Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 254: Reshuffle

    Thanks to the lovely Xi Li for the reward, and the pink ticket sent by Feather Butterfly.


    An'er squeezed Ming aside with her stomach, picked up the notebook and looked at it carefully, she was in high spirits, but at first glance it looked like a deflated ball - it was deflated!

    The paper-making method that Ming retrieved in the computer, in addition to using bamboo as raw material, there is also a paper-making method of mulberry bark, which could be implemented in prehistoric times. However, the raw materials of bamboo are collected at the turn of spring and summer, the tender bamboo that was born in that year. In other words, in terms of time in this era, it would take four months at the earliest, when the baby in her belly was already born.

    There is also paper made from paper mulberry bark. The raw mulberry bark is not difficult to collect. On the other side of the river and in the places where the back mountain has not been affected by forest fires, paper mulberry can be seen everywhere. However, the collection of paper mulberry bark is farther away in autumn.

    In other words, if you want to try papermaking, at least until the turn of spring and summer. An'er and Ming, look at me, I look at you, full of enthusiasm is poured into the cold water!

    "Don't worry! Papermaking needs to prepare a lot of things, such as a large steamer, a mallet for pounding bamboo and bark, a bamboo curtain for picking up pulp and so on. When the preparation is almost complete, Three or four months have passed. Moreover, in these three or four months, I have to complete an important task - to give birth to the cub in my belly. After confinement, I will rest for a while, just in time to catch up. Participate in papermaking!" An'er figured it out, and suddenly became optimistic, comforting Ming.

    Ming also realized that he was too restless, smiled and shook his head: "Yes, every time An'er researches a new thing, she has to go through long preparations and repeated experiments. This time I am too impatient, if there is anything to prepare, you tell me, I will find someone to help..."

    An'er shook her head and said, "Paper making by hand is a relatively complicated and delicate job, and it takes half a year to make paper. It's not enough to ask people for help. , like making weapons and firing pottery, we must cultivate specialized paper-making talents. Ming, you should pay attention to the new members of the tribe to see if anyone is willing to learn paper-making. Let me first state that paper-making is very hard and tiring work, and you must be careful. , patience and perseverance!"

    Ming thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay! I'll choose how many people you need."

    "In the early days, the use of paper was not very popular, so only a dozen people were selected and trained carefully. If more people are needed in the future, those who are the first to go out can take apprentices. "

    An'er thought for a while, then continued: "After a while, thatch grows up, let the students practice with thatch first, make some grass paper first, and then use the toilet without wiping with leaves Ass!"

    Sweat! You are still thinking about the paper to wipe your butt... In other words, when An'er first wore it, there was no toilet paper in the toilet, and she used the slippery autumn leaves. She always felt that the papa on her **** couldn't be wiped clean, so don't walk. awkward. At that time, the primitive people used to rub the cake, except for leaves, small stones or small wooden sticks. I don't know if it's a psychological effect or what, An'er smells a faint smell of **** wherever she goes.

    When the adobe house was not yet born, An'er and more than 30 people from the tribe crowded in the cave. The primitive people did not have the habit of bathing, and their noses were always abused. Especially when she first wore it in the late spring and early summer, the primitive people had a strong smell of sweat, and so many people were crowded together, the smell can be imagined! Later, she forced the clansmen to take a bath every day in summer, euphemistically called "hygienic", adults and children are not easy to get sick.

    Over time, a tradition has formed in the tribe - that is, shower every day in summer, every two or three days in spring and autumn, and at least once a week in winter. Of course, this is the rule of other clansmen. In An'er's house, even in winter, they have to take a hot bath every three or two days, otherwise they will not be put on the kang! Therefore, the big and small men of An'er's family are always fresh and refreshing in winter and summer, as well as the fresh breath of saponin!

    Uh...that's a little too far, let's get down to business!

    Atayal's spring ploughing is going on in a tight and orderly manner, with many people and great strength, nearly 3,000 mu of land, and it takes almost a week to cultivate it. At this time, it was time for the five blood alliance tribes to return to their respective territories, busy with their own tribe's spring ploughing and tribal construction.

    After this forest fire and the beast tide in winter, both forest tribes and grassland tribes have reshuffled their cards. Before the spring ploughing, Atayal warriors once rode horses to inspect the nearby grasslands and forest ruins, and found that only one-twelfth of the remaining tribes survived.

    In the autumn, Atayal went south and west, and passed nearly 60 or 70 tribes. Now, when I go back, I encounter a dozen or so tribes. A tribe of more than six or seven hundred people. However, after this winter, the remaining three or four hundred people can be regarded as large tribes.

    Within hundreds of miles near the Atayal tribe, except for the tiger clan protected by the city wall, and the Ula tribe who exchanged human capital for adobe city walls and houses, the loss is not large, the others are either exterminating the tribe or the tribe Among them, less than one-third of the young warriors escaped.

    Even in the good hunting time of spring, there are very few hunting teams that I have encountered along the way on the grassland, which makes people very sad.

    Learning that many tribes have been wiped out on the grassland and nearby forest sites, these five tribal leaders who took refuge in Atayal began to move their minds. From the tiger clan, they clearly perceive that Atayal is very generous to the blood clan tribe. They selflessly provided technology and taught them methods. If they choose a place closer to Atayal to rebuild their tribe, Atayal will never stand idly by if they encounter difficulties in the future.

    Therefore, Haru, the patriarch of the Hake tribe, first chose the road more than 100 miles south of Atayal, the former territory of the Wind Tribe, and decided to rebuild his home there. Atayal not only sponsored enough animal skins to make tents, but also sent ten experts to build brick kilns, houses and city walls, and five planting guides. At the same time, fifty longbows were given as a gift, so that they had enough ability to protect themselves before the construction of the city walls and houses was completed.

    Of course, these grants are not free. For example, seeds and planting guidance, the two tribes signed an agreement that after the autumn harvest, the Hake tribe should pay 20% of the harvest to Taiya per mu of land. There is also the provision of weapons, and Huck will pay tribute to the prey every quarter to express his gratitude to Taiya.

    Of course, with the longbow, the quantity and quality of hunting will be greatly improved. Thousands of pounds of prey are not a problem at all. The tribute prey was proposed by the Haru Patriarch. After all, their tribe has not yet mastered the method of making bows and arrows, especially those sophisticated longbows, which need to use the tendons on the legs of the mutant mantis as bowstrings.

    Even with a longbow in hand, the Huck tribe dare not go to the dangerous forest to hunt giant mantises. In particular, the forest fires burned down large tracts of trees, causing some beasts on the outside to quietly squeeze into the inner perimeter to survive. The wild beasts that were originally rampant in the outer circle, after entering the inner circle, can only be reduced to the bottom of the food chain, relying on hunting some small animals that broke into the forest for a living. It is conceivable that if the human hunting team enters now, if there is no such strong strength as Ataya, it will definitely be gone.

    So Patriarch Haru is very clear in his heart, and in the future, sophisticated weapons must also be provided by Atayal. At this time, it is very important to build a good relationship with Taiya. What he can think of, the patriarchs of other blood alliance tribes can also think of, they will follow suit and pay tribute to Ataya every year.

    In this way, a tradition is gradually formed. The blood alliance tribe gradually developed and grew, and after a few years, the prototype of the vassal state was formed, while the Atayal tribe was like a powerful empire, enjoying the honor of coming from all directions... This is a later story.

    The Huck tribe took the lead and completed the site selection at the best location from Atayal. address.

    At this time, the child in An'er's womb is almost nine months old and is about to give birth. After hearing about this phenomenon, I thought about it and called the leaders of several other tribes, saying: "Actually, the tribes are too concentrated, which may not be a good thing. First of all, the division of the territory is much smaller, and it is easy to cause disputes.

    You can rest assured that the Atayal tribe will teach you the skills of capturing and taming wild horses in the future. With horses walking, even if it is a little farther from Taiya, it will not affect the communication between tribes.

    I promise that Atayal technicians will be dispatched every year to live in the blood alliance tribe for three to five months, especially in important seasons such as spring and autumn harvest. In addition, if Atayal has any new achievements, it will be released to various tribes in the form of announcements as soon as possible..."

    The old patriarch of the Manman tribe thought for a while and said, "Then let's go to the former tribal ruins and rebuild the Manman tribe? However, we are near the fire-breathing mountain, no Know if there will be danger in the future."

    An'er thought for a while, and said: "Before the volcano erupts, there will be some omens, if you observe carefully, or raise some animals, it will be helpful. I know the number of that volcano. It hasn't erupted in a hundred years, and it's not an area with frequent volcanic activity, so there shouldn't be any problems. Besides, volcanic eruptions are not all bad. At least volcanic ash contains a lot of trace elements, which can be used as fertilizer and is conducive to agricultural planting. That is to say , if you farm this year, you won't need any fertilizer."

    In addition, some tribesmen of the barbarian tribe fled to the south, and their life and death are uncertain. He solicited the opinions of the tribesmen, and planned to return to the original site of the former barbarian tribe and re-establish his own tribe.

    Although the barbarian tribe has not completed the ritual of the blood alliance due to the absence of the patriarch. Atayal still sent more than 20 horses to help the old, weak, sick and disabled return. However, except for a few teenagers who participated in archery training, Atayal did not provide bow and arrow benefits to barbarian warriors. However, he gave them the seeds on credit and let them figure out how to plant them. The warriors of the Manman tribe, who were assigned to various groups, already had a preliminary understanding of planting techniques. It's just that there are no agricultural tools such as plows and simple seeders, and only stone shovels and stone hoes can be used for the most primitive farming.

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