Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 250: everyone is happy

    Third shift today!


    When counting the prey, in order to prevent the **** aura from attracting more beasts, the role of the two saber-toothed tigers came into play. Like patrolling their own territory, they walked gracefully and noblely in front of the city gate, and as soon as they sensed movement, they roared angrily in that direction. Then, no and then...

    Today's harvest, in addition to the mutilated corpses eaten by other beasts, there are more than 400 other complete prey, of which large beasts account for a small half, such as lynx, jackal , hyenas, such as small beasts of about 200 catties, accounted for two-thirds.

    At present, the consumption of prey in the tribe is mainly in the refugee camp. There are nearly 1,000 people in the camp. Every day, each person receives about 3 catties of meat, and nearly 3,000 catties of prey are consumed. The people of the Atayal tribe, although rice and pasta are the main food, each meal is mainly meat dishes. In this way, the entire tribe consumes four or five thousand catties of prey every day, which is the least.

    For ordinary large tribes, especially in winter, such food pressure will crush a tribe. However, Taiya is not in this list.

    Look! Today's harvest alone is more than 100,000 catties. If half of the internal organs and fur are removed, there will be 50,000 catties of meat. In contrast, the daily consumption is only one tenth, and a lot of storage can be added!

    These days. Once the strategy of using frozen corpses as bait to hunt the beast tide was implemented, there were such good harvests almost every day. Atayal's several warehouses are all filled, and some prey have been salted and dried. Hanging outside, it is easy to store and not easy to break.

    Several teenagers from the camp were stunned when they saw the prey piled up in front of them. To be honest, the prey they have seen in this life is only so much, right?

    The warriors of Atayal and the boys of the Boy Scouts. The undamaged prey is carried aside, ready to be placed on horseback, or brought back by hand. And those prey half eaten by wild animals. But it was on the ground and no one moved. He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Those prey, there is still a lot of meat to eat, why not take them away?"

    Li glanced at the prey that were torn apart by the wild beasts, because there were more prey caught every day. Those are out of sight. He said, "Those were eaten by wild beasts. An'er was afraid of any germs, so she abandoned them. At night, wild beasts will come to clean them, along with the frozen corpses that were not eaten up."

    The teenager who came over from another camp looked at a Timberwolves whose upper body was only eaten away, leaving two intact wolf legs. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Some meat is still edible. It would be a pity to throw it away like this."

    Bo also nodded and said: "There are adults in the camp who eat a lot, and one meal a day is not a problem at all. I have a suggestion, why don't you call the people in the camp to clean the battlefield, if there is one that can If you eat it, they pick it up, and tomorrow morning's food will be there..."

    I thought about it and said, "I can't be the master... The patriarch is here, I'll help you ask..."

    Seeing today's harvest, Abu nodded again and again. Seeing Li came over with a longbow that didn't leave his body even when he was sleeping, he said, "Not bad! Everyone's archery has gone a step further. How are those students doing? Are there any people who are too scared to stand up?"

    Li straightened his chest, like a mighty warrior, and said: "Report to the patriarch, those students have performed well, two of them will never lose to me after training! The boy from the savage tribe who was from the savage tribe can hit nine out of ten arrows, and five of them hit the key point. While hunting the snow bear, one arrow hit the snow bear in the eye. It's a pity that he is from the alliance tribe. , Otherwise, if you focus on training, you will be a captain Atu in the future!"

    "Oh? It was the first time I participated in hunting, and I only studied for one night... That grade is indeed quite good. Although he can't stay at Atayal, don't hide it when you teach him, Alliance The warriors of the tribe are also our brothers. The alliance tribe is strong, and we Ataya may have something to do in the future, maybe we can use them!" Abu smiled and patted Li's shoulder, very satisfied with the performance of this little boy.

    Li thought for a while, and said: "Report to the patriarch, when we were cleaning the battlefield, some of the prey was eaten by wild beasts. With some warriors in the camp, come to help clean up the battlefield..."

    Abu pondered for a moment, and said, "It's a good idea to let the warriors in the camp clean the battlefield. However, don't say in advance that we don't want those mutilated prey, just say that the beast's teeth are not torn apart. Cut off the bitten parts for use, and then distribute them to them after the end. In this way, the purpose can be achieved and looting can be prevented.”

    Li immediately understood that if they told the camp refugees in advance that they did not want the mutilated prey, I was afraid that some of them would want to get more food out of selfishness and compete for Inevitably. If the situation is more serious, for a piece of food, the refugees who originally belonged to various tribes are very likely to fight with each other...

    Li nodded heavily and said, "I understand! Patriarch, please rest assured, I will definitely arrange this matter properly!"

    Abu nodded and said, "The 'bait' stored in the tribe is running out. From tomorrow, Yingye and I will take turns leading the team out for hunting. You bring the Boy Scouts and the ten Come on a little rookie and continue to trap prey in the tribe. However, the weather is getting warmer, pay attention to the repaired walls to prevent the wall from collapsing after the ice melts... If there is a situation, sound the horn and the tribe will Will leave half of the hunters on standby."

    "Yes!" Li had a small chest, and the expression on his face was solemn and solemn, as if he had been given a sacred mission.

    After the patriarch left, Li took Bo, rode a fast horse, and shouted at the refugee camp: "Recruit refugees to clean the battlefield, as long as the adult labor force is not limited to men and women! Recruitment..."

    The cat was in the grass shed, holding a purring belly. Waiting for the evening to come soon, the warriors who are ready to distribute food, after hearing the sound. Scrambling to squeeze out. I'm afraid that if I slow down a step, I won't get any benefits. Because they know that the Atayal tribe will never let people return empty-handed.

    Soon, a long queue lined up in front of Li. After several warnings, Thornhead inside the refugee camp. Reined in his domineering, and dare not be a bird in the first place.

    Li counted the hundred or so people in front of him and asked him (her) to bring bone knives and stone knives. Go towards the city gate. During the encounter with the team carrying the prey, the eyes of the refugees showed joy and envy.

    The Atayal tribe has nearly doubled in size in one year, and the cultivated land inside has increased a lot. The distance from the village to the city gate. Also doubled. It took more than half an hour to trot all the way from the refugee camp to the city gate.

    After arriving at the city gate, Li Jiang explained clearly the tasks and precautions of the refugees: "There are a lot of mutilated prey outside, you only need to cut off the parts that are not bitten! When you grab the bitten part, don't collect it because you are worried about wasting it! The goddess An'er said that there is an invisible germ on the claws and teeth of the beast. It will be bad if it gets contaminated with food! "

    In the absence of food, even rotten meat was eaten. Not to mention the corpses left over from being eaten by other beasts. This group of refugees, although they didn't agree with it, still did it. Most of the prey was only eaten by a small part, and the rest were not touched. They were carefully cut off and placed in the basket on the side. Some prey were only bitten two or three times, and then they were discarded. Carefully cut off the damaged parts, and most of the rest was edible!

    These refugees have just experienced the disaster of fire and animal tide, and understand the value of food. Therefore, be extra careful when cleaning the battlefield. The mutilated prey they collected, Li and several other Boy Scouts, checked it carefully again, and only after making sure that there were no tooth marks and scratches on it, did they carry it back.

    By four or five o'clock in the afternoon, the snow had stopped, the clouds in the sky were still thick, and the wind was overcast and cold. The battlefield has been cleaned up, and the whole prey has been carried back.

    The refugees who cleaned up the battlefield stood in the door in an orderly manner, waiting for the next order. Although the closer to the evening, the more hungry the stomach is, everyone is in good spirits, and their faces are full of anticipation.

      He thought for a while and said, "In order to reward your labor, each of you will cut five catties of these prey back. The rest will be distributed to everyone in the camp, two catties per person..."

    Five pounds for one person, enough food for an adult warrior. Those evacuees who were vaguely expecting showed a satisfied smile. Not only them, but everyone in the camp was given some food. Most of the refugees who came to clean up the battlefield had their clansmen and relatives in the camp. Because of their hard work, the clansmen could also be touched, which made them even more happy from the bottom of their hearts.

    Bo and several other archery students were also helping to carry the prey when they placed the prey in the open space in front of the cave. Taozi, who was in charge of distributing tribal food today, stopped them: "Hey, you little guys! Come here, come here!"

    Bo remembered this female hunting captain, and hurriedly came over and said with a smile: "Captain Peach, do you need our help?"

    "Help? Look at how thin you are, you can be blown away by a gust of wind, how can you help? Li has already said, you guys have also hunted a lot of food today, of course you can Participated in the allocation. Bah!"

    So, a few little rookies were given ten pounds of prey. They were dazed by the sudden joy, and they didn't know how they got back to the camp. It was only after Bo returned to the camp that everyone in the camp had dinner to take, and two pounds of prey was also included.

    In the next few days, the teenagers who were selected in the camp were all dragged to the city wall to "see the world", and they were selected from the camp every day to clean the battlefield.

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