Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 178: coal news

    Thanks to 89854652186, bao20120203, the pink ticket sent by that touch of green color, thank you lovely Xili and bibian888 for the reward.

    The third one is here!

    Rebuilding the city walls, knocking down and rebuilding houses requires a lot of red bricks. The brick and tile team led by Yingye has increased in size by half, and the number of bricks out of the kiln every month has also increased from more than 10,000 to more than 30,000.

    The pottery group needs a lot of charcoal, and the brick kiln also needs it! The burning of charcoal also takes up a large part of the labor force of the clan. As a result, the prime-age labor force in the clan has become tight.

    In the evening, when Abu and An'er were discussing this issue, they asked whether they should use pottery or other items from the tribe to go to a nearby or farther tribe and return for some adult labor. Now, their horses have expanded to more than 100. Not only can they supply the needs of the grassland cavalry team, but the rest can also form a transport team, responsible for contacting and exchanging with distant tribes!

    Especially after the mass production of clay pots, this cavalry transport team played its role. The pots not only brought in prey, but also further expanded the size of the tribe. Of course, the price of such exquisite pottery cannot be low. Fortunately, this is spring, there is no shortage of food, and only a few people are exchanged for people. In this way, the pressure on the Atayal hunting team was greatly reduced, which was one of the reasons why An'er tossed around at will, occupying a large number of laborers in the clan, and no one raised any objections.

     Exchange pottery for labor? This is indeed a good way! An'er believes that when autumn comes, there is absolutely no problem in feeding thousands of people with the harvested food. Now there are only five or six hundred people in the tribe, and there is no problem with doubling it!

    After the red bricks are fired, it is impossible to build city walls and houses without leaving the prime-age labor force. However... the top priority is to save more labor! The fuel problem is imminent!

    An'er knew that in the hundreds of years before her journey, she used a type of fuel called "coal", which is a black mineral. I don't know if there is coal in this world. If you can find it, then the manpower for burning charcoal can be saved!

    Therefore, An Errang the people who went out to exchange, and said: The Atayal tribe is looking for a kind of stone, if someone can find this kind of stone, the Atayal tribe can use food Or pottery in exchange for…

    The reason why she didn't specify the color of the ore was because she knew many of the minerals she needed, such as rough copper ore and rough iron ore. If you can find copper and iron ore by the way, then the problems of weapons, agricultural tools and some daily necessities in the tribe can be solved.

      An'er sat in the small shed erected in front of the city gate, examining the stones one by one. There was a long line in front of her, and everyone was either holding a stone or a straw rope tied to a stone. There were really few people who could use a basket on their backs!

    Looking at this, An'er really felt a bit dumbfounded. Those stones are indeed more or less colored, some are white granite, some are blue and transparent crystal stones, some are semi-luolu jade on the outside, as well as yellow natural sulfur, red realgar, beautiful. The chalcedony, transparent garnet, and even silver ore appeared, but the ore she needed was not there.

      It's gone - now, the most important thing the Atayal tribe lacks is prey!

    In this way, after another ten days, An'er's endurance was almost exhausted, and she waited for the kind of copper ore she needed. This ore is a red-colored crystal that can be smelted to extract the refined copper she needs.

    An'er looked at this colorful ore and felt inexplicable in her heart. Could it be that prehistoric times are about to enter the Bronze Age? wrong! Bronze and bronze cannot be refined from this kind of copper ore. She remembered what kind of ore she needed!

    Don't mention these, let's get the copper mine done first. This time, it was the leader of a small tribe hundreds of miles away, a strong man in his thirties. An'er heard about this copper mine, which was not uncommon on a mountain in their territory. She then suspected that the mountain mentioned by the patriarch of the small tribe was a copper mine.

    An'er is even more restless. If she can take down this mine and find another ore for smelting bronze in the future, she will not worry about the lack of copper supply.

    After some bargaining, An'er used five clay pots and ten clay pots—that is, the price of a mammoth, to exchange the mining rights of the copper mine. And signed the contract with animal skins, and boasted that the contract was blessed by the gods. If any party violated the provisions of the contract, it would be punished by the gods, and there was a danger of genocide!

    The patriarch of the Kashan tribe, Kagen, signed the contract very readily. For them, that barren mountain has no use value. There are very few plants and animals on the mountain. How could he not agree with such a bald mountain in exchange for so many precious pots?

    Gagen carefully carried the exchanged pottery with the back basket that An'er gave, with a big mouth. He never expected that he had heard the news released by the Atayal tribe, and was purely thinking of luck. Unexpectedly, it was a stroke of luck!

    The Gashan Tribe is a small tribe with only more than 100 people. He has been the team leader for more than ten years, and there has never been more than three pottery in the tribe. Unexpectedly, a small stone, but in exchange for such a big harvest. He bit on his wrist, if it wasn't for the pain, he would have thought it was a dream!

    When the chief of the Kashan clan carefully escorted the pottery back, the chief of the Hushan clan, riding a horse captured by the method given to them by the Atayal clan, rushed over like a gust of wind. When passing by the Kashan clan chief, he saw the pottery held in his arms like a treasure of Kagen, and after dismounting in front of An'er, he asked in disappointment, "Sister An'er, you found the stone you were looking for. already??"

    An'er asked her little assistant, the eight-year-old Yingxue, to put away the piece of red copper ore, and then said to the **** brother she recognized: "Not yet! However, This kind of ore is also useful! Big brother, you hurried here, is there anything wrong?"

    Hushan Patriarch took out a small black stone from his clothes and said with a smile: "Sister, I led the hunting team today to hunt at the foot of a mountain in the westernmost part of the territory, and found A few black stones. You're talking about pretty stones, but you don't say anything about them... Look at this kind of stone, is it what you need?"

    As soon as An'er's eyes touched the ore, she was immediately attracted by the color? black color? Is it coal? Is it the coal she desperately needs? She rushed to Hushan at once, almost snatching the black stone from his hand.

    She carefully looked at the stone, which was only the size of her two thumb nails. It should be a kind of anthracite, which is a very high-quality coal. This kind of coal has high calorific value, strong firepower, less smoke and long burning time. Using it as fuel is ideal.

& nbsp; Take me to see?"

    The patriarch Hushan looked at the small white hand holding his big hand, stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "That mountain is where the tiger clan and the Ula clan meet, because the food that can be obtained on the mountain is not Many of us have never had any disputes over this mountain. Do you need this kind of stone? In that case, I will visit the chief of the Ulla tribe and discuss with him about transferring the ownership of the mountain to us…”

    "Brother, I'll go with you! Just like the patriarch of the Kashan tribe just now, let's exchange pottery for the mining and use rights of the mountain. It's better to make a contract. In this way, Ullah If the leader of the clan wants to go back on his words, there is a reason to punish him!" An'er finally got news of coal, and it was an anthracite of excellent quality. In winter, the heating of the Taiya and the tiger clan is also guaranteed!

    Hushan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay! However, it's getting late today, call Abu brothers tomorrow morning, let's go visit Wuxiang of the Wula people together! Don't worry, that Wuxiang Xiang is not a no-brainer, the Ula tribe is a medium-sized tribe with only four or five hundred people, and he will not be stupid enough to be the enemy of the tiger tribe and the Atayal tribe."

    He also saw An'er's eagerness and knew that the mountain was very important to her. After he said this, An'er blushed a little embarrassedly. She also knew that she had just acted too urgently. Fortunately, Big Brother Hushan is not someone else, otherwise it would be embarrassing!

    She took a deep breath secretly, and then found a topic: "Brother, have you thought about where to build a city? There are many warriors in your tribe, build the city wall first... By the way, yours Has the brick kiln produced it? How is the quality of the bricks?"

    The Hushan Patriarch had a happy smile on his face: "Sister, with you and Yingye personally guiding the battle, if that kid Hutian doesn't do well, he will be better than a wild boar. Don't worry. Don't worry, our brick kiln has already produced a kiln of red bricks. The quality is similar to the samples you sent in the past. However, some deformed bricks appeared in a kiln, and they were all picked up. "

    An'er thought for a while, then nodded and said: "The red brick will deform, perhaps because the temperature is too high and it has been burned. However, if the number is not large, it should not matter. Brother, there are two more After more than a month, it will enter the rainy season, and then there will be no way to build a city. Let’s build the city wall first!”

    If there is a beast tide on the grassland, it will be even more difficult to resist. Ever since she officially recognized Hushan as her eldest brother, An'er took the construction of the Tiger Clan as her own responsibility.

    "If the bricks can't keep up, they will burn while building. If there is really no supply, I'll go and see, build one more kiln, and produce two brick kilns at the same time!" An'er thought about it and added.

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