Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 251: Chunxing

    Today's second update, and one more update!

    The long-awaited warm spring season came ten days after the snow stopped. In the past ten days, although there is no more snow, the sun still does not stick out its long-lost head, and the weather is gloomy and cold. The snow on the ground and the ice in the river are melting quietly.

    The asylum seekers in the camp, because they could barely eat two meals a day recently, their faces have changed a lot, and most of the children have grown flesh on their faces. These few days are also relatively difficult times. The sun can't come out, the surrounding snow is slowly melting, and the haystacks where they sleep are soaked by the nearby snow water from time to time, and they lie down in the wet and cold.

    In this way, let alone a child, even an adult can't support it. Symptoms of colds, fevers, and coughs abounded in the camp. Ming was busy diagnosing and dispensing medicines for the refugees, and recruited a group of people to help decoct the medicine. The whole camp smelled of herbs.

    An Er saw that Ming was too busy, so she volunteered to help, but was stopped by men big and small at home. Ming said that there were signs of contagion in the camp, and now the sick children and adults have been isolated in a dry and refreshing grass shed.

    When the two men listened to An'er, they resolutely stopped her from trying to help. This guy has been pregnant for more than six months, and being infected is no joke!

    An Er thought about it for a while, and felt that this season was the time when various epidemics were growing. If she was infected, taking medicine would have an impact on the child. He just stayed at home obediently and didn't go anywhere. After Ming came back from the camp, he would also change into clean clothes, wash his hair and face with soapy water, clean himself up and go to the main house.

    An active snow shovel operation was also carried out at the camp. In order to prevent the surrounding snow from melting and soaking the thatch in the hut, the refugees shoveled the snow near the hut to a long distance and piled it up. During the day, the straw curtains on all sides of the shed are often opened, and the thatch inside is also moved out. Although there is no sun, the ventilation is also good. At night, everyone consciously used the fire to dry the wet thatch and animal skins, and then covered them...

    Through everyone's efforts, the disease in the camp was gradually brought under control. None of the refugees in the camp died of hunger, cold or sickness this winter. The refugees in the camp are all grateful for the kindness of the Atayal tribe. The tribe that did not intend to form a blood alliance with Atayal, after more than a month of observation, voluntarily proposed to make a blood oath to form a blood alliance.

    In addition to the barbarian tribe and the Huck tribe, there are three tribes with more than 100 people in the camp, and the others are scattered small teams.

    These five tribes, not to mention Huck, Taiya rescued the family of three of the Huck tribe's patriarch from the forest fire. When the fire broke out in the tribe, they did not abandon them, they were considered together shared adversity.

    Patriarch Haru stayed in the Tiger Clan for a few days and saw the great changes after the Tiger Clan and Atayal allied. He had also been to the Tiger Tribe several times before, bringing the men and women of the tribe to exchange marriages. The Tiger Clan at that time, apart from the fact that they had an advantage over Huck in numbers, were not much better off than their lives. The men, women and children of the tribe lived in dilapidated animal skin tents, and the food they hunted every day was only enough to feed their stomachs. In autumn, the belts of the trousers must be tightened to store prey for the winter. After every winter, many weak clansmen die due to the cold.

    However, all this changed completely after forming a blood alliance with Atayal. I have to say that Atayal is generous to his allied tribes, not only teaching them how to build city walls and houses, but also sharing the brick kiln and recipe for firing red bricks with the tiger tribe.

    Before winter came, they even gave a lot of rice and noodles to the tiger clan on credit, saying that they would wait until the beginning of spring to teach the tiger clan how to plant, and then return it to Atayal during the autumn harvest. This winter, the Tiger Clan has not been affected by the forest fire, and they have enough food and warm houses and heated kangs to live in. Two days ago, people from the Tiger Clan said that not only did their tribe not lose a single population this winter, but many women were pregnant with babies in their wombs!

    The Haru Patriarch faintly moved his mind at that time. Although it is an ordinary alliance, Atayal will give priority to exchanging food and daily necessities for them, but will not unconditionally support the construction of their tribe. After the Huck tribe passed through the forest fire, they had lost most of their clan, and it was the time when they needed to recuperate.

    However, even if spring comes, the beast tide caused by the destruction of the forest will not pass so easily. It is impossible for the Huck tribe to stay in Taiya for a long time to seek protection, so it is very necessary to build a city wall similar to that of Taiya to protect the people of Huck.

    There is also the spring ploughing method that they have always wanted to learn. As long as the seeds are sown, they can harvest uneatable food in autumn.

    After weighing it again and again, the Haru Patriarch felt that Atayal was a tribe that could deliver his destiny, so he took the initiative to find the Abu Patriarch, and in front of the Atayal tribe and the refugee camp, he made a blood oath and forged a blood oath. blood alliance.

      Train them in archery skills. See other refugees jealous!

    Not long after, except for the barbarian tribe whose patriarch was absent, the other three tribes willingly formed a blood alliance with Ataya. Unsurprisingly, they were also allowed to possess Atayal's "artifacts", and were taught how to use them...

      A brick kiln that burns red bricks and conducted field studies.

    The clouds are gradually dissipating, the weather has warmed up, and the food stored by the Atayal tribe is enough for all the people in the tribe and the refugee camp, and it will last more than a month. Because the snow and ice melted, Taiya's top priority was to start re-strengthening the city walls. The ice wall in winter has gradually melted, and in some places the city wall has begun to slowly tilt, and it may collapse at any time.

    Although as the temperature rises, the animals on the grassland gradually increase, and the animal tide rarely invades the tribe. However, for the safety of the tribe, the walls must be repaired again. Therefore, the two brick kiln factories of the Atayal tribe have started vigorously again after a winter of silence.

    With the help of four other tribal warriors, the red bricks were quickly produced in large quantities. In the process, the four Blood Alliance tribes also learned the technique of firing red bricks. Immediately afterwards, the city wall was repaired. The four tribes sent more people to help. Seeing that so many people were not needed, Ataya knocked down some walls that were only slightly damaged in the fire and rebuilt them.

      have to! Bai used the labor of other tribes, and let people be grateful, shameless enough, right?

    There is no most shameless, only more shameless! An'er's small face the size of a palm, bare skin accounts for more than half of it, right? She said lightly: "Abu, our alliance tribe must also want to learn the technique of building a house? Let's just re-plan the tribe and build it into a medium-sized city. What do you think?"

    She said a word, the entire Atayal tribe, together with all the labor force in the refugee camp, all mobilized and started the intense tribal construction. The two brick kilns are working day and night, so red bricks are still in short supply!

    An'er, about three or four miles south of the village, chose a place that she felt was not bad. First, she collected a lot of stones from the back mountain and paved a main road with bluestone slabs. On both sides of the main road, houses are planned, with the main entrance facing the street, and an independent gatehouse next to the main entrance, which can be opened up and used as shops.

    Behind the main entrance is the front yard, with left and right wing rooms, kitchen and utility room on both sides. The yard is also paved with bluestone slabs, so even if it rains, there will be no mud on the feet. A little further past is the main room, there are larger ones with five rooms side by side, and the smaller ones with three rooms. Behind the main house is a large yard. In the yard, you can build a pen for livestock, or you can open it up to grow vegetables and fruit trees.

    For such a house facing the street, only the heads of the Atayal tribe and those who have made outstanding contributions to the tribe are eligible to be allocated. Most of the other clansmen lived in small alleys extending in all directions. The alleys were also paved with stone slabs, but they were not as smooth as the main roads. Every house in the alley is just a gate, a yard and a few main rooms, and a relatively simple kitchen is added to the side of the yard...

    In winter, the Atayal tribe had a population of nearly 800. In addition to the five tribes in the refugee camp, most of the scattered small groups also indicated that they wanted to join Atayal. After a winter investigation, most of these people are good except for a few relatively lazy ones. After these people joined, Ataya became a large tribe with more than 1,000 people. There are naturally many houses that need to be built.

    However, the number of people is strong, and after two months, the general outline of the entire city has almost come out. The houses facing the street have already been built, and the main body of the staggered street has begun to take shape. The house of the patriarch and goddess, in the heart of the city, was built by the most skilled masons in the tribe.

    The gate faces the wide street, and to the left and right of the gate are two houses with the gate facing the street. It is said that in the future, it can be used as a shop to exchange things. As soon as you enter the gate, there are two wing rooms on both sides, and next to the wing room on the left is a kitchen and a firewood room. There are five main rooms in front of the gate. The middle is for entertaining guests and eating. The two rooms in the east are the rooms of An'er and Abu, and the two rooms in the west are where Yingye and An'er live together.

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