Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 168: Tribal Guardian Beast

    Guess what time it is today? This is the first one!

    Thanks to Mrs. Meng, Kawaii Xili and Ziye Youlian for their rewards, thank you ngel's Yueyue, lenxinwind, lingling668 for their pink tickets, and thank you to all the readers who support Yuyu!


    When they returned to the tribe, the city gate was already full of people, welcoming them warmly. Cough cough! Want to hear the truth? In fact, the warriors who came back with their prey exaggerated An'er's divine power and tamed two saber-toothed tigers! In order to save the patriarch, the saber-toothed tiger was wounded heroically and needed to return to the tribe to recuperate.

    So clansmen, especially those half-year-old children, yearned for the saber-toothed tiger that the warriors described as cute and cute like a cat. As a result, they headed to the city gate with Daer and Ali as their heads.

    Hey! That's a saber-toothed tiger! A beast of beasts, don't hurt the children... No, I have to watch! The mother of a certain bear child said so, and ran towards the city gate with golden eyes. That appearance, for fear of being too slow, will not be able to admire the graceful appearance of the saber-toothed tiger.

    Inspired by her, the clansmen put down the work at hand and made up various excuses with only one purpose - to go to the city gate! When the heads of the workshops saw this, they left work early and gave themselves a reason to go to the city gate to join in the fun.


    An'er looked at the crowded door from a distance, and was surprised. What happened in the tribe? Why are the people of the tribe concentrated at the city gate? Could it be that aliens are attacking? No, there is no shadow of warriors on the city wall except on the watchtower? There are not only men, women and children at the door, but also there are no weapons in their hands? What are these guys trying to do?

    Dad! install! Darle looks like a little wild horse just out of the slaughter. He rushed towards them, and at his feet was a chubby little mammoth, like a gray ball of fur, rolling quickly...

    Luo's two children saw their father who was carrying the behemoth, and had a reason to come up to him. They also followed behind Da'er and ran over quickly, calling for father as they ran!

    Although Da'er was calling for Dad and An'er, the figure rushed over. But he directly crossed the two and came to the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomiao, exclaiming in amazement: wow! What a big, fat saber-toothed tiger! Huh? Really alive! install. Its eyes are so beautiful and transparent!

    Speaking, this daring little guy actually stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the saber-toothed tiger. Xiao Miao looked at Da'er's demonic claws with alertness. Thinking about whether to scratch him or not. An'er hurriedly stroked the saber-toothed tiger's forehead with her hand, soothing its agitated emotions.

    Da Er, also got his wish to touch a live saber-toothed tiger—the fur is so soft!

    Roar—Daddy Tiger is not happy. Take away your dirty hands, can anyone touch the old paper's son? Let go!

    Seeing the little mammoth running over excitedly by An'er, it ran slower because of its short legs. Hear this roar. It came to a sudden brake, and it made a long mark on the turf on the ground.

    Danger! It's a dangerous taste! The saber-toothed tiger is the natural enemy of the mammoth. Although it left the elephant herd as soon as it was born, this innate talent for perceiving danger made the little mammoth sound an alarm bell in the heart.

    Seeing the saber-toothed tiger being carried on the stretcher, Xiaomeng's hair that was combed extremely softly stood on end. The nose is also straight. It trembled slightly, and suddenly saw Dar's hand. Reaching out to the terrifying thing, he jumped up hastily, rolled his wrist with his nose, and dragged him back desperately. For it, Dar is the brother, playmate and friend it considers, and he cannot be allowed to approach danger! Absolutely not!

    Xiao Meng, why are you pulling me! I just touched it, you let me touch it again! The little mammoth's strength was not small, and Da'er was pulled away from the saber-toothed tiger. He was a little anxious and struggled hard.

    Seeing the little guy's face flushed with anxiety, An'er hurriedly picked him up and said, "The saber-toothed tiger is going to recuperate at our house. When can't I watch it?" Dar, you are injured, and you don't show it!

    Only then did Daer notice that Dad's leg was wrapped in thick blood-stained gauze, and Lao Mo was carrying it on his back. The little guy blushed even more. He slipped off An'er's body, rubbed against Abu's side, and said, "Dad, you are hurt!" Is it serious? Sorry, I just didn't notice...

    Your attention was all taken away by the saber-toothed tiger, how did you notice my dad? Abu rolled his eyes, patted the seeds on the little guy's head with his big palm, and said, "It's alright, the skin is traumatized, it will be fine after a few days! go to play!

    Luo's two sons, Xiaoxing Xiaohuo, were not as daring as Da'er, but just stopped a step in front of the stretcher and watched curiously. The younger brother Xiaohuo asked his father strangely: Baba, why is the tiger you carried so thin and the other so fat?

    Because this is just a tiger father, that is just a tiger son! The tiger father loves his son, and leaves all the delicious food to the tiger son, and he is so thin! Taozi answered in front of Luo. These days, she has often come to Luo to be courteous, and both sons have been subdued by her, but her father is still cold and indifferent. Really anxious to death!

    Xiaohuo believed it to be true, blinked his big eyes, looked at the tiger father admiringly, and said: Tiger father is really a good father! It's as good as a small fire's pull! Baba, I love you! Saying that, he stood on tiptoe and kissed Luo's face.

    The ice on Luo's face melted instantly, and only when he was with his two sons did his eyes gather some warmth. Peaches looked at this warm scene with envy. She swears in her heart that one day, when Luo looks at her, her eyes will be filled with warmth.

    An'er's heart is sweating! Dad Tiger was obviously greedy, stuck in his throat, and starved like this. It looks like a file, where is the master who takes care of people, it is obviously Xiao Xiao who is taking care of it, okay?

      In the face of the first fan of the paper, I will show mercy and let you touch it!

    You are covered in bones and dull fur. What a touch!

    However, after the two children touched the saber-toothed tiger's body, they immediately screamed with excitement. Especially the four-year-old Xiaohuo, holding that hand and screaming: I touched it! Brother, I touched a saber-toothed tiger! I was the first kid to touch a saber-toothed tiger!

    Da Er sneered at him: Xiao Huo, I was the first to touch it! And this one I touched is the great hero who saved my father, the great savior of the tribal hunting team!

    Savior? can i touch it? The excited flame in Xiao Huo's heart was extinguished immediately. He leaned close to Da'er and made eye contact with Xiaomiao, the saber-toothed tiger. But he was frightened by the ferocity in those big crystal eyes - this saber-toothed tiger seems to be unhappy! Do you want to touch it? Will it bite him? The little guy had a look of timidity on his face.

    An'er noticed Xiao Xiao's displeasure. He hurriedly held Xiao Huo in his arms and said to him: Xiao Miao is injured, it hurts a lot now. bad mood. Xiaohuo, think about it, if you fell while running and broke your knee, wouldn't you be unhappy too?

    Xiaohuo thought hard. Nodding forcefully, he said: Well, Xiaohuo will be unhappy, and will cry when it hurts! Is it called Little Meow? Xiao Miao, you heal well, I will see you later! Such a cute baby!

    Saber-toothed tiger kitten put its huge head on its two overlapping front paws. hear him. He opened his eyes arrogantly and gave him a disdainful look. Who cares for you to see?

    But what did An Er say? To take it home to recuperate? Great. It is worried about being thrown to others! This is good, it will be able to follow An'er every day from now on!

    Two saber-toothed tigers were carried into the shed that An'er had built for Daer's lambs. It was Daer who pestered him to pull and pull it out. He said: My lamb gave birth to two babies last year, and this year, it will give birth to two babies. Next year too! Also, baby sheep will give birth to baby sheep...don't build a house for them. How can the sheep live?

    So, this sheep shed came into being! Fortunately, the sheepfold is large enough to allow two giant saber-toothed tigers to enter, and it is more than enough!

    Three poor little sheep, shivering in the coveted eyes of the tiger father. With the unique momentum of the saber-toothed tiger, it is possible for some weaker animals to run into it and be scared to death. The three lambs just have soft legs, which is already pretty good!

    Even if saber-toothed tigers don't eat them, these sheep are so frightened that they probably won't even be able to eat! An'er saw that there was no way, so Da'er took his lamb out , brought to the woodshed to raise.

    Lay the saber-toothed tigers with soft straw, An'er solemnly warned: You two, remember to me, don't cause trouble, don't scare people! Otherwise, throw you out of the city gate and leave you alone!

    The tiger father, who was very upset by the threats, roared at her, and the captive animals in the tribe jumped. The well-trained horses also planed their hooves anxiously. Niu'er broke free from the rope and hid behind the mountain with his tail between his fingers. The little pheasants that are feeding are laying eggs, after being so frightened, they have not laid eggs for several days...

    An'er frowned, and before she had time to say anything, Xiao Xiao immediately roared at her father, as if complaining and warning. Daddy Tiger immediately wilted like a leaking ball.

    One thing drops one thing, sure enough, to control the tiger father, the little meow has to play!

    In the evening, An'er brought a large piece of mantis meat, cut it into small pieces, and fed it to the saber-toothed tiger cat. Dad Tiger looked at it greedily, wishing he could grab a piece and eat it!

    It's so pathetic! Because my son saw me stealing silkworm meat, I was ordered not to eat at night. I had to go hungry—gululu, I was so hungry! The mantis meat is delicious! It has never eaten mantis meat in its life... Hey, son, save a piece for Dad? Just one piece, okay?


    My friend's novel "Seize the Concubine": the modern black police flower travels to a hapless and tragic little concubine in ancient times. As a result, the little concubine, who had been huddled in her body, saw the bright future and came back to grab her body! I also found an eminent monk who wanted to fly away and disperse her soul! Nima! When she is a bun!

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