Today's delivery...Thank you for the pink ticket, thank you for the tip, in order to save time, I will not thank you one by one.

    The third is after ten o’clock…


    The patriarch Haru looked at the firelight that was getting closer and closer behind him, facing the two equally excellent sons, reluctantly threatened: "Huhu, take the leopard and go first! You and I are numb I will stick to it until the last moment, and I won't give up easily! If you insist on not leaving, you and I will throw ourselves into the fire and make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

    Ha Hu, the sunshine boy, immediately burst into tears. His family is very simple and warm. His Mama has only one man, the patriarch of Haru, and after giving birth to him and Haru once, he has never conceived a child again. She devoted her life's effort and love to the man and her two sons. After giving birth to their brothers, her body has not been very good, but she never relied on the privilege of the patriarch woman, for one reason or another, to not participate in the gathering activities of the tribe. Whether men or women in the tribe, mentioning him numbly, there is no disapproval.

      He and Ha Bao took turns to carry her, ignoring her repeated requests to let go of her proposal, and persisted for a day and a night. However, at this time, the father was powerless. If the two brothers were carrying one on their backs, they would not be able to run away from the approaching flames.

    However, let him abandon his relatives to escape alone, he absolutely cannot do it! So, he said earnestly: "Family, we have to live together. If we die, we have to die together! Baba, do you want me to sadly abandon my relatives and escape the infamy alone?"

    Haru was so angry that he picked up a nearby dry branch with the thickness of a finger and slapped him a few times. The old tearful said: "The escaped tribesmen of the Huck tribe will rely on your brothers to help them up. If our whole family is destroyed in this fire, then the Huck tribe will soon become a mass of scattered sand. For being bullied!"

    Ha Hu still asked a little puzzled: "Baba, why don't we run to the prairie, although there are dead grass there, but if we reach the hilly area where weeds are scarce. Isn't it safe for us? And looking at the wind and fire, the grassland shouldn't burn for too long..."

    Patriarch Halu breathed heavily and said, "If you enter the grassland, the wind will turn, and the fire will spread faster, and it is even more delusional to escape. Besides, have you ever thought about it? Even if we flee to the prairie, what will happen to our future life? Except for being chased and chased by others and falling into stone. The direction we are fleeing now is the Atayal tribe. There are goddesses who are blessed and charitable, and will definitely help us tide over the difficulties. Yes! The nearby tribes, only Atayal, have enough food to support the population of foreign tribes..."

    The patriarch's wife next to her was pale and bloodless. Looking back at the flames that were gradually licking up, he pushed his son's hand. Weakly said: "It's less than half a day's journey from Ataya, you brothers, hurry up. Without the drag of me and you, you will definitely be able to escape this fire alive.

    Remember, if the Atayal tribe is unwilling to accept you, in the name of the young patriarch, learn from the tiger clan and form a blood alliance with Atayal. You Mama, I got married from the Tiger Clan. The people in the Tiger Clan said that Atayal has always been generous to the Alliance Tribe. It is said that the tiger tribe also learns Atayal in the spring, grows delicious and satisfying rice and wheat, and becomes the second Atayal!

    As long as Huck and Atayal allies, the Huck tribe will have a chance to make a comeback! Hahu, you are the hope of the tribe and can't be dragged down by our two old guys. Hurry up, hurry up! "

    Ha Hu, with hot tears in his eyes, knelt on the ground and gave Ba Ba Ma Ma a heavy kowtow a few times.

    This silent and inarticulate young man gave him a deep look and said: "The tribe will be handed over to your brother, and the plucking will be handed over to me! Before the last step, I will won't abandon them..."

    Looking at his younger brother's firm eyes, Ha Hu knew very well that this usually silent younger brother, once he made a decision, he would never change it again. Biting his lip hard, he felt a fishy sweetness spread in his mouth. He wiped the tears from his cheeks, kowtowed a few more times, and raised his head again, there was already a bruise on his forehead.

    Although, he also wants to be like his younger brother and never leave his family. However, as the patriarch, Baba solemnly handed over the tribe to him. No matter how reluctant he was, no matter how sad he was, he had to leave his family behind and save his life. Baba is right, their family is the backbone of the tribe, and they can't all fall down!

    Tears kept flowing in his eyes, his vision blurred, he gritted his teeth and ran wildly in the direction of the Atayal tribe. Finally, when exhausted, he ran outside the forest. When rescued by the people of the Atayal tribe, he turned his head and stared at the big forest full of smoke for a long time through misty tears. There, there are three of his closest relatives...

    He was resting in the square, looking at the familiar faces with anticipation, being brought back by the Atayal people on their backs or on their backs, he hoped that a miracle could come, and that his relatives able to escape from the fire.

      His heart was completely chilled. Puba, Ma Ma, and Ah Bao...

    Most of the people who were rescued by the Atayal were from the Hake tribe. Looking at the worried faces, Ha Ho had to force himself to cheer up from his grief. After taking a break, he helped Atayal's warriors to appease his clan. When the Atayal people brought cooked food to these outsiders who had not eaten much for two days and one night, Ha Hu choked up. On behalf of the tribe, he thanked the Atayal tribe for their help in times of crisis.

    This young man had to force himself to cheer up and grow up. And more than 100 members of the Hake tribe, in Ha Hu, seem to see the shadow of the Haru Patriarch who put the interests of the tribe first. Their panicked hearts seem to have a backbone and gradually settle down.

    Ha Hu and tears, drinking the porridge handed over by the Atayal people. In order to escape, he only brought a few steamed buns from home in a hurry, and the flour was exchanged from Atayal. On the way, two days and one night, their family of four was supported by these steamed buns. Thinking of the way the family gave each other steamed buns and no one was willing to take another bite, the boy's eyes turned red again.

    When the Atayal warriors who distributed food to the fleeing people, cheered softly: "The patriarch is back! The patriarch is back!" When Ha Hu forcefully blinked the tears from his eyes and raised his eyes look past.

    I didn't expect it, but I saw a big surprise!

    "Puba!" Hahu, like a little beast that had been separated from its mother for a long time and finally reunited, stumbled towards the Haru Patriarch and fell at his feet. After all, he is only a seventeen-year-old boy. He has experienced the blow of fire, lost his tribe, and lost his clan. Although he is strong on the surface, he is extremely fragile on the inside. Ha Hu hugged Patriarch Haru's leg and burst into tears.

    The patriarch Haru held his son's head tightly with tears in his eyes. When the flames licked his back and could clearly feel the burning pain, he thought he was about to die in the fire. He was a tribe all his life and had a clear conscience for his clan, but it was a pity that when he died, his younger son was implicated. old! If it was more than ten years ago, he was the "Scud" in the tribe, and no one in the entire tribe could run against him. But now, he is holding back the child.

    Just when he was ready to die, the young patriarch of the Atayal tribe came to him like a god, and left him on his back without saying a word . When he was concerned about his son and women, he found that the strong and powerful young patriarch, holding one in each hand, ran at an unaffected speed.

    No, when his son and him were taken over by the Atayal people one after another, he once again saw the ability of the Atayal patriarch. His speed is even better than when he was young. The forest fire that was about to burn on his back was left behind by him.

    When he ran out of the forest, Haru knew that he almost burned to death less than a thousand meters from the edge of the forest. With the support and encouragement of my son, I have persisted for so long. If it wasn't for the Atayal Patriarch, I would have almost failed!

    Holding the eldest son who was crying like a child, he looked back at the younger son who was exhausted and collapsed on the back of the Atayal warrior. Finally escaped to heaven! When the eldest son listened to him, Haru wanted to give up when he left alone. But the stubbornness of the younger son came up, and he supported the other with one hand and tried to walk forward. Even though the child was numb and her legs were too weak to stand up, Ha Bao still dragged her and moved forward step by step.

    Haru was moved by his son's persistence, and the potential in his body was stimulated. He and his son supported the child's mother. This day, no matter how tired he was, he did not stop.

    He should be thankful that the wind today is much smaller than yesterday, and the fire has also weakened a lot. Without the determination of their youngest son to never give up until the last moment, they would not have escaped from the blazing forest...

    "Ha leopard! Little leopard! You escaped too? Where's Mama, where is Mama?" I embarrassedly wiped away my tears. Seeing the younger brother who was carried by Dazhuang on his back, his eyes were full of surprises.

    Ha Bao regained his sanity under his brother's shaking, he tried to hold up a smile at Ha Hu, and said weakly, "Brother, I did it! I didn't give up!"

    Ha Hu's nose was sour again, and he patted Ha Leopard on the shoulder. At this time, he also saw his mother who was being helped down by Patriarch Abu, and rushed over to hug the thin mother tightly in his arms. When the young man knew that the patriarch Abu had saved the lives of his three relatives, he sincerely knelt down and kowtowed three times at the young patriarch who was not much older than himself.

    ps: Xi Zhen: "Ancient Martial Arts Female Agent" - Reverse the city with magical ancient martial arts.

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