Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 255: labor

    She has opened Sina Weibo! The name is the starting point - 姽寳 whispering, those with Weibo can follow some of them! !

    Today's third update


    During spring ploughing, the Hushan Patriarch once sent a team of warriors to help and learn about planting. After returning, many paddy fields were reclaimed around Hucheng, near the Biqing River. As for the fields of upland rice, wheat and other crops, the tigers have been reclaiming them one after another as early as autumn.

    After the spring ploughing of the Atayal tribe, they sent a large number of skilled cultivators to help the tiger tribe. Because the area enclosed by the city walls of Tiger City is relatively small, it can only be used for tribes to live in. Therefore, their fields are all outside the city, and while they are cultivating, there are also guards who are responsible for guarding. After all, on the grasslands in spring, it is not very peaceful, and occasionally there are small tides of beasts.

    The Tigers have cultivated about 1,000 mu of paddy fields and dry fields this year, which is also in the experimental stage. If the yield is good, learn Taiya to expand agriculture the next year. With more than 1,000 acres of land, more than 1,000 people from the Tiger Clan, and the cultivation experts that Atayal went to support, the planting was completed in two or three days. The tiger clan chopped bamboo and wood, and built a circle of relatively strong wooden fences and bamboo fences around the cultivated land to prevent some herbivorous animals from spoiling the seeds after germination.

    With the passage of time, the people of the Atayal tribe began an orderly life of hunting, gathering and breeding. But the patriarch's family is getting more and more nervous, because An'er's delivery date is approaching.

    An'er's bizarrely large belly gradually felt a slump, she was both nervous and happy. Can't wait to prepare a whole bunch of things that may be used for the baby that is about to be born. The first is the baby's clothes and swaddles.

    An'er made a lot of underwear, wraps and saliva towels with washed muslin cloth. As well as some small hats and small socks, the temperature is relatively low in the morning and evening in spring. She also prepared one-piece quilted clothes, two thick and thin quilts for wrapping the child, and torn a thick circle of absorbent cotton. Diapers - this is a luxury for primitive people! However, the tribesmen in the tribe can't wait to get the best things. For the children of the patriarch and the goddess. In their opinion, this is the son of God, who will bring luck and prosperity to the Atayal tribe.

    Abu is the father-to-be. At An'er's request, he personally helped the unborn child to make a small wooden tub for bathing. The inside and outside of the basin were polished with sand and stone to make it extremely smooth, for fear of any roughness. It hurts the delicate skin of the child.

    I also made a small crib. Can be placed at one end of the kang. Below the crib is a smooth wooden board, surrounded by a 30-centimeter-high fence. A thick layer of snow bearskin is used in the crib, so that even on a cold spring night, it will not be cold.

    Eagle Leaf made a lot of unique toys for the baby, including bone wind chimes, dyed with various colors of huā grass, and it was very bright. There are also wood-carved birds, little saber-toothed tigers, ponies and baby elephants, which come alive. Even An'er couldn't put it down when she saw it.

    Da Er heard that after the mother gave birth, she drank fish soup for milk. Then he pulled his inseparable little friend Tuwa. Tangled Ah Tu and took him to the underground river in the cave to catch the transparent fish with tender and delicious flesh. A Tu heard that he was going to be raised in a water tank and fed An Er after giving birth to her baby.

      When she went to the patriarch's house, she said she was going to eat, but she actually wanted An'er to eat more fish to keep her healthy.

    When he entered the cave this time, he brought two little tails behind him. The little tails knew that it would take a whole day to come back. A clay pot, which is used to hold the caught transparent fish.

    Some of the gravel in the cave has been cleaned up. Although it is still not very smooth, it is not particularly difficult to walk. It was the first time for Daer and Tuwa to enter the depths of the cave, and they exclaimed with joy from time to time at the stalactites of different shapes on the top of the cave.

    In the long cave that seemed to have no end, one big and two small walked for a long time, the legs of the two children were sore, but they insisted without saying a word. I also changed two torches in my hand, and finally I heard the rushing sound of the underground river.

    "Is it coming soon? I heard the sound of running water, Ah Tu, does the underground river also flow?" Da'er heard the sound of water, and his spirit was lifted, and he asked.

    A Tu held a torch to lead the way, heard the words and said: "Well, the underground river is like the river on the ground, it is constantly flowing. Wangshan is running dead horse! Although I heard the sound, There is still a long way to go. Are you two little guys tired, do you want to take a break and eat something?"

    Da'er's feet have long been bruised by the uneven road, he looked back at the Tuwa who was also showing fatigue, nodded and said, "Then let's rest your feet first! Tuwa , come, sit down and rest for a while. Let's eat something to replenish our strength, so we can continue to walk!"

    The shoes on Tuwa's feet were leather shoes made by An'er in her spare time, and she was already sweating at this time. He took off his shoes and rubbed his feet, took the steamed buns and jerky, and ate them in big mouthfuls.

    The houses in the city were built one after another, and Tuwa, Dingding and the man she had just found moved into the city. The houses in the city are allocated according to their contribution and years in the tribe. If it is just Ding Ding and Tuwa, it is not their turn to move first. However, Ding Ding worked hard during the spring ploughing, and she looked good. The most important thing was to be healthy and capable. She was spotted by a warrior from the original Atayal tribe and started her active pursuit.

    Ding Ding killed a man and a child in the fire and beast swarm, and did not intend to remarry so soon. What she meant was to take the Tuwa and live with him as an adopted son. As for men, when you meet someone who is right, you can talk about whether you can find them or not.

      A good man is hard to come by—this is what An Er advised her, Ding Ding thought about it for two days, and then agreed to the man's pursuit. After the spring ploughing, the two, under the witness of the great witch and the goddess, performed the ceremony of becoming a partner, and moved into the house assigned by the man.

      . However, the main room has three rooms, which is relatively smaller than that of the patriarch and elders.

    In this way, Tuwa and Daer get closer and communicate more closely. The two little friends have been inseparable since they got up and had breakfast every day. The two went to the back mountain to mow the grass, feed the assigned animals, and learn archery and hunting skills together. It was not until evening that they went back to their respective homes. ,

    So after feeding the animals this morning, Daer went to help Aner catch fish, and he obliged to follow. On the one hand, it is because he has a good relationship with Da'er, and on the other hand, he wants to be able to do something for An'er.

    His adoptive mother, Ding Ding, just came to Taiya, and she did a lot of needlework last time. An Er was pregnant and had nothing to do at home, so she took the clothes and shoes of Tuwa.

    Wearing a soft and comfortable ge cloth shirt and fitting shoes, Tuwa's heart was full of gratitude, and she vowed to repay An'er's friendship in the future. No, knowing that he could do something for An'er, he followed without hesitation.

    The three of them rested for a while and took a few bites, but they were stopped by Atu with a smile: "Eat less, keep your stomach, and I'll give you two little guys grilled fish to eat later. Even if The transparent fish baked without any seasoning is also very delicious. Just wait and enjoy the deliciousness!"

    A Tu came to the underground river with two little tails. The underground river was still dark, and the shimmering light of the torches could only illuminate a small part of the place. What was different from An'er's visit was that the transparent fish that used to be crowded together were rarely seen.

    A Tu took a basket, put a small piece of crushed steamed bun in it, and slowly put the bamboo basket into the underground river. Soon after, I felt the movement of the basket in my hand, and I suddenly picked up the basket, and there was a dull greedy fish struggling in the basket. He put the transparent fish he caught into a wooden bucket filled with water, and put the basket in again.

    Dal felt fresh when he saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "Let me try, I will also try to catch fish in a basket"

    His voice kept echoing in the empty space, startling him. Busy lowered his voice again, and whispered his wishes.

    Atu handed him the basket and told him how to catch fish: "This transparent fish rarely sees other creatures, so it is not afraid of life. If you feel the weight in the basket has increased, it means that The greedy transparent fish is eating crumbs of steamed buns, and at this time, it can be caught with a light lift."

    Da Er did as he said, and sure enough, he easily caught a transparent fish more than one foot long. He excitedly put the fish into the clay pot he brought, put his head close, and said, "It's really transparent, even the bones of the fish can be seen clearly! Also, and, Tuwa, you Look, transparent fish don't have eyes. An'er said that there is no light in the underground river, so if you can't see anything, the eyes will lose their function. Over time, the eyes of the fish will degenerate. This kind of transparent fish is really easy to catch, Tuwa, do you want it? try?"

    Tuwa took the bamboo basket in his hand and saw that there were not many crumbs left, so he squeezed some more before putting the bamboo basket into the water again. He put the basket deep, and dipped his wrist into the icy subterranean water, suddenly feeling itchy to the touch. Then, in the faint light, a transparent fish was touching his wrist with its mouth!

    He resisted the itch and didn't move until he felt something moving in the basket in his hand, and then quickly picked up the basket. At first glance, there are actually two fat and transparent fish inside. No wonder it was a little heavy when I just picked it up!

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