Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 290: Xiaoxue is missing

    Thanks to Zhiwei, the grandma who bought vegetables in front of the door, and the lovely Xili for the reward. ask for pink...


    Although the months of the four prehistoric seasons have lengthened, the growth period of crops has also increased, with spring planting and autumn harvesting constantly changing. It's a pity that the winter here is too cold. The small piece of winter wheat that I tried to grow last year was frozen to death. Think about it, it would be strange if you didn't see a sunny day for several months, and the snow was covered with layers of snow!

    Therefore, after all the crops were returned to the warehouse, the Atayal people resumed their normal life. The hunting of the hunting, the production of the production.

    At this time, news came from the Manman tribe that the hot spring resort requested by An'er was on the verge of completion. As soon as An'er heard this, she immediately packed her luggage and went to her own Xinzhuangzi to soak in the hot springs. Now that it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the temperature is getting colder every day, and it is very troublesome to boil water and take a bath, so I can't enjoy it. Bathing in a hot spring can not only cleanse thoroughly, but is also good for the body, so why not do it?

    As the head of the clan, Abu, with the development of the tribe, is getting busier and busier. Not only did he take the hunting party out to hunt, but he also dealt with other matters in the tribe. Fortunately, An'er couldn't bear to see her man was so busy that he could not touch the ground, so he separated out some industrial departments, specially asked Elder Luo to take charge, and named them the Ministry of Industry. Then, she thought about dividing the agricultural department as well, and it was classified as the "Household"; and the hunting team and the **** team, all of which would be managed by the "War Department" in the future... However, these are not done in one fell swoop, so take it slow. Slow down.

    This trip to the hot spring villa, Abu couldn't **** the three of them. At Da'er's repeated requests, he was granted a place to accompany him. Household affairs big and small. It was entrusted to Ming and Tuwa to help take care of it. Mostly the animals kept in the backyard must be looked after.

    Ann's carriage and **** began to hit the road again. This time, Ying Ye led a trade team. The goods brought were mainly bronze ware and grain. So, on the withered prairie, two carriages with sheds were sandwiched between the carts of goods. The innocent and happy laughter of the children can be heard from time to time in the car...

    With Ann and the kids on their journey, it certainly couldn't be faster. For the children, it is essential to cook three meals a day with a fire. The food was mainly brought rice and steamed buns, as well as the prey hunted by the guards.

    Xiao Nianya and Xiao Siruo have grown eight teeth, An'er made them a small toothbrush with the softest bristles. Use a small toothbrush every day after meals or in the morning and evening to help them clean between their teeth. The two little guys can already eat some minced meat and softer rice. And have a bad habit. It's just the leftover rice and vegetables. After it's hot, I don't even taste it. Must be freshly cooked. As a result, the speed of travel is even slower.

    This evening, the convoy came to camp in a small valley. Yingye found a small clean cave, although it could only accommodate five or six people, enough for An'er and the children to stay for one night. He cleaned the small cave again and put on a bamboo mat, which was covered with a thick animal skin blanket.

      The **** went hunting as usual, leaving only seven or eight people guarding near the camp.

    Ann took the children. He came out of the small cave, sat beside the fire, made a pit on the ground, put a few small sweet potatoes in, and spread a layer of soil before moving the fire on top. The fire is too hot. If you throw the sweet potato directly into it, the outside will be burnt, but the inside will still be raw. An'er roasted like this, although the time was a little longer, the flame did not directly touch the sweet potatoes, but the heat had smoked the sweet potatoes. It tasted sweet and soft, and had an excellent taste.

    Xiao Xueer asked her brother and another member of the **** team to bring a large bronze pot and put it on the fire next to it, and start to stuff the rice. The brother of Xiao Xue'er, a member of the **** team, was also among them. They were all the best warriors selected from the tribe, and they didn't even have enough food. There were no more than twenty guards in total, and the rice cooked in this pot was enough for more than thirty people. This is not to mention, the prey that is hunted in a while will still consume more than 200 kilograms!

    Autumn nights are still relatively cool. An'er put on thin jackets and trousers for the children, and put on a small fox fur waistcoat. The elder sister's is red fox skin, the younger brother's is snow fox skin, one red and one white look pink and cute!

    The children were sitting on a clouded leopard skin, holding a rattle in their hands, and having a great time with Daer brother. She stood by the small fire and helped the children make dinner. At noon, the guards hunted a big wild boar, and she kept the tenderest tenderloin for the children to chop meat and wrap wontons to eat at night.

    The two babies, especially the elder sister, have been meat-free since they were able to eat minced meat. It really deserves to be a kind of prehistoric people...cough! I can imagine that in the future, this child will be a woman who eats meat and soup!

    Xiao Nianya sister and brother, when they saw their mother hiding the minced meat on the cutting board, they immediately gave up the toys at hand and wanted to crawl to their mother's side. Da'er was afraid that the children would delay An'er's cooking, so he hugged one in each hand, his face turned red, but he couldn't restrain the two restless little guys.

    "Meat...meat!" Xiao Nianya finally got out of Daer's brother's "clutch", climbed to her mother's side, sat down next to her fat little butt, and pointed to the minced meat on the cutting board , murmured and repeated the words just learned.

    An'er squeezed her tender little face with a smile, and said with a smile: "Xiao Nianya is so good, I know it's meat! However, you have to retract your hands, so as not to chop Let’s get started. Tonight, mom will make dumplings for you!”

    "Baojiao..." Xiao Nianya clapped her hands happily and repeated loudly.

    An'er shook her head, continued to chop the meat stuffing, and handed the child to talk: "It's not hand in hand, it's dumplings... dumplings! Dumplings of dumplings..."

    "Jiaojiao...jiaojiao..." Xiao Nianya recited tirelessly, and finally learned the correct pronunciation: ""

    An Er gave the little guy a rewarding kiss on the forehead, and said, "That's right, that's good! We can say two words when we read Ya! Go and play with your brother, don't get in the way. Mom makes dumplings!"

    Xiao Nianya dawdled for a while, crawled over to the younger brother who was playing with the stones with brother Da'er, and snatched one of the most beautiful round stones. Seeing this, An'er shook her head helplessly, this girl is getting more and more domineering!

    Not far from the valley, there is a waterhole, the stream flows down from the upstream, and then flows downstream through this small waterhole. Xiao Xue'er went to the water pool to wash rice with the rice-washing basket. There were more than 30 people and they had to eat ten kilograms of rice. Originally, An'er wanted her brother to accompany her, but Xiao Xue'er said she could do it on her own and asked her brother to stay to protect An'er and the children.

    After An'er had chopped all the meat stuffing, she realized that Xiao Xue'er had gone too long. He called Yingshuo: "Yinghuo, Xiao Xue'er Taomi, why haven't you come back yet? Go and have a look, pick two buckets of water and come back..."

      Mainly because the two younger brothers and sisters were too abrasive, he found an opportunity to relax for a while.

    Not long after, Daer ran back like a fly and said with a crying voice: "It's not good! Ann, it's not good! Xiao Xue'er is gone, so is Mi!"

    An'er was startled, flicked the flour from her hand, grabbed Da'er's little arm, and asked, "What's the matter? Take it slow, what's wrong with Xiao Xue'er??"

    Dal was out of breath because he ran too fast: "I... I came to the water pool with brother Yingshuo, but we didn't see Xiao Xueer's shadow, so we looked for it, I only found a rice-washing basket in the grass next to me. Brother Yingshuo and I walked along the water pool, and we didn't see Xiao Xueer's shadow. She...she won't be taken away by the beast, right? Uuu... Ann, my daughter-in-law is gone..."

    If it wasn't for an emergency, An'er would have been amused by his "daughter-in-law". She calmed down, thought about it, and said, "What did you just say? The bag of rice she brought is gone? It must not have been taken away by the beast, and the beast will not take away even the rice! It must be nearby. The tribe's people took people away. Where's Yinghuo?"

    "It wasn't taken away by wild beasts, but taken away by people? Oops, can't there be a cannibal tribe nearby? Woohoo...Xiao Xueer has been raised for two years. Bai Nennen, she must have been gnawed to the bone by now. Ah... Oudi's daughter-in-law! God, you return my daughter-in-law..." Da'er pounded her chest, crying hard.

    Come on! What kind of trouble is this? Do you think you're in Aunt Joan's Howler Soap Opera? The black line on An'er's head kept hanging down.

    At this time, Eagle Leaf and the **** who went hunting came back, carrying two takins in their hands. A Sang, who was as strong as a cow, pinched Da'er's little nose and said with a smile, "What kind of daughter-in-law is not a daughter-in-law? Da'er is so young, so he wants a daughter-in-law?"

    I couldn’t care less to comfort Da’er, who was crying and crying, An’er briefly told Yingye about Xiao Xue’er’s disappearance, and said: “I guess there should be other small tribes nearby, Seeing that there are so many people on our side, they didn't dare to provoke us, so they took advantage of Xiao Xue'er when she was alone and robbed her along with the food. Ying Huo hasn't come back yet, so he must have found some clues to chase after her. Ye, hurry up and help with the escort. I have a laser gun, just leave two to help me cook..."

    Considering the safety of An'er and the children, Yingye still left five warriors, including Asan, to guard around the camp. He took the other twenty guards and headed towards the water pool.

    An'er was no longer in the mood to have bread and ravioli. She was holding a child in one hand and trying to dissuade Da'er, who wanted to follow to help find Yingxue, and her mood was extremely low. In the past two years, in order to repay her life-saving grace, Xiao Xueer has always been like a little nanny, helping her with trivial things. After she gave birth to two children, Cher took care of all the household chores, including dirty work like washing diapers.


    Recommend Santuyao's "Rebirth I Want Happiness"

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