Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 151: "God" Comes



    With the powerful tiger tribe as an alliance, the territory of the Atayal tribe on the grassland was quickly divided, and most of them were the territories of small tribes that had not survived the cold winter. Some of these small tribes were wiped out during the long winter without enough food. Some are medium-sized tribes, weakened into small tribes, and relying on their own strength, they are not enough to support themselves and their clansmen, and they choose to surrender to some powerful tribes, which means the merger of tribes.

    Although the Atayal tribe only has more than 200 people, it can only be regarded as a small tribe. However, the weapons are excellent and strong, and they can tame the grassland wind beasts - horses, and form a team of cavalry hunting teams to become the hunting soldiers of the large tribes such as the Tiger Clan.

    Speaking of the cavalry team, Atayal at this time was not just the twenty or so horses. Even a fierce animal like a bison can be hunted and tamed, let alone a prairie horse that is only known for its speed? With its own territory, it is also much easier to catch wild horses. In addition to hunting with beast nets, An'er remembered a movie about western cowboys she saw a long time ago. She used tough rattan to make a lasso, so that the original cavalry team worked hard to train the horse.

    Setting a horse is similar to throwing a spear. The key is strength and accuracy. Primitives are not particularly smart, but they are natural movers. The clansmen first used fixed wooden stakes as targets to practice, and only after nine out of ten sets could be used, they began to use the horses of the tribe as training objects in the open space in front of the city gate. In less than a month, I saw results.

    In this way, the wild horses on the prairie will suffer. In the territory of the Atayal tribe, there is a large group of wild horses, and the cavalry of the Atayal tribe, harassing them every three days. And use the lasso to pick out the sturdy wild horses inside. Set back to tame. So, two months later, the Atayal tribe's cavalry hunting team has expanded to more than 60 cavalry. Even the youthful generals in the tribe, such as Li and Xiaohu, have their own ponies!

    The visionary leaders of some weak tribes keenly saw the prospect of the development of the Atayal tribe and made the decision to join the Atayal tribe. As a result, the Atayal tribe continued to build construction after the busy spring. Build houses and cottages to welcome new members.

    By the end of spring, the Atayal tribe also grew from a small tribe of more than 200 people. It has developed into a medium-sized tribe with more than 500 people. Among them, adult warriors accounted for three-fifths.

    With the growth of the tribe, the number of clansmen increased, and they came from different tribes. Some have been hostile before. As a result, there will inevitably be some disputes and contradictions in the tribe. It even happened that two tribal groups fought each other over a trivial matter. It was originally a contradiction between two people, but later developed into two camps that did not deal with each other. after that. The two camps also brought in other camps that had a better relationship. In the end, more than 100 people actually participated in this **.

    In front of a horde of scattered sand. Abu scratched his head in worry. Although the primitive society worships the strong, they originally belonged to different tribes and were led by different clan chiefs. In front of the clan chief Abu. Still tǐng safe. However, avoid his eyes. They are on their own again.

    An Erjian is not the solution. She thought that primitive people had an almost fanatical worship and pursuit of gods, and she thought of a way to control people's hearts with faith. She found Da Wu and asked him to do a show...

     He didn't move for a long time, and there were words in his mouth.

    The clansmen were tossed from their sleep, yawning and yawning. She was so impatient, she even started to complain in a low voice.

      The bone stick in his hand, the bone accessories on it rattled, a mysterious and solemn power awakened in the hearts of the clansmen. The clansmen who started to be restless immediately quieted down.

    Da Wu-Zhuang, with an extremely serious expression, his voice was solemn and solemn: "People, everyone knows that the Atayal tribe is a tribe blessed by gods. To be able to achieve today's achievements, It is the blessing of the gods. However, tonight, the gods sent a warning in a dream, saying that the Atayal clansmen disappointed him! If they have their own plans without any cohesion, the gods will take back his blessings. Let Naruta Tasha return to the heavens..."


    Under the horrified and amazed eyes of the clansmen, An'er's little face, which was almost transparent by the light, was full of displeasure and anger. She blushed slightly, and a strange but penetrating voice came out from that small mouth: "I bless Atayal because Atayal people are hard-working, simple, and cohesive. Even in difficult times, they support each other. I will never leave. However, I am disappointed by Atayal at this time. The clansmen are scattered and go their own way, like a piece of scattered sand. "

    The last word of "bit" is like a blast of thunder, dàng on everyone's head, for a long time. Before the echo fell, An'er slowly floated up into the sky in the eyes of the clansmen, following the ray of light...

    The patriarch Abu was the first to kneel on his knees, and sincerely self-examined: "Almighty god, it is because I am incapable of restraining and managing the clan, which disappoints the gods. Please give the gods to Taiya again. One chance, don't recall Naruta Tasha. Our Atayal clansmen will definitely not discredit you again and let you down!"

      No matter which faction it is, they all expressed their opinions: "Please forgive us and give them another chance! We will never let you down!"

    In the hearts of primitive people, the existence of gods is the belief that supports them to survive in difficult situations. They believe that those who are rejected by the gods will eventually perish. At this time, the goddess who brought hope and light to the tribe and supported them through the winter was about to be recalled by the gods, which made both the old people and the new members panic.

    Especially the two groups that had clashed two days ago, banged their heads on the ground, kept begging for God's forgiveness, and vowed never to ignore it again The overall situation of the whole clan has created chaos by targeting each other.

    Although Da Wu was persuaded by An'er to cooperate in such a play, he didn't know there would be such a thing. Moreover, the divine light flashed, the divine voice descended, the goddess volleyed into the sky... A series of impossible events made the great witch believe everything in front of him. An'er only told him to let him warn the clansmen in the way of a god's dream, but he didn't expect that the **** "really" appeared.

      , bowed down reverently.

    "Please forgive me!" This is the repentance of those clansmen who are independent and careful.

    "Please continue to bless Taiya!" These are the clansmen who have survived the long winter together and have been bathed in "divine light".

    "Please God, please keep Narutatasha!" This is the prayer of the clansmen who have received An'er's favor and are friends with An'er. Especially one of the shrill and loud children's voices, it was Da'er with tears on his cheeks, the most sincere hope...

    An'er's lift-off slowed down, her hand behind her back pressed a button on the chain crossbow, her body tried to keep her balance in the air, but her face remained holy brilliance. In order to create the effect of soaring, she fixed the chain crossbow on the belt around her waist, and the other end was shot into a slanted tree trunk above the cave. The belt made of rattan and animal skins made her almost suffocate, but there was no expression of pain on her face. Meow meow! I already knew that there were more layers of animal skins tied around the waist!

    She lowered her head slightly, pointed her mouth at the microphone hidden on the collar of the animal skin, transformed into a majestic male voice, and said slowly: "A tribe can survive, except for a strong warrior. , Sophisticated weapons, what is most needed is cohesion. Just like the adobe for building a house, if it is just a pile of scattered soil, how can a solid city wall be built and a house sheltered from wind and rain?"

    The tribesmen in the tribe were deeply touched when they heard the words. Indeed, the prosperity of a tribe does not depend on the strength of any one person or group of people, but on the joint efforts of all. They don't worry about food or clothing now, and they live in comfortable houses, but they ignore the most important things.

    "Do you remember? The wolf clan attacked, and only thirty or forty warriors stayed behind

    The Atayal tribe defeated ten times the strength of the Atayal tribe. Why is this? It is not that the whole family, men and women, young and old, will go into battle together. Let's work together to overcome the difficulties together! If, at that time, who was careful, would Atayal still exist now? If it is now, let alone ten times the strength, it is five times and three times. Do you think you have a chance of winning? "

    The words of "God" brought back the memories of the original Atayal. They have always talked about that battle with relish, and the tribesmen later have always regarded it as a mythical legend. In most people's minds, the victory of that battle was achieved with incomparably sophisticated weapons. But thinking about it now, there are more than 300 people, and you are only more than 30 warriors. No matter how good your weapons are, no matter how many bows and arrows you have, your lethality is limited. Thinking about the log that almost smashed into the city gate, if it wasn't for the strong support of the Boy Scouts and Women's Troops who had just formed the army at the time, I'm afraid the enemy would have invaded the city long ago...! .

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