Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 289: bird disaster

    Uh...I went to see a movie today, only one more chapter, hehe...

    Thanks to the dog's life advice, 3 big laughs, the pink ticket sent by the Luo family's Yueyue, and thanks to the lovely Xili and Yunsha Ruoli for the reward.


    Autumn is approaching, and the crops of the Atayal tribe are beginning to enter the harvest season. The ears of rice in the paddy fields are heavy and full. A few days ago, it was still cyan, and when the autumn wind blew, it began to change to golden yellow.

    The Atayal tribe's fields this year implemented the strategy of contracting to the group.

    An'er finished her work in the bronze factory and started to work as a hand-lover again. Every day, she takes two little babies who don't like staying at home more and more, to go for a walk by the field, so that the children can experience the joy of a good harvest.

    On this day, she just put her two children in the stroller and hadn't gone out yet. Daer rushed in from the courtyard gate like a locomotive, followed by his faithful little tail - Tuwa.

    "It's not good! It's not good! The rice we planted was eaten by the birds!"

    An'er frowned, how did she forget about it? Last year, a large area of ​​forest was covered, and the birds did not worry about a place to eat, drink and live. This year, the forest area has shrunk by nearly half, and the birds have nowhere to find food. In spring, many birds are still rummaging in the ground to eat the seeds sown. Now is the harvest season. If the huge number of birds in the forest all fly to the fields to find food, I am afraid that this year's farming will be in vain!

    Anner suddenly thought that she had read it in a book. In the farmland, there is a kind of puppet used to drive away birds and small animals and prevent them from stealing food. There is a calculation in mind.

    She brought the children to the field. Sure enough, many birds fell in the fields, pecking at the crops that were about to mature. Some of them are flying towards this direction from the forest in the distance. Da'er's friends who practice archery together hold their little bows and arrows, crouch on the field ridge, aim at the beak-stealing birds, and use them as targets for practice!

    An'er looked at the children who burst into surprise screams from time to time: "I shot one!" "I shot too!" "Your one is not as big as mine!" "Come on! Shoot! Da'er said, whoever shoots will belong to whoever shoots, go back and let mother help us make braised bird meat!"…

    These children are mostly under the age of ten. Not eligible for Boy Scouts. They got up early every morning to mow the dewy grass. When a certain amount is cut, they spontaneously organize themselves to practice archery. Usually in the tribe are practiced with dead targets. Today, it is rare to have ready-made live targets for them to practice. The children are very excited and spare no effort in shooting birds.

    An'er glanced at Da'er with a smile. Asked: "These children are all organized by you?"

    Da Er scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said: "Anyway, I want to practice archery, let them aim at the birds and shoot, which can not only eliminate the beak-stealing birds, but also give them extra meals. , this is called 'killing two birds with one stone'! However, we are too few in number, and our archery skills are not very good, so the birds that can be eliminated are very limited. Ann. Please think of a way to drive away these pesky birds.— Hey, you guys! Watch your feet carefully, don't step on the rice!"

    When he saw several children, he ran into the rice field, and did not forget to remind him loudly. Don't look at Da'er's young age, but his prestige among the children is very high, and he seems to be the leader of the children.

    An'er thought about it for a while, and asked Daer to call Li to gather more than one hundred boy scouts and spread them over thousands of acres of fertile fields to shoot the birds that were stealing food. He pushed his two children and called together the women and old people in the tribe who were responsible for various jobs, and asked them to temporarily stop their work and learn how to make scarecrows from her.

    The Boy Scouts plus the little kids under the age of ten, there are about 200 people. Scattered in more than 2,000 acres of farmland, although not all the birds and fowls can be driven away, it can eliminate a lot of them.

    Due to the volcanic eruption last winter, a layer of volcanic ash fell on the ground, and the farmland seemed to be fertilized with natural fertilizer, and the crops have been growing very well. This year has been good and rainy again. An'er predicts that this year's grain output will double compared to last year! Who knows, when the harvest is approaching, there will be another bird plague. However, she secretly rejoiced that fortunately, only birds came to steal their mouths, and there was no insect plague. The locusts crossed the border, but there was no harvest!

    The men, women and children of the clan worked together to drive out more than 2,000 scarecrows overnight. Although some scarecrows were a little crude or even ugly, they were given a hat, a scorpion, and a scarecrow in their hands. Tie up a hula-la-turning windmill and stop in the field, it really has some deterrent power!

    The children showed great enthusiasm for the new scarecrow, followed behind the adults and actively helped the scarecrow. The next morning, there were several scarecrows standing in each field. When the autumn wind blew, the windmill in the scarecrow's hand, the branches with leaves, would make a "hula la" sound. The vigilant birds were too frightened to fall.

      After buying this piece of food, I went to the grassland to find grass seeds.

      become invisible.

    After a few more days, the rice began to be harvested. Before the autumn harvest, the hunting team was dispatched for several days, and a large amount of prey was stored beside the cold spring in the cave. When it was time for the autumn harvest, the hunting team members returned to their production teams and started busy harvesting work.

    Twenty production teams, each responsible for 100 mu of land. Some production teams responsible for planting wheat, corn and sweet potatoes also came down to help harvest rice. Coupled with this year's harvesting tools, most of them were replaced with sharp bronze sickles, and a large amount of rice was broken down with a single cut.

    Some are in charge of cutting the rice, some are in charge of tying the rice, and some are carrying the bundles of rice to the carriage by the paddy field... Everyone is full of energy, and no one complains and no one is tired. The children help the adults deliver water and meals, which can be used by an adult!

    Xiao Xue'er and Da'er were busy during the autumn harvest. The meals of the two families were completed by the two of them together, and the food delivery was also carried by the children carrying pots and bowls to the ground. Now their family has used bronze utensils, so there is no need to worry about accidentally dropping the pot.

    An'er brought two entangled children. Although she couldn't help, she also put the water bottle in the trolley that pushed the children, holding Xiao Nianya in one hand and Xiao Si in the other. Ruohe jug helped the men deliver water and wipe sweat, expressing condolences. Sometimes they even offer two kisses to encourage men to work hard!

    Abu and Yingye are more motivated. They are very strong, and they are responsible for picking the harvested bundles of rice to the carriages in the field, and then driving the carriages to the drying yard to spread the rice flat for drying.

      An'er had no choice but to push the cart and walk beside the carriage. When it was time for the drying yard, she would take down the two eager babies, so as not to interfere with the work of the fathers.

    The harvested rice, the thorns pierced the little guys' arms and cheeks red, but they were very excited. The nine-month-old twins are getting more and more skinny. Their legs and feet are still unstable, and they always want to let go of their parents' hands and walk on their own.

    Especially Xiao Nianya, she walks in a hurry. Before learning how to walk, she always wants to run. She was the one who fell the hardest. There were always blue and purple patches on her small arms and calves, and the skin was broken from time to time. She didn't cry even when she fell in pain. She struggled to get up with her little ass. With her current level, she couldn't stand up by herself, so she turned her eyes for help to other people around her.

    Xiao Siruo has been able to stumble and take a few steps. He walks more cautiously than his sister. leg. After walking a few steps, he stopped again, showing a smug smile along with the sister who fell. However, after all, it is still unstable, and wrestling is inevitable. After he fell, his best trick was to pretend to be pitiful and cute. He was held in his arms by his parents and comforted for a while, and then he stumbled to his feet again.

    Recently everyone is busy with the autumn harvest, always put two little guys in the stroller, and few people accompany them to learn to walk. The little guys used to cry to protest, but seeing that their parents, brothers and sisters were so busy that their heels didn't touch the ground, they put away their crying and stayed in the stroller, you scratched me, I caught you.

      The sound of whips, the sound of wheeled wheels, and the milky laughter of children... all together form a happy and sweet autumn harvest picture.

    After the rice was harvested and dried for two days, it was threshed on a hand-cranked thresher, and then put into sacks. Some are reserved as seeds, and some are pounded into rice and distributed to each household when all the grain is harvested.

    This year is a bumper harvest, the granary prepared by the tribe is definitely not enough, An'er decided to distribute the food for the next six months to each family first. Anyway, the housing of each household is still relatively well-off, and it is still more than enough to set aside a room for food!

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