Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 253: papermaking

    An Er stood up neatly and rushed to him. Mingxin supported her in shock, and said repeatedly, "Slow down, slow down, be careful of the child!"

    An'er smiled and patted her absurdly large belly, and said, "It's okay, the little guy has been good lately! Come on, I'll help you grow herbs. After you're done, help me make paper, why? Sample?"

    "Paper? It's what the gods said, the kind of snow-white, thin, and something that can write on it?" Ming looked surprised and looked at her with bright eyes.

    An'er nodded as he wished, and said, "There are many kinds of paper, in addition to the paper you mentioned that can be written and printed, there is also soft toilet paper that can wipe buttocks. At that time, We don't need the leaves after we pull the cake. When the woman's aunt comes, the paper is very absorbent and can also be used..."

    Ming took An'er's hand and said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and experiment! I have long wanted to sort out the medical skills in the 'Sacred Book', but I am worried It will waste a lot of animal skins, and it has not started. Go, what are you waiting for!"

    An'er did not expect Ming, who has been silent and introverted, to be more pressing for paper than her, and was pulled by him to follow him mechanically, reminding in her mouth: "Where are your herbs? Are you still planting? Why don't I plant the herbs for you, let's think about that thing together, after all, I've never made paper before, so it's probably going to take a long time..."

    "Alright then! Let's plant herbs first, don't miss the season!" Ming dragged An'er around and walked towards a small field closest to the city. He squatted in front of him and dug a pit, An'er threw seeds into it at the back, and then covered the pit with his feet. Daer's little pot friend carried a small wooden bucket and watered it in the back. Everyone cooperated very tacitly, and after a while, the three of them cleaned up the place.

    Ming helped An'er onto a nearby horse he rode over and hurriedly walked towards the new city. There are no more than 20 houses that can live in the new urban area, and the one that is most tidy is of course the family of the patriarch.

    I didn't expect Ming, who has always been unhurried, to have a flamboyant side. He took Ann off the horse, hey! Don't look at this kid, he looks very thin, but he is quite strong. An'er weighed at least one hundred and twenty pounds at this time, so he picked her up easily. Let Daer lead the horse to the place dedicated to raising livestock, and he almost dragged An'er into the yard. Of course, he didn't forget that An'er was a pregnant woman, and she had just the right amount of strength.

    From a hidden corner in the main room, he took out the solar-powered notebook folded into the size of a palm, and skillfully turned it on and retrieved the content he needed. He carefully typed out the word "paper making" on the keyboard, and after pressing the Enter key, dense small characters appeared on the screen.

    "An'er, papermaking is divided into two types: mechanical and manual. Are we preparing to experiment with the mechanism or by hand?" Ming has mastered all the commonly used words proficiently. Can't beat him.

    An'er rolled her eyes and said, "What do you think? There must be a paper-making machine for the mechanism. Can we make a paper-making machine under our current conditions? Of course, it is hand-made paper! Look! What do you need to make paper by hand, let people prepare it after the busy farming season!"

    Ming squinted his eyes, looked at it carefully, and said, "Bamboo curtains are used to make paper by hand, what kind of net is used... An'er, please help me, I don't recognize this word..."

    An'er stretched her head and glanced at it and said, "Polyester net, the pronunciation is the same as fat fat!"

    "Hmmmm! The polyester mesh or the frame of the copper mesh, the fibers dispersed and suspended in water are copied into wet paper sheets, which are then pressed and dehydrated, dried in the sun or dried to form paper. ...But, An'er, the water we drink has fibers that can make paper? Why haven't we discovered it before?" Ming asked dumbly.

    An'er picked up the finely ground bone needle next to her and began to sew the baby's small clothes. She heard that she wanted to pierce Ming's head with a needle to see if it was made of elm knots : "Look down! You'll know how stupid your question is!"

    Ming stopped speaking, and quickly browsed the following content, and then smiled a little embarrassedly: "Oh... It turns out that I still use raw materials such as bark, hemp head, and rags. It has to be chopped, washed, and then processed to make fibers come out..." His fair face seemed to be rubbed with a layer of rouge, and it seemed that pink clouds flew over his cheeks from the sky, with a delicate beauty.

    An'er couldn't help itching her hands, pinched his red cheeks, and said, "Look carefully to see if there is a paper-making method with the simplest raw materials and an uncomplicated production process. Come out and copy it on the hide, and we will test it little by little."

    Ming blushed even more because of her intimate gesture. This shy boy moved aside with his notebook in his arms, looking for a way to make paper away from her "magic claws". After finding it, it was quickly transcribed on a complete hide.

    When the small cotton clothes in An'er's hand were about to be completed, the copying work on Ming's side was also over. He stared blankly at the cotton cloth in An'er's hand, and suddenly asked: "An'er Son, didn't you say that cotton is very comfortable to wear, and that cotton is also very warm? Why didn't I see you arranging for everyone to plant cotton in the spring?"

    An'er knocked on his head and said, "Who said I'm not ready to plant cotton plants? The cotton planting time will not wait until April or May, when the weather is relatively warm. It will take two months to start planting. Well, let me see the paper making method you copied!"

    Ming handed over the animal skin full of characters, and said: "If a paper-making machine can be made, paper-making will be much more convenient. However, manual paper-making also has its advantages, that is, artificial Beating makes the fibers in the pulp well preserved, the tenacity and tensile force are better than those of the machine, and the fibers of the handmade paper are distributed evenly in the vertical and horizontal directions…”

    An'er rolled his eyes at him and said to herself: You, a backward prehistoric primitive, dare to think. You can also imagine the paper-making machines developed when the scientific and technological civilization of later generations was developed. Even if the old lady is like Doraemon and can make one, there is no electricity to drive it! She directly ignored the guy who was extremely yearning for civilization, and carefully studied the feasibility of several paper-making methods.

    First of all, Ming found the method of making hemp paper in the Han Dynasty. Generally speaking, the raw materials such as hemp heads, rags, and old fishing nets are first soaked in water to make them swell, then chopped with an axe and washed with water. Then it is soaked with weakly alkaline plant ash water and boiled, and the lignin, pectin, pigment, oil and other impurities in the raw material are further removed by lye cooking, rinsed with clean water, and then pounded. The smashed fine fibers are made into a suspended slurry with water, and then the pulp is picked up with bamboo curtains or copper nets, dehydrated and dried to become paper. If the surface of the paper is wrinkled, it needs to be calendered before writing.

      Hemp fiber and linen cloth were just born more than a year ago, and only a few cotton cloths were in An'er's hands... She was reluctant to use them to make paper. no! Look at other methods.

    Another method is recorded in "Tian Gong Kai Wu", the method of making bamboo paper: before and after the awn planting , After processing, beating and washing, take off the rough shell and green skin. Then use a good liming juice to spread the slurry, put it in the cask to cook for eight days and nights, stop the fire for one day, take out the bamboo material, rinse it with water, and use firewood ash (plant ash water) to paste it, and then put it into the kettle to cook, use the ash Under the water, for more than ten days, it naturally stinks. Take it out and put it into the mortar, pound it into a mud surface, and then make pulp and paper...

     Less tender bamboo can be used.

    Only in terms of accessories, the lime needed is a bit difficult... By the way, she remembered that when she collected a large number of colored stones last year, she seemed to have received limestone. Let her think about it, which tribe sent it here?

    Anner knocked on her head. Since she was pregnant with the baby, her memory seems to have deteriorated a lot. Seeing this, Ming asked, "What's wrong?"

    "Help me think about the white opaque stone we received last year, which tribe sent it?"

    Ming thought about it carefully, and said: "The white opaque stone, one is sent by the Dandan tribe, and the other is the Tumang tribe... The patriarch of the Tumang tribe, isn't it in our Atayal? I'll help you call him to ask!" After saying that, he ran out of the yard quickly.

    Shortly, the head of Tutu, who was inquiring about how to grow sweet potatoes in the field, was brought in. An'er looked at the two panting people, and asked Da'er's little friend to bring them a glass of cold water, and asked, "Patriarch Tutu, do you remember what the white stone you sent last year looked like?"

    "The white stone? It's the stone that was replaced with a back basket? Does the goddess need it? When I return to the tribal territory, I will send someone to deliver it immediately!" The red stone, in exchange for many fine pottery tribes, was very happy.

    He knew that if the goddess took a fancy to the white stones in their territory, she would naturally not treat them, the blood alliance tribe. It wasn't that he was coveting Atayal's pottery, but it was the sudden forest fire that destroyed all of Tumang's assets except for escaping more than 100 clansmen. Even with Atayal's help to regain its footing, many things in the tribe have to be reset. Although Atayal is an alliance tribe, can't rely on others for everything? Of course, exchanging items from one's own territory is another matter.

    He suppressed his excitement and described the white stone on the hill in his tribal territory in detail. After An'er heard it, she confirmed that it was the limestone she needed, and she felt relieved. With limestone, papermaking is even better...

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