

    Therefore, the Tiger Clan regards Atayal as a brother tribe, and has formed a vow of never betrayal.

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