Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 260: Chick. The chicken was bitten off!

    Thanks for the pink tickets from Beauty Baby, Zi Yeyoulian, Dianerdianer, Moonlight Bluesky, and McDull from the starting point.

    The confinement period is in the warm spring season, and logically speaking, it will not be too difficult. But for An'er, who likes to be clean and has to wash her hair and shower every other day in winter, it's so hard that she can't get any harder. Within two days, she felt a stench like spoiled yogurt, and a greasy head odor on her hair.

    Fortunately, Dingding will bring back a good absorbent grass paper every day, rub it up and put it on her trousers, and change it every day, so as not to absorb it with grass ash like other women in the tribe The lochia that flows out. However, the first batch of paper in prehistory, unique, was actually used for such a purpose, which is indeed very sad, and also a bit of a waste.

    An Er doesn't care whether the paper is precious or not, in her words, "only when it is used in the right place can its value be expressed". As a result, the first batch of paper with poor toughness and good water absorption was characterized by its value - straw paper for wiping the butt.

    After insisting on it for a week, An'er smelled her body and was about to vomit. She didn't know how Abu hugged himself like this every night, how he could fall asleep, and it was his fate that he didn't get smoked to death. She scratched the mess, itching to the hair that she wanted to scratch off her scalp, looked at the men around the small tub, bathing the two little babies, and shouted: "No! I can't take it anymore, I want a bath, I want Go out and get some air, I want to…”

    "No!" The four men in the family, big and small, rejected her request in unison.

    Actually. Before An'er, women in the tribe would wrap their children in animal skins within a few days after they gave birth. Take it out to participate in the collection. Of course, men and women at that time did not take baths and wash their hair as often as they are now, but they did go out to dry. The ancestors have come here for generations, but the mortality rate of women and newborns was relatively high at that time, but there was no reason for it, so they used the physical weakness of women and children as the reason.

    When the literacy class opened for a while. After Ming popularized some knowledge of hygiene and medicine in the tribe, the tribe began to pay more attention to personal hygiene and the care of mothers and newborns. The women of the clan are fine. For more than ten or twenty years, I have lived a life of not taking a bath very much. It is nothing to not take a bath in the confinement period, but I have been living in the house for two months, and I can't do heavy work in water. It makes these hardworking primitive women super unaccustomed to. for the kids. They also endured for their own bodies.

    Sure enough, since the past year, perhaps the tribe has lived in a warm and comfortable house, and it has something to do with being able to eat enough. The newborns in the tribe have almost reached a good sign of zero deaths. Women are also much stronger because they pay attention to their own care, and the phenomenon of sickness rarely occurs. Even if it's a little cold or something. After a few pills of Ming's medicine, he was alive and kicking again.

    And Ann. In the eyes of the clansmen, they are not only the messengers of the gods, omnipotent, but also weak and objects that need to be protected. After she found out she was pregnant, the clansmen tried their best to accommodate her, protect her, and give her the best environment for childbirth. This is also one of the reasons why when building the new city, the patriarch and the nearby houses are completed first.

    As her belly grew bigger and bigger, Ming sorted out the precautions for childbirth and distributed it to each family. The importance of confinement and nursing methods were also popularized in the tribe. . The four big and small men in the family are naturally familiar with each other.

    Because I have to bathe the two little guys, there are two braziers in the house, and the whole room is warm. An'er jumped off the kang, pointed at the two fat white creatures who were kicking their legs happily in the water basin, and said, "I protest, unfair treatment, why they can take a bath, but I can't?"

    "Because it is written in the divine book you brought, mothers cannot see the wind or catch cold within the confinement period, so it is best not to take a bath. Children have to bathe frequently. Change your clothes..." Ming persuaded earnestly in the tone of an authoritative person.

      Hair, startled two creatures fluttering in the water basin, staring at them with terrified eyes...

    Abu put his little son in Yingye's hand, embraced the crazy little woman dotingly, gently massaged her scalp with his fingers, and said with a smile, "You just It doesn't look good, and I'm not afraid to scare our two little babies."

    An'er widened her aggrieved eyes, looked at Abu foggy, and said, "I won't let you wash your hair and bathe for a month, where can you see where it goes? Woohoo, Abu, look, Even you are starting to despise me, what's the point of my life..."

      I came out to practice, and at this time I finally took it out and basked in the sun - it seems to feel pretty cool. An'er fake cried more vigorously.

    Abu hurriedly hugged her like a child, put her in his arms, kissed her nose, kissed her hair, and explained, "How could I despise you? No matter what you look like, I won't dislike it. You don't stink at all, and your body still smells of milk, I can't help but want to fight with the two children..."

    What are the two little babes fighting over? The little woman who was covering her face and pretending to cry felt that her face was starting to burn hot. One night when it was dark and windy, An'er was awakened by the itchy feeling on her chest, and found that a "big baby" beside her was eating the children's food with the red fruit on her chest. The touch of her tongue on her chest seemed to be aroused again. An'er bit her lip and buried her face in her man's chest. She had long forgotten about pretending to cry.

    "It's done! Little sister has taken a bath!" Da'er looked at the little guy who was waving his strong limbs in Ming's hands, and seemed unwilling to come out of the water, and hurriedly held the soft cotton cloth in his hands handed over. Ming wrapped his sister and put it on the kang.

    An'er hurriedly struggled out of her man's arms, Abu's face was getting thicker and thicker, in front of the man's younger brother and son, he actually molested himself, really Do not put on the roof for three days.

    An'er came to the little daughter, gently wiped the water off her body with a cotton cloth, and massaged her limbs and body. Abu moved the brazier closer, for fear that the little guy would catch a cold.

    "Sister is really strong! Look at her little feet, it's very strong to kick my hand." An'er pinched her daughter's chubby little feet and kissed her belly. The little guy grinned and made a "smile" expression.

    "Look! My sister is smiling! Who said that children can't laugh when they are born? I said yesterday that younger brothers and sisters can laugh, but no one believes it." Dudu's little face screamed as if he had discovered a new continent.

    As if to confirm his words, the little guy's toothless mouth widened. Suddenly, Da'er looked between the legs of the little baby, looked at it, ran to the little brother who was taking a bath, pulled his legs apart, came back and looked at An'er in horror and said, "Ann, little sister A little bird with no pee, was it bitten off by a mouse at night?"

    Da Er has the habit of storing food on the head of the bed. When he woke up one night, he found that his fingers had been bitten by something. After waking up, he found a big fat mouse lying on his back. At his hand, he was eating fried peanuts and jerky that he had hidden. Cried to find Abu's father and An'er, but was frightened by the unscrupulous An'er: "If you hide food on the bed again, the little bird will be bitten by the mouse..." After that, Da'er completely changed everything. Hamster habit of hiding food.

    That's why he saw the little girl and thought she was bitten by a mouse.

    An'er couldn't help crying, she pushed the man who was snickering next to her, cleared her throat, and said, "Da'er, in the literacy class, you should have learned 'the difference between men and women'. Four-character words, right? Men have little ones, such as you and your brother, women don't have that stuff. Little sisters are girls, not growing up."

    Da Er nodded suddenly and said: "Men have small, women do not - no wonder Abu's father, Ye, and Ming all have small, but little sister does not! An, do you also have small? Then What do you women do when you want to pee?"

    Abu was a little unhappy when Daer looked at his woman somewhere, and turned around to block the little guy's sight. An'er looked embarrassedly at the big men in the room, pretended not to hear, and helped her little daughter get dressed.

    The little doll in the little one-piece clothes has been the same every day for the past week. The originally wrinkled little red face grew open. It was round, and the skin on his face was like a boiled egg that had just been peeled off. It was extremely tender to the touch. The older sister, who was chubby when she was born, has grown a circle, and she is very cute.

    At this time, the younger brother also finished washing and was carried on the kang and placed beside his elder sister. When my younger brother was born, he was a full size smaller than his elder sister, as if he couldn't take over the domineering elder sister in his stomach, so he looked thin and thin. However, after a week of careful feeding, the little guy has also grown, and the flesh has also grown. Although he is not as fat as his sister, his arms and calves are like lotus root, which looks gratifying.

    An'er saw that her son was also out of water, so she put her sister in a small quilt and wrapped it up. The little guy is not happy anymore. The two children don't seem to like being tied into small dumplings. They finally wait every day to be released at this time. How could she be willing to be tied back again. So, the little guy who was just grinning and showing off his cuteness just opened his throat and howled dryly. Why do you say she is howling? It's just thunder and no rain!

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