Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 209: tribe on fire

    Today's release. Happy New Year's Day to everyone in advance!

    "An'er! The fire has stopped at the fire isolation zone! Although there are sporadic flames on the weeds by the river, it is not a big problem. It should not burn our tribe! However, the forest fire , seems to have turned the direction and went to the northeast. I'm afraid it will go around to our back mountain..." With the thick smoke on the cliff, A Tu, who was watching outside the tribe, coughed and reported what he had observed. Happening.

    The warriors of the Atayal tribe, and the people who were just rescued, breathed a sigh of relief. If the forest fires also besieged the Atayal tribe, I am afraid that they will no longer have the physical strength and courage to escape. When the Haq people fled, there was always hope in their hearts to inspire them, which made many people realize their unprecedented potential - that is what the patriarch said, "When you arrive at Taiya, you will be saved!"

    An'er supported her aching waist, while taking a sigh of relief, she leaned softly on the saber-toothed tiger. Are you safe? Why didn't she feel like letting go of the big stone in her heart? In any case, the tribe has been saved for the time being.

    She raised her voice towards Ah Tu, who was smothered in tears by the thick smoke: "Come down first, and every once in a while, go up and take a look."

    The wind is still blowing in the direction of the tribe. Although the flames are blocked by the isolation belt outside the tribe, the billowing smoke is drifting towards this direction. The whole tribe was filled with the smell of dust and smoke left over from burning firewood.

    Smoke always drifts upwards, and the people below are fine and bearable. Ah Tu, who climbed up the mountain wall, became a chimney smoking second-hand smoke, and was smoked to tears.

    Hearing An'er's order, Ah Tu said nothing, jumped a few times from above, and jumped down. The boy's eyes were red with smoke, but he looked at An'er for praise.

      If she wanted to pat his head, she had to stand on tiptoe.

    An'er said to the relieved clansmen: "Everyone, don't let your guard down, it's not windy now, if the wind blows at night, I'm afraid the fire is likely to spread to the tribe. The weather is dry, and maybe the grass and trees in the city wall are ignited by the forest fire... It is better to be vigilant!"

    Abu frowned when he heard this, and arranged to take turns on duty in the middle of the night. An'er settled down on the foreigners who were rescued. In addition to the more than 100 members of the Hake tribe, there were actually more distant forest tribes. It is also unknown how they travelled long distances to reach Taiya under the pursuit of the fire. No matter where they came from, the Atayal tribe treated them equally, placed them in empty houses in the tribe, and provided them with animal skins to keep out the cold and enough food.

    Clansmen who are not on duty, An'er forced them to rest. In the past two days and one night, the warriors of Ataya have not been idle. They have cut down trees to widen the isolation zone day and night, and have not slept all night. After messing around with something to eat, An'er lay on the hot kang, and soon fell asleep.

    Because of the influence of the volcanic ash cloud, the temperature at night is only about zero degrees, and it is better during the day, around seventy or eighty degrees. The fire was burning outside the tribe, and An'er was so tired that even a giant thunder would not wake her up.

    In the middle of the night, she was awakened by a violent shaking. She rubbed her big, sleepy eyes, a little unhappy: "Ming, what are you doing? It's not dawn yet, why are you waking me up!"

    Ming looked terrified, and said in a somewhat overwhelmed voice: "It's not good! It's not good! The fire has burned into the tribe!"

    "What?!" An'er jolted and sat up suddenly from the kang. It may be that the action is too violent, and the stomach hurts a bit.

      How far is it?"

    Ming stared at her belly and apologized: "I'm sorry, you have a big belly, I shouldn't have come to disturb you..."

    "Stop talking nonsense! Where did the fire go? The fire barrier is so wide, it is reasonable to say that it won't burn!" An'er was furious, and her tone was not very good.

    "The fire didn't come from the isolation belt, but the fire circled to the back mountain. The wind changed in the middle of the night, and it started to burn from the corner of the northeast wall. The weeds that were cleaned up in time were all set on fire. At the beginning, Brother Abu took the clansmen to put out the fire, but the fire got bigger and bigger due to the wind, and even burned a few clansmen!" Ming also participated in the firefighting. The team, the fair little face wiped a few gray marks.

    An'er was even more anxious. Abu always rushed in front of everything. I don't know what happened to him: "Where's Abu? Is there anything wrong?"

    Ming shook his head and said, "My brother is arranging the transfer of the wounded! An'er, my brother asked me to take you to the small pier. There are more than 20 bamboo rafts there. It's too late. You go to the other end of the Biqing River to meet Da'er first..."

    "There are more than 20 bamboo rafts, and one bamboo raft can only take five or six people... Our tribe plus the fleeing people, there are four or five hundred people... The Biqing River is so wide and the fire is The fire came from the northeast, I'm afraid that the trip will not end, and the whole tribe is already in flames! No, I have to go and see!" An'er was afraid that something would happen in the middle of the night, so she didn't take off her cotton-padded clothes when she slept, so she jumped off the kang, Putting on a coat of animal skins, he pulled his shoes and rushed out.

    Ming grabbed the bag that Abu had packed up on the head of the kang, and followed An'er out. An'er came to the square and watched the chaotic scene, her heart was very anxious. She finally found Abu's busy figure in the crowd. He was arranging the injured clansmen to transfer to the small pier!


    "How did you come here? Ming, I asked you to take An'er to the small pier, why did you bring people here? An, good! Now is not the time to be self-willed, for our sake Baby, you have to live well too!" Abu gently pushed An'er into Ming's arms and said reluctantly, "Take care of her—"

    "I'm not going! I want to be with you. There is no way out, we will definitely get through this difficulty!" An'er looked to the northeast, where flames were already rising , the clansmen ran towards the small pier in the northwest direction in a panic, taking that place as the only life-saving straw.

    "Abu! Listen to me! The bamboo raft can only carry over 100 people across the river. Make arrangements first, and don't push and shove the ground by the river and cause unnecessary damage! "

    Abu just remembered this incident, his brows were tightly wrinkled, the messy hair on the top of his head was curled up by the fire because of the fire, and it was a mess: "Did... With hundreds of other clansmen, are they just killed in the sea of ​​​​fire?"

    An'er's heart was in a mess, her eyes were looking around, her mind was spinning rapidly, looking for a way to escape. Suddenly, her eyes stayed on the cave, and she vaguely remembered that Abu once said that this cave was very deep, leading to the depths of the mountain. When he was a child, he was naughty and went to explore the cave. After walking for several days, he almost died in it, and he could not find an exit. At the entrance of the cave, there is another huge square, which is covered with stone slabs, without any burning objects, forming a natural isolation zone...

    Yes! Entering the cave, there may be a chance of life!

    An'er told Abu what was in her heart, Abu thought for a moment and thought she could give it a try. He arranged for more than a hundred people to go straight to the small pier. Among them is the family of the Hak tribe patriarch.

    Patriarch Haru saw that Patriarch Abu had left them with the hope of life, and he said with tears: "Patriarch Abu, take Ahu and Abao across the river and leave. If you hadn't come to the rescue, Our old bones have long been buried in the fire. Just when... at the beginning, we didn't escape!"

    Abu didn't have time to ink with him, he pushed him towards Ha Bao, and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, take you guys out quickly, don't make trouble here!"

    Ha Hu looked at the chaotic Hake tribesmen, bit his teeth, and said, "I'll stay and help maintain the order of the tribe! Ah Bao, protect yourself! Don't worry! , Patriarch Abu won't let us do anything!"

    The raging flames illuminated most of the tribe and illuminated half of the sky like day. Abu shouted: "A Sang, Luo, A Tu, Taozi! You bring your own teams, each of you carry a sack of grain into the warehouse, and head towards the depths of the cave!"

    "Yes!" "Yes!" "Okay!" "Understood!" Although the answers were mixed, the panicked clansmen quickly found their respective teams and approached the distance in an orderly manner In the warehouse not far from the cave, he carried a bag of grain and got into the cave without looking back.

    Seeing this, Ha Hu also shouted at the tribesmen: "The warriors of the Haq tribe! The Atayal tribe will not abandon us! Now, you line up in two teams and obey the leader of the Abu tribe. arrange!"

    More than 100 people from the Huck tribe, except the patriarch's family and a few clansmen who escaped with their children, were arranged to take a raft to the tiger tribe on the other side. Hearing the words of the patriarch's son, he gradually calmed down and began to imitate the warriors of the Atayal tribe, carrying food in an orderly manner and entering the cave.

    An'er secretly admired her man's care. Indeed, if the food in these warehouses is burned to the ground only for the clansmen to escape, then what will the clansmen do for the unknown half of the winter?

    The fire looks scary, but it will take some time for it to spread to the tribe. During this time, it was enough for them to move the grain in the warehouse almost. She was very fortunate that when she distributed food before winter, she followed the distribution in the warehouse first. The ones in the cave are not used much, otherwise it will not be so easy...

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