Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 207: save lives

    Thanks to kalarice, flat bear tail, Moshang children's shoes for the pink tickets, thank you lovely Xi Li for the reward. There are still three updates today!


    Peach looked in that direction, snorted, and said, "It seems to be the son of the Haru Patriarch of the Hake tribe, the Hake tribe is about five or six days away from us, I didn't expect It's only been two days since the fire started, and he actually ran five or six days in two days..."

    An'er was silent for a while, thinking that the Huck tribe seemed to be in the direction of the fire, and the fire should burn there first, and the forest tribes there were fleeing. However, what makes her strange is that anyone with a bit of common sense should not run along the forest with the wind, but should turn to the prairie...

    Thinking of the half-human tall withered grass on the grassland, An'er shook her head gently. In the face of natural disasters such as forest fires, it is not safe for primitive people to escape anywhere.

    The son of the patriarch Haru, Ha Hu, is a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Smiling sunny handsome teenager.

      His eyes were filled with sadness, fear, and deep weariness, and his lips were dry and bloody...

    He sat on the ground and gasped for breath, took the water handed over by the Atayal people, and gulped. Looking at the surrounding Atayal people, they are still cutting wood without haste. He couldn't help but shouted in a hoarse voice in exasperation: "The fire is coming, you still have the heart to cut down trees? Hurry up and escape! I said, your Atayal tribe has a raft that can cross the river. Only when you cross the Biqing River can you completely cross the river. Safety!"

    An Er thought about it for a while and said to Abu: "Brother Huhu is right, although our fire belt has been widened, no one has ever experienced a forest fire of this scale before. Do you know if it will burn our tribe? Why don't Yingye bring a team of good hands holding bamboo rafts to **** the old and the weak, women and children in the tribe. Cross the Biqing River and go to Hushan Big Brother first to avoid it."

    The camp of the tiger tribe is across the water from the Atayal tribe. This is the Hushan Patriarch in order to facilitate the communication between the two clans. specially selected. Originally, it would take five or six days for the Atayal and Tiger tribes to bypass the Biqing River. Now if you are on a bamboo raft. Or walking past the ice in the Biqing River in winter. It only takes half a day to walk. Except in the summer when the water of the Biqing River is soaring, the communication between the two ethnic groups is through the Biqing River.

    Abu thought for a while, then nodded and said: "Ye! Come here! You gather the old and weak women and children of the clan, bring twenty warriors to the small pier, and all the bamboo rafts are launched into the water. , transfer part of the population of the clan to the territory of the tiger clan first. Ye. An will be taken care of by you!"

    An Er shook her head when she heard this. Said: "I'm not leaving! I'm the goddess of luck in the tribe. With me, the tribe will be blessed by the gods and nothing will happen! The current Atayal tribe has condensed my efforts, and I can't see it put into practice. Ju. Besides, our fire belt has been extended to more than 700 meters, and there is a moat to protect it. It may be the safest to stay in the tribe!"


    An'er still shook her head and said to him: "There is a saying, 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket', the old and the weak, women and children in the tribe, if there is any danger, escape slowly, It just slows us down. Don't look at me pregnant, but I have saber-toothed tigers and mammoths. They're not slower than you adult warriors! That's it, listen to me! Come on, don't Time wasted!"

    Yingye looked at An'er stubbornly, seeing that she had no room to turn around, he sighed softly, put Hahu on his shoulders, and walked towards the tribe.

    An'er looked at his back, sighed softly, and immediately called up the women who were helping to transport and cut down trees, and asked them to hurry back and help the old and young of the clan get on the boat and cross the river .

    Seeing this, Abu said to her, "An, will you go to the small pier to preside over the overall situation? Don't mess around and waste time in vain."

    Seeing that she couldn't help much by staying here, An'er told her man a few words, jumped on the back of the restless saber-toothed tiger, and quickly disappeared from the tribe in the city gate.

    After Hahu was in the forest, they ran out of the tired Haake tribe one after another, most of them were young adults, and some were carrying their own young children. After all, it is a minority. When the fire comes, even close relatives, who can take care of whom?

    At this point, the fire can be faintly seen flashing from a distance. The Abujan people stopped cutting trees and went into the forest to meet the escaped people. Some people, maybe just a few steps away, fell to the ground tired and no longer had the strength to get up. Now, save as many as you can!

    Abu took the lead and rushed into the forest, and people kept falling down in front of him. He let the tribesmen who followed behind him carried the people of other tribes who were tired and paralyzed on the ground, and went to the city gate. run away. He went deeper...

    Not far away, smoke billows, and fire blazes into the sky. There was a miserable cry in the ear, and in the background of the fire, there were figures supporting each other, stumbling towards him.

    Abu, ignoring the scorching heat of the fire, rushed over, without looking, he carried the older man on his back, put a young man and a woman under his arms, and moved towards Running wildly outside the forest. Ah Sang, who had already called back and forth from the gate of the tribe, saw that the patriarch was alone with three people, and he was racing against the blazing flames behind him. He rushed over and took over one of them, without saying anything, and ran with all his strength.

    Abu felt his hair curled up due to the temperature of the flame. The burning sensation on his back was gradually approaching, and he could smell the burnt smell in his nose. He carried one on his back and two people under his arms. Even with all his strength, he couldn't shake the flames away.

    Fortunately, at this time, Ah Sang took over the young man in his hands. Having lightened his burden, he exerted his potential to the fullest and ran away to the outside of the forest.

    "Patriarch, I'll help you!" When he was about to run out of the forest, Da Zhuang carried the one on his back like a chicken, and carried it on his shoulders.

    "Get out! The fire has burned to the edge of the forest, everyone quickly retreat to the tribe!" Abu threw the woman under his arm on his back and ran wildly in the direction of the tribe on. At the gate of the city, his black horse, because of the approaching heat wave, kept stepping on its hooves.

    He threw the woman on the horse's back like a sack, and jumped onto the horse's back. He glanced back at the already blazing forest, his mouth tightly pressed into a line. With a flick of the reins, he took the woman who had just been rescued and passed out, and galloped away in the direction of the tribe.

    In front of him, the tribesmen were riding horses, galloping wildly, and a team of hundreds of people ran in the direction of the tribe.

    When I arrived at the tribe, I looked at the cliff above the cave from a distance, and a familiar figure looked into the distance. In front of the cave, the little woman riding a saber-toothed tiger was shouting something towards the figure on the cliff. The clansmen who were rescued from other tribes were also placed in the square in front of the cave. The clansmen had helped them to fetch the cooked food that Jiazhong had not eaten, and watched them gobble it.

    "Baba! Baba, you escaped too?" Ha Hu held a bowl of rice porridge that was already cold and snorted. Just put down the porridge bowl in his hand, but saw the embarrassed man who was helped by Da Zhuang from the horse, and rushed over crying.

    During their escape for two days and one night, their family was together, supporting each other and running. After all, the patriarch Haru is almost forty years old. Although he was a good hunter when he was young, after all, his age is there. In prehistoric society, at the age of forty is already considered an old man with half of his body buried in the earth.

    In addition, there were also Haru's woman, Huhu and Harbao's mother, the speed of the group of four must be dragged down. Seeing that the forest fire was approaching, Haru didn't want the family to die together, so he let the two sons go first, and their Haru family was considered to be the last.

    Who knows that the two sons are unwilling to abandon their families, Ha Hu looked at the staggering, gray-faced mother, squatted down, and said: "I have strength, I carry my mother on my back. Go, you can escape!"

    Halu's twin brother firmly supported Haru's arm and ran forward silently. The sting of thorns and stones came. This silent boy who usually doesn't talk much, just proves with actions that he will not abandon his family and escape alone.

    The Haru Patriarch has always been proud of his two sons. Although the characters of the two children, one loves to talk and laugh, the other is silent, but whether it is hunting skills or the degree of support in the tribe, he likes it. For more than a year, he has been raising two children, intentionally or unintentionally.

    The leopard didn't like to make friends with people, so he asked him to lead the hunting team to hunt plentiful prey for the clansmen. Ha Leopard never tires of it, especially after returning from the Atayal tribe for bows and arrows, with his own strength, he obtained a handful, and it was a pleasure to hunt.

    Hahu is optimistic by nature, with a sweet mouth that everyone loves, and he brings him in exchanges with other tribes. With him, when exchanging, we can always use the least prey to obtain the greatest harvest. For example, when he used cotton to exchange pottery with Ataya, he was embarrassed to give up his old face and said that he was exchanging other people's artifacts. This new-born calf was not afraid of tigers, but he followed behind the buttocks of other goddesses. A face spoke, and people agreed.

    ps: I recommend "Emerald Eyes" by the master of Zhanxingxing: the ordinary woman Wang Xiaoping stepped into the sewer with one foot, reborn ten years ago in elementary school. But the man who "respected each other like a guest" even jumped out of the sewer and was reborn together in order to save him, and he also had the same portable space as himself! So... She has the ability to see through, knows jade and jade, and constantly amazes the four.

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