Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 167: Take away

    Lalala! Third more. Thanks for the good push!

    Ahem, spread the word:

    Hou Qiyao's "Ugly Woman", take the buns to the avenue of wealth, and watch the female killer tea, rice, oil and salt!

    "Inheritance Policy", after being reborn from the dead, if you ask He Xingzhao what she is most reluctant to bear in her previous life, she will probably say that she is reluctant to bear her daughter Huijier, her son Huan who died early, and the one who dared to Love and hate yourself.


    Meow—the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomeow, who was carried on a stretcher to enjoy high-level treatment, when the Atayal hunting team passed through its territory, suddenly rubbed his head against An'er's arm, and let out a soft coquettish sound cat meowing.

    Since it was injured in order to save the Atayal Patriarch, it was a major contributor to the hunt. At An'er's suggestion, the tribes unanimously voted and decided to bring the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomiao back to the tribe to recover.

      Drumming - such a ferocious and ferocious beast, once it becomes mad, no one can stop it. However, fortunately, they had Naruta Tasha, and they tamed the saber-toothed tigers. Seeing the saber-toothed tiger like a docile big cat in front of An'er, the hearts of the warriors completely settled down.

      He freed up a hand and quietly reached out to Little Meow's chubby ass...

    Pop! The hand he stretched out was slapped like lightning by Xiao Miao's whip-like tiger tail, and immediately left a dark red mark on the back of his hand. Ah Tu was full of resentment in his heart - why did An'er ravage it, the saber-toothed tiger didn't even want to resist, and he liked it very much. He just wanted to touch a live saber-toothed tiger, but he didn't give it a chance?

    Xiao Miao taught the human who wanted to offend Huwei without blinking, but continued to rub against An'er. Eyes staring in one direction, mouth meowing eagerly.

    It is very clear that in its current state, it cannot hunt at all, and maybe the **** smell on its body will attract some natural enemies of saber-toothed tigers. An'er wanted to bring it back to the tribe to recuperate, and it agreed with both claws and hooves. But... what about its swollen tiger father? The worm it caught was enough for Dad to eat for two days. Two days later, although Dad Tiger was able to regain some physical strength, his hunting skills—sigh, I really can’t rest assured!

    At first, An'er thought that Xiao Miao was acting like a spoiled child because of the pain in her body. Then he stretched out his delicate little hand and gently stroked the big head of the saber-toothed tiger, soothingly said: Does it hurt? to beat. home soon...

    Meow, meow, meow! no! I'm leaving with you, what about Dad Tiger? The more she thought about it, the more worried she became, she was struggling to get off the stretcher. The longest scar on its side. Immediately he was pulled away, and blood flowed down his fur.

    An'er hurriedly helped it stop the bleeding, and kept comforting her mouth, but the little cat became more and more anxious and struggled even more.

    Abu, who was carried by Lao Mo, suddenly said: Is he worried about the adult saber-toothed tiger? Isn't that guy injured too?

    An'er's face was suddenly stunned. She followed Xiao Miao's line of sight and vaguely remembered that it was where Dad Tiger was hiding. What a filial tiger baby, he hurt himself like this. Still thinking about his father's survival.

    She thought about it and said, "Miao, don't worry!" I'll make another stretcher and carry your dad back too - but make sure you get to the Horde. Daddy Tiger will not hurt anyone casually!

    Xiao Miao's eyes showed a happy look, and her big head was nodding up and down. An expression that this task is wrapped in me!

    Abu let the warriors carrying the prey take the wounded away first, and they stayed to pick up the tiger father.

    Peach pulled Luo, chopped wood for stretchers nearby, and collected rattan for stretchers. Luo still had an ice face, as cool as a ten thousand year iceberg. Peach's character is also very sunny and bright, and the two of them must complement each other with one cold and one hot. An'er looked at the backs of the two with a smile, and was very optimistic about this pair! Peaches, come on! Get the iceberg handsome man!

    It takes twenty minutes to compile a simple stretcher. The dozen or so people who stayed behind, led by Yingye, went in the direction of Dad Tiger. Leading the way and other things, relying on An'er? Don't even bring people to the eggplant field!

     Lying on the branch of the tree, looking at the mutated silkworm and drooling tiger father, my heart is very tangled - do you want to take a bite? Do you want to? If my son comes back and sees that there is less meat, will he be angry and ignore it? But... looking at it like this, isn't it trying to scare people (tiger?)? ?

    Dad tiger propped up the limbs that had some strength, stood up swaying, his two front paws clawed at the tree trunk, and his head stretched like a turtle. It's about to bite, and it's ready to eat in your mouth! The corners of Dad Tiger's mouth were crystal clear, dripping down the fluff.

    Suddenly, there was a struggle in its eyes. That **** woman, said it can't eat more! The son just listened to her and restricted his appetite. It has been hungry for so many days, and only eating that bit of meat is really not enough to stuff it between its teeth. The stomach was rumbling, and the tiger father was infinitely resentful, and his claws scratched the trunk of the tree!

    It's all the woman who bought her lovely son in one meal. Hmph, to call my son such a strange cry, it's not imposing at all, it's embarrassing to die! If it weren't for the fact that she helped it get the bone out of its throat, it must have been a good look for her!

    Dad Tiger licked the corner of his mouth, pressing down the ** who wanted to eat. He was worried about his son's feelings, but he was not frightened by the woman's threatening words! What's bad for the stomach, the saber-toothed tiger's stomach can digest even the stone!

    Well, don't eat it! Can't let him eat dinner until he comes back? However, the son actually went inside with those daring humans. How scary are the dinosaurs and giant insects there? Last time, if my son didn't come in time, it was almost served as lunch by a group of velociraptors. well! I hope my son is smarter and runs faster when he encounters danger - it's still that woman! Humph, kidnapped her son and worked for her!

    Dad tiger growled unhappily, grinding his teeth. The eyes were glued to the ground silkworm meat again - don't eat, it won't eat... But, lick the taste. It's okay to relieve cravings, right?

    Dad tiger propped up again, clawed at the trunk, put his head on the branch where the silkworm meat was placed, stuck out his tongue, and licked it hard. Mmmm...that's gorgeous! Why is silkworm meat so delicious? Or... it will bite a small piece and put it in its mouth to satisfy its cravings? If it's a small piece, my son shouldn't be able to find it, right?

      The tongue picked it up and over in the mouth, and accidentally couldn't hold it back - swallowed it!

    Dad tiger smacked his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the piece of ground silkworm meat again - bite another small piece. This time, it will definitely not swallow it!

    ...In this way, it bit a small piece, another small piece, and soon that piece of ground silkworm meat. Another one-fifth was consumed, and at this time, plus what An'er fed it at the beginning, Daddy Tiger's stomach was already seventy percent full!

    Dad tiger looked at the ground silkworm meat that was missing a bit, and he was so worried! My son is back, what should I do? Or... it eats more. When my son came back, said a big bird pecked a piece and took it away? Anyway, it's weak now, and it can't take other animals!

    The tiger dad who thought he had a good idea. Picking up the trunk to steal food. Suddenly, a familiar growl of displeasure sounded in its ears - miserable! Why is my son back at this time? This... isn't this being caught?

    Son...Son, a bird is stealing, I'm chasing it...Ah! Son, what's wrong with you! How did it get carried back! The **** smell of this body... God! son! You don't die! you are dead. What should I do!

    The tiger father turned his head with a stiff expression, but saw that his son was covered in blood. Lie weakly on a strange thing, and was carried back by two humans! It directly ignored the displeasure in his son's eyes, and rushed towards his son in shock.

    Although the tree branch is not high, it is weak, its legs and feet are weak, and it fell from the tree with a somersault. . In the meantime, I fell down several times, but immediately got up and continued to run!

    Hoo! Let go of my son! The saber-toothed tiger roared fiercely at Ying Ye and A Tu who were carrying Xiao Miao. It blamed the wrath of its son on these humans!

    Xiao Miao let out a few low voices, the tiger father suppressed the anger in his heart, sat beside his son, and gently licked the blood on his son's body with his tongue, a pair of tiger eyes faintly flashed with tears.

    An'er's eyes were red, and she said apologetically: "Dad Tiger, I'm sorry!" Xiao Xiao was injured to save us. If you have any grievances, send it to me!

      Abu tensed his muscles, secretly on guard. He hurt his leg, but his hand is not broken! If this saber-toothed tiger dared to hurt An'er, he would definitely fight by his name!

    Yingye put down the stretcher in his hand and stood silently on the other side of An'er, expressing his determination with actions. Taozi, Luo, Atu... all the clansmen who came with them to pick up Hu's father silently came behind An'er and the patriarch. The saber-toothed tiger's anger was terrifying, but for the sake of the patriarch and An'er, they tried their best to protect them.

    Xiao Miao growled at her father a little unhappily, and then the tiger father retracted his unkind gaze and continued to help his son lick his hair.

    An'er took a step forward, but was threatened by it baring her teeth. An'er sighed softly and said, "You father and son, one is injured and the other is weak. There is no way to stay here. I have discussed with Xiao Miao and bring you back to the tribe. Don't worry, I will treat the wound. Although Xiao Miao's injury is serious, it does not hurt the vital part and will recover soon! We're here to pick you up, so don't worry about Xiao Miao being taken away by us, right?

    Of course! Dad Tiger's eyes widened, and he swept between them vigilantly, and finally stopped on An'er - if there is anything wrong with his son, I will eat you and die for it!

    You agreed? Then get on a stretcher? Your physical strength has not recovered, let them carry you!

    Dad Tiger got on the stretcher without any objection. Before leaving, he suddenly remembered the ground silkworm meat on the tree. It was his son's filial piety and he had to take it away! An'er followed its line of sight, and immediately understood, and asked another warrior to go up and take off the ground silkworm meat, put it on Dad Tiger's stretcher and carry it away together.

    Papa Tiger looked satisfied - that's about it!


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    Xi Zhen: "Ancient Martial Arts Female Agent" - Reverse the city with magical ancient martial arts, the Anbu Battalion commander transferred to work as an agent, and finally achieved both career and love success.

    Title: Luo Lan, author of "The Farmer's Wife"

    Introduction: Once through the authentic peasant woman, facing the vicious in-law's family of Gaojiazhuang, see how she finds the place back!

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