Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 44: In danger again

    I flipped through the strong recommendation list of the same period, ??o ​​found that the book baby's clicks are good, but the recommended tickets are a lot worse than others, please see Wen's children's shoes, and throw a few recommendation tickets at will chant?


    Perhaps the prehistoric "camouflage" designed by An'er played a role, maybe it was the arrival of the goddess of luck, and the road they took was relatively hidden. , and finally entered the mountainous area where rock salt was stored at ten minutes in the evening.

    It was a low mountain, shorter than the mountain where the cave where the Atayal tribe lived, strictly speaking, it could only be regarded as a higher hill. However, the mountains stretched for hundreds of kilometers, and there were ferocious exposed rocks everywhere. There were not many trees, and most of them were low shrubs, and there were few big trees that could become useful.

    Abu chose a grove as a place for them to rest and eat. The forest is relatively hidden, and it is at the junction of the wild wolf clan and the tiger clan. Even so, they eat dry food carefully. Although An'er carried a helmet that could be used as a pot with her, she didn't dare to take it out easily. Because even a little light smoke may attract sturdy warriors from both races.

    Not to mention the wolf clan. Tiger clan, although the Atayal tribe has no deep hatred with them, and has very little intersection. However, no one will be happy, and outsiders have broken into their own territory.

    Stunned Nan Xianxi? Also? 往龅Na 飧 観貰谰6?? Rush Fu Nafan 3? Engraved Yang Huang ga 廴 Mirror South Swap Lang Nang ding? To? Neon Baked Ying? Meishi Tongyu? Qianjianke?p> Jerky is delicious and chewy, and is very popular with children. Every day, An'er gives each little guy a small piece of jerky as a snack. It's not that she is stingy, but that she is afraid that they will eat too much jerky and not digest it, and it will affect the eating of the main meal.

    This time, the salt mining team brought out almost all the jerky stored in the tribe. In the past, the dry food for the past few days was replaced by roasted black grass seeds. When eating, the expressions of the salt-picking team were very reluctant.

    Now that there is jerky, Abu swept around the expressions on everyone's happy meal, grinned, took a big bite of jerky, and his eyes stayed on the small sip of the gentle meal From the human body, it can no longer be removed.

    An'er ate a small piece of jerky, and her stomach was full. She twisted the bamboo tube and took a sip of water, turned her eyes to Abu's line of sight, looked at him and then looked at the bag in her hand The bamboo tube of water was handed over hesitantly and asked, "Do you want to drink water?"

    Abu stupidly took the bamboo tube, put his mouth up and took a big sip. Seeing this, An'er blushed slightly. The place where Abu's mouth was touching was exactly where she had just drank water. Is this... an indirect kiss?

    "Where is that...the salt mine? We can go back sooner..." An'er's eyes shifted to another place.

    Abu's eyes were tightly locked on An'er's blushing face like a cramp. At this time, An'er's shy and timid expression was those primitive women who were like female Chinese. Never before. Her delicate facial features, delicate snow-white skin that can be broken by bullets, dyed with a color like the sunset, Abu's physical reaction immediately appeared. The object hidden in the grass skirt began to grow thicker and larger, and its hideous head was raised...

    Suddenly, the ignorant Atu sat between Abu and An'er, smiling and showing off his common sense: "To collect salt blocks, we have to wait for the night. Everyone from the Tiger Clan must be asleep, lest they be attacked from behind while digging for salt..."

    A Tu's interruption dispelled the vague ambiguity and **** between the two. An'er also noticed the change in Abu's breathing, and at the same time she was shy, she couldn't help but spit in her heart: Primitives are really animals with lower body thinking!

    She hasn't seen the savages in the real primitive society! When I saw the female I liked, without saying a word, I smashed it with a stick and dragged it away, and then xxoo...ooxx...cough, very yellow and violent. In the primitive people of this world, the status of women is high enough, and primitive men are constantly courting for pleasure...

    However, I heard that in some northern barbarian tribes, men like women directly, and their sexual partners are not fixed - very messy! Fortunately, An'er didn't go into such a tribe, otherwise there would be no tears to cry.

    After eating and drinking, everyone rested on the trunk. As the patriarch, Abu was duty-bound to be vigilant. An'er rubbed her sore and numb calf. Although she kept up with everyone's pace along the way, the poor legs and feet suffered. However, she could feel that everyone slowed down in order to accommodate her, and she didn't want to let herself be a drag, so she only gritted her teeth and persisted. Looking at Abu's relaxed face, as if nothing happened, he couldn't help but envy him, he really is more popular than dead man!

      She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and mumbled vaguely, "Is it dawn?"

    "Puchi—" A chuckle, followed by a young and lively voice, whispered: "Yeah! It's dawn, why don't you hurry up and cook?"

    An'er opened her eyes and saw the dim woods under the moonlight, and then she remembered where she was. She glared at Ah Tu, who was snickering beside her, got up from the ground and stretched her limbs. Although she was half lying on the soft grass, her limbs were still stiff when she stayed in one position for a long time.

    Everyone has already carried the backpack and brought all the tools, waiting for her to set off together. An'er smiled at everyone embarrassedly, not knowing if everyone could see it in the dim light.

    She underestimated primitive people, their eyes still retain some of the night vision characteristics of primates, even in the dark environment without moonlight, they can recognize the direction, smaller than her Blind eyes are a hundred times better.

    An'er rejected the good intentions of Abu and Atu, and was stumbled and protected by everyone in the middle of the team. The night was hazy, and she couldn't see her feet clearly. In the end, Abu was almost half-supported and half-embraced to lead her forward.

    Finally an hour and a half later, we arrived at an open-pit salt mine. By the dim moonlight, the mineral salt scattered on the ground exudes a gleaming light, like pieces of unprocessed topaz rough.

    The salt mining team left two people to patrol nearby. The other eight or nine warriors, under the leadership of Abu, started to collect with stone shovels and stone axes. An'er and Ah Tu's job was relatively light, putting the collected salt blocks into everyone's backpacks one by one.

    This is a large open-pit salt mine with a lot of rock salt reserves. With concerted efforts, more than a dozen baskets were quickly filled. The rock salt collected this time is enough for the entire tribe of fifty people to eat for two or three years!

    I used to come here to collect salt, because I didn't have a powerful salt-carrying tool, I only used a simple animal skin bag, which was full after only a few pieces, and was not strong. Or An'er taught everyone to make a basket that is convenient to carry, and you don't need to mention too many things. Even if you encounter an enemy or a beast, you can still use your hands to draw a bow and shoot arrows.

    When all the backpacks were full, the sky just turned white, and they returned to the grove with a full load, but were stopped by a huge lion with a long mane out of the way.

    An'er's heart thumped, and there was an ominous foreboding. Since lions are a gregarious cat, there must be other lions nearby when this majestic lion appears. If there are three or two, with the bows and arrows in the hands of the ten warriors, there may still be a chance of victory. If there are too many, I am afraid that they will be less fortunate this time.

    Alas! I really don't know if they were lucky or unfortunate this time. Instead of encountering a powerful enemy, they encountered a ferocious beast.

    What she didn't know was that, in order to avoid the range of the wild wolf clan, Abu deliberately chose a path that showed signs of the activity of large beasts. According to his careful observation, the types and numbers of beasts they can control and defeat. However, for some unknown reason, lions that normally live in open areas appeared in the grove.

      Even the wild wolf and tiger tribes were faintly aware of it. The warriors all got out of the tent, holding their stone spears in panic.

    The Atayal warriors who faced the lions gradually calmed down in the initial panic. They tucked An'er into the middle of the line and formed a circle with their backs to her, holding bows and arrows in their hands, confronting the lion.

    The lion's green eyes shone coldly in the dark woods. It just stared at the Atayal warriors so motionlessly, the enemy did not move and I did not move, and Abu led the tribe to remain calm.

    "Whoosh!" A small cracking sound broke the deadlock between the two sides. The male lion, looking down at his feet, fell into more than half of the threat underground. He seemed to sense the seriousness of it. He slowly took two steps back, and raised his head to look proudly at the human in front of him. They were holding something it had never seen before. If the thing just got a little higher and closer, its head might have been pierced deeply...

    If the guy in the hands of every human is so powerful, it and its relatives may not be able to get it!

    If you look closely, the consideration in the eyes of the lion will make people feel frightened. It's no wonder that large beasts are so difficult to deal with, they actually have a certain wisdom like humans...

    The lion stared at the arrow for a long time, and then roared softly. When a few lion roars echoed from the dark part of the woods, it took elegant and calm steps and quietly left go.

    Of course, Abu also heard the sound of the arrow breaking through the air. Hearing the cries of other lions in the woods, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Hit hard. If that arrow angered the lions, a dozen of them might be torn to shreds by the lions!

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