Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 152: have a baby

    Thanks to the lovely Xili and the witch under the starry sky for the reward, thank you oo Moshangoo, Sakura Sea, the clever mimi, fpykuiki, Lin Yanfeifei, and Wanyue Miaomiao for the pink tickets.


    Forgive God, we know we are wrong, please don't give up on us, please don't take Naruta Tasha! Even the new members of the tribe know An'er's contribution to the tribe. The bows and arrows in their hands, the horses under their crotch, the houses in the village, the endless crops full of vitality in front of the village... Everything in the tribe is the brainchild of An'er; in the tribe, An'er's shadow can be seen everywhere. What would they do without An'er?

    In the beginning, several families who were close to An'er were begging. Later, the voices of more than 500 people from the entire tribe merged into a turbulent river that echoed over the tribe for a long time.

    Seeing that the time was right, An'er pretended to be hesitant, remained silent for a moment, and continued to use that majestic voice, saying: Since you truly regretted it, then I will give you one last chance. After observing for a while, make a decision! Remember, 'Unity, Unity' is the soul of a tribe—

    Her last word, using the reverberation mode, the sound ripples in circles, which is quite shocking.

    The chain crossbow relaxed quietly, hanging in mid-air, she finally returned to the ground again, feeling a sense of down-to-earth security. On it, in order to maintain her balance, she struggled with her old nose, and her waist was sore from being strangled, which must have left a bruise mark.

    Falling to the ground, the An'erjian people were still kneeling on the ground, bowing reverently, with a look of joy on their faces. She turned off the electronic amplification equipment, and said in her own voice: The gods have left, the clansmen, get up!

    Under the leadership of the patriarch, the clansmen went in the direction of the totem. He solemnly kowtowed three more times, stood up slowly, and stood respectfully with his hands down. In the past, An'er was too approachable and regarded the clansmen as their relatives and friends, so that on weekdays, the clansmen gradually forgot her identity as a goddess. But today's shocking scene left a deep imprint on the hearts of the people. Lin An'er is the goddess bestowed by the gods to the Atayal tribe. She is the spokesperson of the gods!

    An'er's face did not have the sweet smile of the past. The expression is light and authentic: The **** said: There are no rules, no square circle! Our Atayal tribe is a tribe blessed by gods. There will definitely be better development prospects in the future, and the scale is naturally not only that. Therefore, a legal system should be formulated to maintain stability and restrain the behavior of certain people! If you violate the laws of the tribe, you will be punished. By example!

    In the name of a god, she made laws and regulations, and naturally no one in the tribe dared to have any opinions, and they all expressed their support and support.

    An'er announced in front of everyone a few rules that she had thought of in advance: Abu, the patriarch of the Atayal tribe, is the leader of the tribe recognized by the gods. The tribesmen must obey and support him unconditionally. Otherwise, it will lead to divine punishment!

    She has referenced some ancient laws, combined with the status quo of prehistoric society. Establish the status and authority of your own man first. After ruling the whole tribe, they put on the cloak of legality.

    In addition, the gods delegate power to the patriarch and goddess. After the tribe grows, some leaders are in charge of various affairs of the tribe. It is shared by the patriarch and the goddess. The leader in charge should do his best. Complete the tasks assigned by the tribal leaders and gods! Under the top leader, there should be officials who help to share matters. After the tribe continues to expand, the men in the family will not be too busy.

    In addition, she also formulated laws and regulations to restrain the behavior of the tribes in response to the current situation of the tribe, and also fixed the penalty policy. For those who violated the tribal regulations, the lightest thing is to deduct the food share distributed on the day, and then the criminal law such as flogging, etc., and the more serious, they will be expelled from the tribe. Of course, the worst thing is the death penalty!

    These regulations and punishments formulated by her, in addition to wearing a sacred coat, can also effectively maintain the stability of the tribe, and some of them are also prepared for a rainy day, which is conducive to the future development of the tribe. Some people in the tribe who have some brains and thoughts can appreciate the benefits of it after wandering around in their heads. At this time, people don't have so many twists and turns in their minds. As long as the tribe can be strong and let them live a good life without worrying about food and clothing, they will obey your command.

    An'er also specifically aimed at the fact that there are more adult men and fewer women in the tribe. Special marriage laws were enacted. The Marriage Law stipulates that polyandry is legal for tribal women. Women are called wives in the family and are in a dominant position in the family; men are called husbands, who are the main labor force in the family and have the obligation to support their wives and children.

    Marriage Law also enacts laws to restrain men's behavior: men shall not force or coerce women, and everything is based on the principle of women's willingness. Similarly, if a woman takes a fancy to a man, she must obtain the consent of the person concerned before they can become husband and wife. Both men and women should be responsible for the marriage, and it is forbidden to have **** with men and women... and so on!

    This actually establishes the woman's dominance in the family. When this idea takes root, in the future, even under the most difficult conditions, women will not be the one to be abandoned and sacrificed.

    After the law was formulated, An'er used a dagger to cut out a plane on the rock wall in front of the cave, and chiseled it deeply with words. In the tribe, more and more people are literate, especially the children. They are only responsible for feeding the livestock and collecting firewood in the tribe every day, and they are no longer needed for gathering. After completing the tasks assigned by him every day, he would gather in the square in front of the cave and read and write with An'er. If An Er is not available, Ming will teach.

    After studying hard for a winter, Ming has learned almost all the commonly used Chinese characters. Moreover, I can freely read the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine in An'er's notebook. Those "Qian Jin Fang", "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases"... and other pharmacological materials were all read by him. During Maodong's time, An'er's notebooks were almost always occupied by him, and they often ran out of electricity as soon as they were used.

     Fortunately, An'er's notebook can not only convert solar energy into electricity, but also heat energy and wind energy into electricity. Otherwise, don't even think about starting the whole snow season!

    In this way, the medical skills of Ming have been improved, and the recognition and reading of Chinese characters have also been improved to another level. There is absolutely no problem in being the children's little teacher.

    The children learn very hard, and they want to be like Ming. To be able to read God’s books and to understand God’s will. Later, some adults also studied with their children in their spare time. Of course, the first textbook for learning to read is the tribal law on the mountain wall.

    An'er sat on the edge of the kang, with her legs drooping, dangling on the edge of the kang. Tonight's scene blinded the great witch. Think of that wrinkled face. The great witch, who is not known how old, has a pair of eyes that are about to be covered by eyelids, and there is a radiance of devotion that is almost fanatical.

    The kang is filled with the guy for tonight's use: a powerful solar torch. The kind that is about to be remotely controlled, the lighting device that is out of the task is a must for everyone. An amplifier and voice changer, this is her own collection, and she likes to use it to disguise someone else's voice. Most are used to trick people. Then there is her chain crossbow, which can create the effect of soaring, thanks to it.

    The only person who knew the whole thing, Abu, put the little woman who touched this touch that in his arms, kissed her gently on the cheek, and said: These things. You brought it all from your hometown? If I hadn't known in advance, I would have thought that the gods had descended tonight! what is this? You can actually change your voice to someone else's!

    An'er picked up the voice changer and fiddled with it a few times. Putting it on Abu's mouth, he squinted his eyes and said, "Come on, say a few words and see!"

    As soon as Abu opened his mouth, he stopped. He had a magnetic male voice. It turned into An'er's soft and soft voice, as if - An'er's voice when she just woke up.

    An Er explained: This is to expand the voice. A device that can also be converted into the voice of any one person. As long as you can collect a sample of that person's voice, you can immediately convert your own voice to that person. The voice I used to pretend to be a **** was a sample of the voice of the head of our base...

    When she was at the base, she often used this sound sample to scare some sneaky guys. He also often used Uncle Ruo's voice to joke with Ruoya. However, Ruoya was so powerful that she was only fooled once or twice at the beginning, and then she could clearly distinguish her transformed voice. Asked why, Ruoya said that everyone's speaking habits are different, and the pronunciation is also different. Although the sounds are similar, if you are familiar with two people, you can still distinguish the subtle differences. Ruoya is so strong!

    An'er lowered her eyes to hide her serious and faint melancholy. She put the device next to Abu's mouth and said: Come on, say a few words, let me collect a sound sample!

    Abu sensed the difference in her emotions, and hurriedly comforted: An, although you have left home and relatives, you still have me... Let's, let's have a baby!

    No matter what era, children are the concern of mothers. When An'er looked at the items brought from her hometown, the deep nostalgia and sadness made him feel that she would leave him at any time. Perhaps, after having a child, An'er won't leave him?

    An'er had put the voice changer on her lips. After listening to what he said, she was stunned, and murmured in her mouth: To give birth to a child?

    The voice that came out was impressively Abu's **** tone like a beautiful piano sound.

    Before winter came, Abu had made a request to have a child. At that time, she was rejected on the grounds that spring ploughing could not be separated from her. Now, all the seeds have been planted in the fields, and even the sweet potato seedlings that have been bred have also been planted on the sandy soil of the back mountain, and they grow lush. She, is there any reason to refuse?

    However, when she thinks of the birth of her child, her bond with the world deepens. If there is a chance to go back, she... I wonder if she can turn around and leave gracefully?

    She was silent for a moment, then murmured: But...but I...I want to direct the autumn harvest, I think...


    Poor Huan, because while cooking, her foot stepped on a vegetable leaf, slipped, and her leg hit the table, a large piece of blue, and her foot twisted. When I slipped, I was afraid of falling, so I hurriedly helped the dining table with my hands, and knocked over the hot porridge that had just been filled. It hurts!

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