Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 177: The embryonic form of the goddess

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    "An'er, be careful!" Hushan Patriarch, who was two steps away from her, was not frightened by these two beasts. behind yourself. Seeing the release of pottery, Hushan strengthened its belief in forming an alliance with Atayal. If he fought for his life to save the goddess of the Atayal tribe, then the relationship between the two tribes would be closer, right? Well, he's dead right now!

    "Big Brother—"


    Hutian and other tiger warriors clenched the spears in their hands and rushed forward regardless of the danger. Although the hands and feet were trembling, no one flinched.

    Xiao Miao tilted her head, looked at the spears, aimed at his head, and was stunned for a moment. It did not expect that someone in the tribe would point a weapon at it. However, a trace of disdain flashed in its eyes soon: You want to deal with this broken weapon? dream!

      The expressions on the faces of the tiger people are wonderful!

    An'er stuck her head out from Hutian's broad back and said to Xiaomiao with a smile: "Hi! Xiaomiao, did you want to see how your food bowls are cooking? Don't worry. Come on, your master, I will go out, there is nothing I can't handle! Li, Zhuangzhuang, bring the two largest pottery over here!"

    The saber-toothed tiger, which was grinning at the tiger tribe and showing a fierce expression, was as docile as a kitten when it heard the words.

    Shame, shame! As a saber-toothed tiger clan, how can they be so flattering, not imposing at all! Tiger Dad's two huge front paws hold his eyes. Seems to want to be out of sight and out of mind. It's cute son, as long as he is in front of that woman, will always show a different side. If it wasn't for the smell, it would suspect that his son was given away by this woman!

    Saber-toothed tiger cat ignoring his father's "sad" expression and waving his tail happily. When the huge clay pot was moved in front of it, Xiao Miao's eyes suddenly lit up. This food bowl is not only full of weight, but also very unique in shape. Pottery ears. It is not simple, but two shapes like cat ears, and the pottery pot is carved with lifelike saber-toothed tigers. That unbelievably cute little guy. Xiao Xiao recognized it at a glance.

    An Er engraved the first time she met Xiao Miao on the body of the pot, reminding it of that afternoon, when the bright sunlight passed through the layers of leaves and sprinkled on the pot. On a woman with a gentle face. her smile. Brighter and warmer than the sun. Her hands are so gentle, her arms are so fragrant, she rescued it from hunger, and carved an indelible mark on its young heart...

    The Patriarch of Hushan saw the Atayal people and did not change his color in front of the saber-toothed tiger. A move in my heart. His younger brother Hutian had already called out: "Wow! Are you all afraid of saber-toothed tigers? Am I dazzled? Why are two living people so close, but saber-toothed tigers have no intention of attacking? An'er. Don't tell me. I, your Atayal tribe are blessed by the gods, even saber-toothed tigers are not afraid!"

    Twelve-year-old Zhuang Zhuang is the son of a muscular man, and the little guy has a big head. People are also simple, he hehe smiled. Not without pride, he said: "What more than saber-toothed tigers? We hunted a Tyrannosaurus rex and two giant mantises twenty days ago! The saber-toothed tigers came back with us Naruta Tasha at that time! They are An'er's pets, just listen to Ann's words!"

    When the Hushan Patriarch heard this, he let go of An'er's hand embarrassedly. He originally thought that Brother Abu took Ataya's warriors out to hunt, and there were not many adult warriors at the scene, so they took the initiative. However, now that I know that these two saber-toothed tigers are actually raised by An Er, it is no wonder that they feel a little embarrassed.

    An'er said very empathetically: "Thank you Hushan for your support, I don't have parents and brothers here, and for your desire to sacrifice my life to save me, I am willing to let you be my brother, and in the future You are my mother-in-law."

    Can be the brother of the messenger of the gods? Hushan was stunned by this sudden happiness, and he didn't show anything for a while. This made his younger brother Hutian so anxious that he kept winking at him and signaling, his expression was so exaggerated that it almost didn't make An'er laugh.

    An'er is not only a blessing messenger sent by the gods, but also the woman of the Atayal clan chief. These two identities, as long as one of them, will further strengthen the relationship between the tiger clan and Atayal. This is exactly what the Tigers want. But happiness came too suddenly, and the courageous Hushan Patriarch was a little overwhelmed.

    "Big Brother Hushan, the big brother who has called you for so long, do you still despise me? Don't want to accept my little sister?" An'er pretended to be pitiful, making people feel A feeling of wanting to take care of her.

    Patriarch Hushan scratched his messy hair a little embarrassedly, shook his head and said: "No... No! I think... Do you want to wait for Patriarch Abu to come back and discuss with him before making a decision ?"

    The gods blessed Taiya and sent Naruta Tasha. If An'er recognizes him as her elder brother, will she lose the blessings of the gods and affect Taiya? Looking at the girl who was not much older than his daughter, Hushan suddenly had the thought of not letting her suffer a little bit of grievance.

    An'er raised her eyebrows and said confidently: "As long as I make a decision, Abu will never force me. Besides, I recognize my eldest brother, not him, so why bother? ask him?"

    Zhuang Zhuang suddenly interjected: "Our patriarch has always been obedient to An'er. Most of the time, it is the patriarch who asks An'er, not An'er."

    The Atayal tribe has become accustomed to taking An'er's words as the will of the gods, and the patriarch listens to the goddess. What's so strange about this? In the Atayal tribe, An'er can be most of the master!

    In the tiger tribe, women are also very rare, but it is men who make decisions. Women are usually protected. Of course, they are protected too well, and their knowledge is short. There has never been a woman so capable and courageous as An'er. The Hushan Patriarch suddenly felt envious and jealous towards Abu—if there was such a woman who dedicated herself to benefiting the tribe, he would have obeyed every word!

    In this way, when the Hushan Patriarch returned from Taiya, he not only brought back the six pots and ten pots that An'er had promised. There is another girl who can bring earth-shaking changes to the tiger clan...

    "An'er, the clay in the pottery kiln becomes almost as hard as a stone after being roasted. Is it soft clay? Ordinary soil can harden after being roasted by fire?" Yu, one of the only two adult men in the pottery group, made a surprising discovery while repairing the pottery kiln.

    This discovery gave An Er a great inspiration. in last year. Due to the lack of time, she only taught the tribe how to build adobe houses. At that time, she really wanted to live in that kind of brick and wood house. But. Whether building a house or burning bricks, it is a new attempt for her. Coupled with the approaching winter, she wanted to live in the house before winter, so she chose the adobe house.

    The discovery of the rain aroused her yearning for the brick house. She decided to come before the autumn harvest. Get out the red bricks. Although what she wanted most was the kind of antique blue bricks, in the pictures she had seen those exquisite blue brick wall drawings, which were so beautiful that they suffocated her.

    It is relatively simple to fire red bricks. As long as the clay is mixed with water, pressed into a square shape with a mold, dried in the air, and fired in a kiln for ten or twenty days. It is different from the blue brick. Red bricks are naturally cooled, while blue bricks have to be poured with water…

    An'er decided to try red brick firing first, if the technology is mature. Make more bricks.

    Just do it! Ten days later, after the work of the pottery-making team was on track, An'er chose Yu as the team leader of the pottery-making team, handed over the management of the pottery production to him, and reported to her every 30 days! Now. The tribe already has a simple calendar, with sixteen months a year. Thirty days a month. There are four seasons in a year, and each season is about four months according to the color of the moon.

    An'er drew more than 30 strong laborers from the hunting team, led by Yingye, and started the construction of the brick kiln. In the 21st century brick kiln, she only had pictures in her computer, but it didn't matter. After many attempts, a simple adobe brick kiln leaning on the mountain wall was born.

    The site of the brick kiln is on the back mountain, not far from the Biqing River, because it needs a lot of water to work with clay, of course, it must be close to the water source.

    After the completion of the brick kiln, these thirty strong laborers still did not return to the team, but set up a brick and tile group, and began to make bricks with mud using the molds made by An'er.

      An'er adopts the method of division of labor and cooperation. Thirty people, divided into three groups, worked in full swing.

    Twenty days later, the first batch of bright red square bricks, a total of more than 10,000 pieces, were piled on the open space in front of the brick kiln. When An'er poured out the red bricks, she didn't say what the bricks were used for. When so many square-shaped red bricks came out of the kiln, many clansmen gathered around, constantly discussing and guessing the role of these red bricks.

      When I weighed it with my hand, it was quite heavy, and when I tapped it, the hardness was not bad. However, the Atayal people have never doubted An'er. An'er will not do useless work. These blocks must be of great use!

    When the clansmen heard that these red bricks were used to build city walls or houses, and were more sturdy, even in heavy rain, they would not be worried about being collapsed by blisters, they couldn't help cheering. You must know that in the summer here, there are often one or twenty days of heavy rain, sometimes even longer, and the houses they live in at this time are all made of adobe. Collapse!

    There are still two or three months before the rainy season, enough time for them to build the city wall and some houses!


    Recommend Teriyaki Eggplant's "Floating Frost", it is very beautiful: in her past life, she was a **** in her father's hands, and in the end she only ended up with a three-footed white ling. In this life, she will no longer please anyone, and she will no longer force anything, she just wants to be reckless in this chaotic chess game...

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