Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 261: my man is my surname

    Thanks to the lovely Xili and the love ^^ for the reward, and thank you Yu Qier for the pink ticket, call every day - for pink!

    The younger brother, who was nibbling on his small paws, turned his head to look at his sister who was suddenly mourning beside him. He didn't seem to understand why he was unhappy with such a comfortable bath time every day. Sister is really a strange creature, often unhappy, her ears hurt...

    An'er looked at the little guy with his fat legs, who couldn't cry with his super loud voice, sighed, and said to his man: "This girl is here again, You come to get her, and I have to help my son get dressed!"

    Speaking, he confidently handed over the mess to the wise patriarch of Atayal, and ran to the side himself to massage his obedient son. The little guy had a bulging belly, spread out his limbs like a frog, and asked his mother to "kill a chicken" for him, and he looked like he was enjoying it very much.

      The small neck is slumped, the corners of the mouth are curved, as if smirking. As long as you don't tie her up, everything is negotiable. If you want to tie her up, tie up the stinky boy who is fighting with her for milk first.

    After An'er massaged the younger son, she put on a muslin jacket, picked him up and put him on the quilt, coaxing, "Be good brother, don't imitate elder sister, Wrapped in a small quilt, you can grow a pair of slender and straight legs. If my sister is not good, if you don't tie it, it will grow into frog legs, looped legs..."

    The little guy who was a little resistant at first seemed to understand his mother's words and let her be at the mercy of her obediently. An'er skillfully wrapped the little baby in the shape of a zongzi and wrapped it with cloth strips. Then he unscrupulously shoved the little guy into Da'er's arms, who was staring at him, patted the little boy's ass, and said, "Take it away and play! Remember, don't go out, only in these few places. Wander around the adjoining houses."

    Da'er was waiting for this moment, he held the soft little guy in a graceful manner, and spoke to his brother softly. Although, what he wanted to hold was the little sister, but the younger sister was heavier than the younger brother, so he couldn't hold it for a while.

    Exiting the door of the back room, she found that the door facing the yard had been opened, Da'er hurriedly turned her back to the door, and repeatedly shouted: "Close the door, little brother can't see the wind! Quick! close!"

    After the door was closed, he saw the person who came in and said with a smile: "Tuwa, you are here! Come and see my brother, just finished taking a bath. Have you washed your hands?" I'll give you a hug after I wash it."

    Tuwa stretched out her two little white hands and said, "Wash it clean! I woke up early today and even cut your grass. I also helped feed the lambs and rabbits..."

    Before he finished speaking, An Er said unhappily: "Da'er, how can you let Tuwa do your work for you? If this habit is bad, you will be fined three days not to watch it. Brother and sister!"

    Da'er screamed and said, "No! I know I'm wrong, but tomorrow I'll help Tuwa cut grass and feed the sheep! I won't be lazy in the future!"

    An'er stuck out a small head from the animal skin door curtain, smiled at Tuwa, then raised her face, and said to Da'er: "In the future, only at noon and at night can you come and hug Brothers and sisters, you can do whatever you need to do at ordinary times, if you don’t work, you won’t have food, and no one can get something for nothing!”

    Da Er nodded honestly and said, "I will definitely participate in the labor well in the future, and I will never let others help me mow the grass. Tuwa, you can get up later tomorrow, your grass I cut it for you!"

    There are more and more animals in the tribe, and some pheasants, rabbits and sheep are allocated to each family to keep. At the end of the year, babies born to these animals can be privately owned, which stimulates the enthusiasm of every family to keep animals. This is also the prototype of private ownership. Of course, if there is a shortage of food in the tribe, each household will contribute the animals they raise and distribute them collectively. After all, the selfishness of prehistoric primitive people was not that serious.

    In the house, after seeing the younger brother being tied up, he resisted a few times symbolically, and the little girl did not escape the fate of being tied into a zongzi.

    The family played with the children for a while, and suddenly Daer said: "Ann, what are the names of my brother and sister? You see 'Da'er' is my name, 'Tuwa' is What is his name, what is the name of his younger brother and sister?"

    An Er has long been pondering the names of the twins. However, based on the level of her name, she never thought she would be more satisfied. Therefore, the child was born for a week, and it was just "sister" and "brother" shouting, or "baby" was long and "baby" was short, and there was no serious name.

    Abu, Ying Ye and Ming all focused on her, An Er said that she was under a lot of pressure. Abu smiled and said, "You are a goddess, and your name is blessed by a god, so you should name it."

    An'er looked at the two little babies who were lying on the kang side by side and were already sleeping soundly. I suddenly remembered that when I was a child, when my father just died, I always had nightmares when I slept. I dreamed that my father, who was only half-length, stretched out his **** hand and shouted to her, "I hurt so much, my leg is so painful. What? Where's my lower body..."

    After waking up from her sleep, she was crying, and she noticed a pair of warm arms, took her in her arms, and saw Ruoya, six or seven years old, through the hazy sleepy eyes. Dark eyes full of concern. That night, they slept side by side on the big bed like this, clasping their little hands tightly together.

    From then on, Ruoya would get tired of sleeping in her bed every night, sleeping head-to-head with her. Uncle Ruo said that the two children are like conjoined twins, going in and out at the same time, and the relationship is better than that of direct sisters. After that day, she never had nightmares again. In the future, she has a good sister who loves her unconditionally...

    An'er's eyes were hot, she stroked the children's fleshy faces, and blurted out: "Sister Nianya, brother's name is Si Ruo..."

    Read Ya, Si Ruo, miss Ruoya... Ruoya, how are you? I miss you…

    "Nian Ya, Si Ruo? It sounds good, my sister and brother have names! Tuwa, isn't the name of my sister and brother good?" Er was the first to cheer, with a look of excitement, as if he didn't know that he had encountered a good thing that fell from the sky.

    "What's the matter, I'm so happy, I can hear Da'er's laughter from far away." Yingxue, who was in charge of helping An'er cook confinement meals, pushed the door in and asked with a smile. She is ten years old, and her body is quite tall, and she feels a little slim.

      Fu. My sister's name is Nianya, and my brother's name is Siruo! It sounds good, no one in the tribe sounds better than the names of the younger brothers and sisters!"

    Ming suddenly thought of some novels he had read in his notebook, in which the protagonists not only had names but also surnames, so he asked: "Then... what are the surnames of Nianya and Siruo? , Yingxue and Yingye, have their surnames from their original tribes, as well as Hahu and Habao... Our Atayal tribe doesn't seem to have a unified surname before!"

    An Er thought about it, yes! The clansmen of the Atayal tribe can never be surnamed "Tai"! She rolled her eyes, suddenly had an idea, smiled and said to Abu, "Abu, since you don't have a surname, let the children follow my surname. Lin Nianya, Lin Siruo, what a nice name!"

    The people of the Atayal tribe always call her "An'er, An'er". Many people have forgotten that her real name is Lin An'er!

    "Lin? That's right, we are a forest tribe, and if we all have the surname Lin, it should be right! That's it, my name is Lin Daer, haha! Xiaoxue, I have a surname now... Da'er jumped up again and excitedly pulled Yingxue around in circles.

    An'er didn't have time to correct him, and the little guy continued, "In the future, my father's name is Lin Abu, Ming's name is Lin Ming, Ye... Ye's name is Lin Yingye! We will all be named An's surname. , because we are all a family in the future!" The little guy said more and more excited!

    Tuwa blinked her eyes with envy. nice! An'er is from the Protoss, and "Lin" is the surname of the Protoss! Daer is so lucky to have the surname of the Protoss...

    Da'er turned around and saw the desire and envy in Tuwa's eyes, blinked, and said, "Tuwa, you are also surnamed Lin, right? Your name is Lin Tuwa, hmmm ...with the surname, it's different, it feels like... it feels like a superior person. An'er, it's not as good as our Atayal tribe, all of them are surnamed Lin!"

    An'er pointed at his little head with her index finger, and said angrily and hilariously: "What are you mixing up with! Only those who are related by blood will inherit a surname."

    Da Er said not to be outdone: "Then...Xiao Xue'er and Ye, they are not related by blood, why are they both surnamed 'Eagle'? You will call me Linda'er in the future!"

    An Er's heart is sweating! When did her surname become Xiangbangbang, and people were scrambling to use it. She looked at her man, thought about it, and smiled unscrupulously. She hooked Abu's chin, threw a seductive wink, and said, "Abu, what do you think of the name Lin Abu? You belong to me, and it is understandable to bear the name of your wife! Huh? "

    Abu smiled dotingly and said, "Okay, if the men in your hometown are all women's surnames, I'm not against it..."

    "That's it! Lin Abu children's shoes, but I'll call you Abu in the future. It sounds more intimate!" The velvety tail swung to and fro triumphantly.

    "What about me?" Yingye's low and **** voice charmed her in her ear.

    An'er's ears were red, she looked at the handsome man, rubbed her ears, and said, "You can have any name you want, please don't exhale into my ears, I'm sensitive. ."

    Eagle Ye raised her eyebrows—ears... sensitive, right... His **** lips evoked a meaningful smile.

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