Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 206: Forest fire

    The third one is here!

    Cervical vertebrae again, sore and sore. Alas... Sangeng doesn't know how many days she can hold on, she will work hard!

    Roll for pink…


    "Stinky boy, you scared me to death! This stubborn guy won't look at the distance from the middle of the mountain, he has to climb to the top of the mountain!" An'er heaved a sigh of relief. Only then did he realize that his palms were soaking wet.

    Abu held An'er's little hand, which pierced the palm of his hand, and blew on it. An'er said to him, "I don't feel pain, really!—Look, Ah Tu has reached the top of the mountain!"

    Sure enough, a small figure on the top of the mountain was waving at them. Before long, the figure climbed down again. However, it's a lot easier when you come down! Ah Tu first fixed the chain crossbow on the top of the mountain, and then jumped directly down. After the chain crossbow chain reached the maximum length, he climbed a rock, retracted the chain crossbow, and shot it on a solid tree trunk again. Jumping down... After so many times, he finally reached the ground.

    "How is it? Did you see anything?" An'er asked anxiously.

    "Don't worry, let me catch my breath anyway!" A Tu grinned, suddenly a serious face, "I reached the top of the mountain, follow the directions you pointed. Looking in the direction, guess what I saw?—A huge cloud of smoke and dust, like thick black clouds, thicker than the dark clouds before the summer thunderstorms. It was like a black mushroom, moving towards It floats up in the sky and slowly spreads out again."

    "This is an eruption column! It's a bit like a mushroom cloud eruption column!" An'er's face became even paler.

    Seeing everyone looking over with puzzled expressions, she explained: "Volcanic eruptions. Due to the movement of the crust, magma and other ejecta from the interior of the earth are released from the crater. In this During the process, the internal pressure of the volcano was too high, breaking through the cracks in the rock, accompanied by a violent explosion of gas, which broke the rock.

    At this time, the crushed stone is ejected first, and then the magma. After the gas exploded, the debris and deep magma were ejected into the sky with great ejection force. The eruption column is formed. The eruption column continues to rise, and the gas and low-density substances in the column will spread out. A volcanic ash cloud formed.

    That is, what A Tu saw was like a dark cloud. This volcanic ash cloud can float in the air for a long time, has a great impact on the surrounding climate, and even causes major disasters! "

    Ann's explanation. Let Abu and the clansmen beside him be confused. What crust? what earth? The ground is obviously flat. How do you say it's a ball? And magma, density, volcanic ash... is it a **** horse again? Fortunately, I understood the last sentence, the kind of cloud that Ah Tu saw was harmful!

    "Then... what should I do now?" Someone in the crowd asked in panic.

    An'er thought for a while and asked Atu: "How far is the volcanic ash cloud you saw from our side?"

    A Tu thought for a while, and said, "It's very far. It seems to be on the other side of the forest... However, when I was observing the ash cloud, I seemed to see a thick smoke on the other side of the forest. Out. It's like... the forest is on fire!"

    A Tu scratched his head and seemed a little unsure.

    An'er said to herself: "It's okay, it's okay! The volcano is far from our side..."

    "If it is close, what harm will it bring us?" Abu asked worriedly.

    An'er thought for a while and said, "When a volcano erupts, a large amount of volcanic ash and gas will be ejected, which will have a certain impact on the climate. For example, it will be dark during the day, and the sun, like the moon, will lose Its light. It can also cause violent storms and even mud rain. This phenomenon may last for several months! In addition, the volcanic ash drifts far away with the wind, which not only causes the temperature to drop, but if it is inhaled into the lungs, It can cause respiratory diseases, and even cause suffocation... Everyone prepare a cloth, and after the vibration stops, make a mask and wear it on your mouth, which can filter the ash and the emitted gas."

    At this time, the clansmen also smelled a strong smell of sulfur. This is the sulfur dioxide formed during the eruption of the volcano, and inhaling it is also very harmful to the body!

    Maybe the volcano finally opened up the channel for the jet, and the ground shaking finally stopped. Abu asked everyone to go home, find some Gebu, and learn to make masks with An'er. An'er made several pairs of masks for every member of the family, and kept replacements. The first mask, the family insisted she put it on first. Her current body is the key protection object!

    The square was full of women wearing masks, sewing masks for their families. The men went home to repair the damage to their houses caused by the earthquake.

    Because she was worried, Ah Tu, who climbed the top of the mountain again, ran over in a panic, and shouted from a distance: "An'er, it's on fire! The forest is on fire!"

    An Er was shocked, she finally realized what she was missing. If the volcano is close to the forest, it will cause a forest fire. When Ah Tu was reporting just now, she was only thinking about how to solve the volcanic ash problem, but she forgot about such a big event!

    Damn! An'er looked at the wind direction. If the wind direction did not change midway, I was afraid that the fire would spread towards the Atayal tribe.

    An'er jumped on the back of the saber-toothed tiger Xiaomiao, who was lying on the side lazily, and instructed it to quickly find Abu. Now we must further expand the fire prevention area as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the tribe!

    "Abu! Abu! Don't rush to repair the house, hurry up! Go and lead the clan to continue cutting trees. The forest fire broke out. If you don't want to abandon the city and escape, the fire zone must be expanded!" An'er rushed to the two men who climbed up the roof and reinstalled the beams, shouting anxiously!

    When Abu heard the words, he immediately jumped down, took out the horns from the house, and blew it hard. All the laborers in the tribe who were busy hearing the horn immediately stopped their work and gathered quickly.

    Patriarch Abu told all the tribes about what Atu had observed, and the tribesmen did not care about their own disaster-stricken houses. The members of the cavalry team brought bone knives, stone axes and bone saws, and immediately Get on your horse and gallop in the direction of the Tribal City Gate. The rest, men and women, young and old. They all threw down the matters at hand and rushed to help outside the city gate at full speed.

    The entire clan of more than 700 people, nearly 800 people, were dispatched together, except for the children under the age of seven. And the elderly over fifty years old, no one is willing to stay in the tribe. Even Lao Luo and Lao Lei, these 40-something-year-old old people who are strong and strong, also chop down trees with young people, and transport trunks.

    An'er has a big belly and doesn't want to be idle like a waste. She chased the mammoths. The trees cut down by the warriors were carried to the Biqing River. Because of the rush of time, although it is a waste of resources. However, for the safety of the tribe, she resolutely decided to throw the cut down trees into the Biqing River and let them flow downstream along the river. so many trees. If made into charcoal. Enough for the tribe to use for a long time. well! I don't know who these trees will be cheaper!

    Everyone worked together, day and night, for two whole days! At this time, the climate change caused by volcanic ash has been faintly revealed. First, at sunrise in the morning and sunset in the evening, the sun emits a strangely dazzling red light, as if it had been stained with blood, so red that it makes people uncomfortable to look at. Then there was the clear blue sky. At this time, it was covered with a layer of gray color, which was comparable to the sky before An'er crossed. temperature. Also because the sun was obscured by the volcanic ash cloud, it dropped several degrees, and the winter color was faintly restored.

    The tribesmen wore thick masks, which were not allowed to be taken off even when working. Just as the tribe was trying to cut down the trees around the tribe, by the evening of the next day, beasts had already run out of the forest in groups.

    What is surprising is that there are ferocious lions, wild wolves, giant bears, and gentle herbivores such as deer, wild sheep and deer in the army of animals. They are mixed together, and there is no intention of attacking each other in any way.

    The people who raised their tools nervously because of the beast tide were surprised to find that these animals turned a blind eye to them. An elegant and colorful leopard passed by a clan, and even swept its tail on his face. A timid roe deer, stepping on the feet of a young man, quickly circled the mountain ridge and ran towards the back of the mountain...

    An'er looked at the direction of the disappearance of the beasts thoughtfully - if the forest fire really can't be stopped, they will be like these animals, bypassing the back mountain and fleeing further afield Bar?

    The thick smoke emitted by the fire in the forest was clearly visible to everyone in the Atayal tribe in the morning. The thick smoke covered half of the sky, and the choking smell could be felt even through the mask.

    At this time, the fire spread faster, and the Atayal people who were cutting down trees outside the tribe could already faintly feel the scorching temperature. They speeded up the felling action, and strived to win more hope for the tribe to survive before the fire came.

    "Huh? I seem to hear people's voices? Could it be that I'm too tired for the past two days and have auditory hallucinations?" He and his man carried a peach from a giant tree and came to lead the mammoth Beside An'er of the elephant, he suddenly turned his ear to listen, and said to her with a smile. She has come out of the haze of losing her child completely.

    An'er frowned and listened, but didn't notice anything, so she said: "Maybe it's the sound of the clansmen when they are working! If you insist on this night, I'm afraid it won't be until tomorrow. , I don't have a chance to cut it. The forest fire should be coming..."

    Peach heard the words, closed her mouth, picked up the tree silently, and walked towards the Biqing River. After two days and one night of hard work, the results are remarkable. Outside the Atayal tribe, the fire zone was extended to four or five hundred meters. Fortunately, nearly half of the Atayal tribe is surrounded by the Biqing River, and the other half is the forest. In this way, their labor volume is relatively reduced by half.

    "Huh? Peaches, look! Someone really escaped from the forest! Strange, why didn't these people flee towards the grassland, but ran to this side along the forest?" A figure who escaped from the forest, after rushing out of the forest to relax, sat down on the ground, unable to get up...

    ps: "The Return of the Distressed Daughter" Author: Don't Sweep the Snow Introduction: The mother died early, she and her brother were killed successively, and the Han family was shrouded in a huge conspiracy. When Han Jiangxue came back from the rebirth, he was destined for a lifetime of glory!

     Her new life is not only revenge, but also protects her loved ones! Her brilliance is not only successful and famous, but also the love of each other who will never leave and never give up and grow old together!

    The daughter-in-law is back, hope for a lifetime of peace, and keep a peaceful life!

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