Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 249: overcome

    The last chapter is on file. Tonight in the office before the party, there is only one chapter today.


    Bo tried his best not to see the tragic situation of those beasts biting the corpses, and settled down. He struggled to recall in his mind the essentials of archery that Li had told him. The left shoulder is slightly forward, the left hand firmly holds the bow, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the weight of the body falls evenly on the feet, and the body leans forward slightly.

    Then push the left shoulder and pull the right shoulder, pull the bow apart, and aim when the tiger's mouth of the right hand is close to the lower jaw. There is a crosshair on the longbow. When his eyes, crosshairs and the target point are in a line, the right shoulder continues to exert pressure, and at the same time, the three fingers of the right hand on the string are quickly opened.

    Li looked at him with satisfaction, although still a little nervous, but still restrained, and made almost perfect movements according to the essentials of archery. When the arrow went off the line and hit the target accurately, he, the master, did not hesitate to praise him: "Okay! Let's find out how to feel, remember that after shooting the arrow, the left arm should be extended from the wrist, elbow, shoulder to the left arm. Let your whole body relax. Otherwise, you will lose your arm if you don't shoot a few arrows!"

    Bo looked at the three-colored jackal, who was shot to the ground by himself, struggling with all his limbs, and let out a sigh of relief. He was a little embarrassed and said: "I wanted to shoot it in the neck, but who knew that it only shot in the stomach..."

    "It's not bad to hit the stomach! At least it has no ability to resist. If it is in the process of hunting, this three-colored jackal has already been won! You are the first arrow. I have already achieved very good results!" Li remembers An'er's words, and at the beginning of learning archery, it is necessary to build up the students' self-confidence. Focus on encouragement.

    Liuzi, not far away, also exaggeratedly said: "Wow! Not bad! He actually shot down a beast when he came up. We Boy Scouts said that we have practiced for a year and a half, and still There is a time to shoot the air. Li Captain, your apprentice has a limitless future!"

      Yours isn't bad either. It is said that out of ten arrows, six of them were hit, which is already a very good result!"

    Xiao Niuzi touched his head and smiled honestly: "It still needs to be tempered. It still needs to be tempered. Although it was hit, none of the arrows hit the mark..."

    Liu Niuzi saw the students, except for Bo who only shot one arrow, the other arrows were assigned. All have been shot. He then applied to Li: "Captain, they are getting excited. Don't you say 'interest is the best teacher'? Why don't you give them ten arrows each and let them take the opportunity to practice more, you see..."

    Li nodded and said: "Okay! Just send ten more to them. No more will not work. They are new to archery, and even pulling twenty arrows is the limit, no more. If so. I'm afraid I won't be able to lift my arms tomorrow."

    Xiao Niuzi happily agreed, and the young students over there burst into cheers of excitement. It attracted the beasts below to approach the city wall, and the clouded leopard with strong bouncing power even wanted to claw on the city wall to hunt those fresh "food". However, he was shot down by the quick-eyed Boy Scouts.

    After Bo fired an arrow, his nervous heart slowly relaxed. He was not in a hurry to shoot the second arrow, but closed his eyes and pondered the arrow just now.

    Li took the opportunity and said: "When you are pulling the wire, remember not to use your whole body, you should only use your hands to expand, and the muscles of your shoulders must be relaxed. You must be able to do this. Completed one of the conditions for archery with a mind-drawn bow. Little archery with a mind-drawn bow? Bo's heart was slightly touched, as if he was touching something, but it was separated by a thin film.

    Li continued: "Also, after you inhale, you should gently press down the air to make the abdomen tense, and then draw the bow to shoot arrows. Exhale as slowly and steadily as possible. , and exhale completely in one breath. When drawing the bow, the hand should be gently stretched back...

    To make the arrow fly away from the bow to the target, most people can do it. However, after pulling the string and aiming correctly and hitting the target, you must have a certain amount of experience before you can practice it. Every time you shoot an arrow, with a fixed posture and the same force, the arrows shot are affected by mental and physical changes. Therefore, you must practice repeatedly according to the posture, adjust your state, practice makes perfect, and finally practice your own correct posture. At this time, even if there is an external force, there will not be too many errors.

      Think about it for yourself! "

    Lei walked away a little and started shooting his prey. Bo quietly watched his every gesture, every shot of the arrow, gradually froze.

    He closed his eyes, the skilled and natural posture slowly flowed in his heart, as if every movement was infinitely expanding, and gradually became clear in his mind, he was fascinated and fascinated …

    When he picked up the longbow again, his movements were so smooth, his eyes were so confident, it didn't look like he was pulling the bowstring for the second time. The other Boy Scouts around him looked at him in amazement. Seeing that the arrow in his hand came out of the string and hit the head of a coyote, he couldn't help but burst into cheers.

    Li turned his head and looked at the focused and confident expression on Bo's face, knowing that he had finally overcome the fear in his heart. Bo's talent for archery is very high, as long as he can pass the hurdle in his heart, he will definitely be one of the best marksman in the barbarian tribe in the future.

    In an instant, all ten arrows in Bo's hand had been fired, and he silently settled the results. Ten arrows hit nine, and only one was dodged by the cunning Firefox. Among the nine arrows, five arrows hit the key points, and one shot killed them. Although the other four arrows were hit, they were only the buttocks or legs. He smiled silently, satisfied with his grades.

    "Here!" A turquoise bone arrow was sent to him.

    He raised his head and glanced at Li in surprise, then shook his head and said, "I haven't hit every shot with bamboo arrows yet, such a precious mantis bone arrow, I'm afraid..."

    "What's there to be afraid of! Isn't it just a bone arrow? I'll take it back later when the battlefield is cleared! I see you just shooting better and better, but only aiming at small You know that you are afraid of the power of bamboo arrows, and your hands are not enough to kill large beasts. This bone arrow, you practice your hand! I believe you will not let me down!" , showing a faint smile.

    Although he has been aiming at the prey and shooting arrows, he has been silently watching the boy's every move, and his performance is beyond expectations. Sure enough, he is a good seedling, but unfortunately he can't join Atayal, otherwise in a year or two, he will have a good opponent.

    Bo looked at the bone arrow quietly, and finally took it before he ran out of patience. Li patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Choose a prey by yourself, first quietly observe its every move, and find opportunities to take advantage of it. Your hunt is half-successful!"

    As soon as he finished speaking, the Boy Scouts exclaimed: "Look! Snow bear! What a big snow bear! The fur is snow-white and snow-white... As expected, spring is coming soon, snow The bears have woken up from the cave!"

    Li Hebo looked into the distance, and sure enough, a huge snow bear came swaying from a distance, with a threatening roar from his mouth as he walked. The snow bear, who had been without food for a whole winter, seemed to be stimulated by the smell of blood wafting in the air. The clumsy crawling suddenly became fast as if it had been beaten with blood.


    "Captain! The child of the patriarch Abu and the goddess is about to be born, and our boy scouts are worried that we have no gifts to send! This snow bear can be yours. Snow bear skin is the best quilt for children. It's perfect!" Xiao Niuzi's face flushed with excitement.

    He knew that An'er had a snow bear skin, which the saber-toothed tiger brought from a snow bear's nest. But the goddess An'er was always afraid of the cold, so she used the snow bear skin first. Patriarch Abu also once said that to hunt a snow bear, the fur will be used as a quilt for the child!

    Li raised his eyebrows towards Bo and said, "How about it? Just target this snow bear and shoot the bone arrow in your hand..."


    Li cheered him: "No, as long as you aim at the snow bear's head, you won't destroy the snow bear skin. It doesn't matter if you miss it, it's not me ?"

    Bo is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, he only hesitated for a moment, then took up the longbow in his hand, equipped the bone arrow, aimed steadily, and pulled the string steadily , shot that bone arrow steadily...

    "Okay! Captain, your apprentice is really good. You actually hit the snow bear in the eye with one arrow! Hey, although it failed to kill with one hit, it temporarily lost the ability to attack. Not bad. , that's really good!" Xiao Niuzi and several other team members, watching the bone arrow shot by Bo, hit Xue Xiong hard in the eye, and couldn't help shouting in unison.

    Bo was a little excited, but was a little disappointed because he missed the key. Li Li neatly pulled the bow and shot an arrow, making an arrow on the head of Snow Bear, who was mad with pain and killed several beasts. The huge snow bear fell to the ground with a bang, with only an arrow hole in its head, and its fur was completely preserved.

    After this episode, everyone's enthusiasm for hunting was aroused, and everyone was full of energy. Soon after the afternoon, this one-sided hunting,

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