Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 45: Mammoth herd

    Thanks to Xiaoye Sensen, ?Yaoraoyi?icole1231, Yuxue Feifei and all the friends who supported ??o. Uh... urging the replacement of 12,000 children's shoes, thank you very much for your support, the manuscript is in the archives, ready to rise in October...


      To innocent confusion. Suddenly, a sense of powerlessness rose in his heart, as if he had used all his strength, but hit the cotton.

    As expected, a soft voice whispered: "I...I accidentally pressed the button, just..."

    Actually, An'er wanted to kill the lion silently, one by one. Who knew that the target was not enough, and she failed to achieve her wish - during this period of time, she had already practiced the crossbow and arrows, and she could hit the target seven or eight times out of ten. She never thought that the chain would fall at a critical moment. Fortunately, the lion was frightened away, and fortunately her arrow did not hurt the lion! Otherwise, the lions hidden in the dark in the forest will be provoked, and all of them may be torn to pieces. She admitted that she was reckless, and in the face of Abu, who was on the verge of going berserk, she bowed her head in shame.

    Hearing this voice, Abu suddenly collapsed like a balloon pierced by a needle, and all his anger was suppressed. He lowered his head to the top of the black little head, and let it go The voice comforted An'er, who was frightened like a rabbit, and said: "An, are so amazing, you scared the big lion away! You saved the lives of all of us..."

    The warriors of the Atayal tribe, their eyes are falling all over the ground - Patriarch, can you be any more shameless? But looking at An'er with fear written all over her face, if it were them, she couldn't bear to blame. Although it was a little dangerous just now, it was fortunate that it did not cause a major disaster. They also pretended not to see the partiality of the patriarch.

    However, An'er still blamed herself, bit her lip and followed the team. During the rest of the trip, she kept her head down and remained silent. Abu tried his best to sweat, but he never made her smile.

      However, An'er, who had been in a hurry for a day and had not slept well all night, even though the mini backpack on her back only put a few small pieces of salt, it was very difficult to keep up with the team.

    Her mood was even lower, and she felt that she was so stupid, that she was useless and would only drag everyone down.

    Lin An'er's depression infected the entire team, Abu walked beside her and tried to speak several times, but hesitated. The other salt mining team members, look at me, I look at you, although the primitive people are usually very rough, at this time they all shut their mouths obediently.

    Except for the sound of footsteps stepping on the grass, the entire team was silent.

    Suddenly, Abu, who was walking beside An'er, grabbed An'er's arm, stopped, and listened carefully with his ears sideways, his face changed slightly. He made a gesture to signal everyone to follow, then took An'er's hand and strode towards a mound not far away.

    An'er looked confused and stumbled to keep up with Abu's rhythm. From the face of the young patriarch, she saw a more solemn expression than the lion.

    Abu led everyone, quickly climbed up the mound, and found a hollow to hide. On the hill, there are grasses and low shrubs growing in the east and west. The members of the Atayal tribe's salt mining team are still the hula straw hats that are very concealed yesterday, and the back baskets are filled with salt blocks. cover up. Lying still on the hill like this, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to notice anyone.

    As soon as they took cover, An'er felt the ground under her tremble like an earthquake. She was shocked. Could it be that the danger that Abu foretold was an earthquake? However, she didn't think it was the same, because the magnitude of the ground tremors could not be destructive, it could only be regarded as a sense of tremor...

    No! When the galloping sound of thousands of horses came into her ears from far to near, An'er couldn't help but stretched her neck and looked in the direction of the sound...

    Wow! Seeing this, she couldn't help being stunned, her eyes widened and she couldn't believe her own eyes.

      The shoulders were pressed down.

    Abu bowed quietly for a moment, quietly stuck his head out, and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the footsteps of the elephants running were loud enough to cover up An'er's exclamation. Otherwise, there will be hundreds of warriors of the wolf tribe after the elephant herd is disturbed, even if they have bows and arrows in their hands, they are not enough for others to see. If one of them threw a spear over, it would turn a dozen of them into hedgehogs.

    An Er, who didn't realize that she had done something stupid again, blushed with excitement, her voice trembled because of excitement but had to suppress the volume: "Abu, I read that right, right? That's a mammoth, so many mammoths!"

    She was excited, on the one hand, because she saw the prehistoric creatures that can only be seen in the picture album, on the other hand, she thought that there was a time when a certain country on the earth used tame giants Like participating in production and even fighting.

    Although the glance was short, she still saw the real appearance of the mammoth - covered with fine fur, thick and powerful nose, sharp ivory gleaming with white light. They are huge, twice the size of the elephant taxidermy in the museum!

    Lin An'er couldn't help but think of the fact that in the tribe, it took more than a month of unremitting efforts to build five or six houses. The efficiency is too low! It is mainly to transport clay and thatch, which takes up a lot of labor and cannot keep up with the speed of blanking. If elephants or cattle and horses are transported, it will be more effective.

    Imagine her riding on a tall mammoth, directing the construction of the first prehistoric village, and even the majestic appearance of the city... An'er looked at the elephant herd's eyes, flashing green, like a A miser, seeing the mountains of gold and silver.

    Huh? What's the **** piece in the back? Meow meow! Someone robbed her mammoth! If Abu hadn't pressed her down, she would have stood up calmly again!

    However, she soon discovered the sturdiness of the group. The spears in their hands were thrown at the elephants like a rain of arrows, and more and more mammoths were injured. The injury affected the speed of some mammoths, and the group of powerful primitive people took great strides to keep up with them tirelessly.

    Just as they passed under the small mound where An'er and the others were hiding, a mammoth with a big belly, which seemed to be about to give birth, slowed down and was surrounded by twenty or thirty primitive people. in the middle.

    An old primitive man with a wrinkled face and gray hair shouted at the other clansmen who were slowing down: "Wolf Rock, you stay with a group of people, and the rest are for I'll keep chasing! I'm lucky today, I met a herd of mammoths, I have to hunt a few more and go back to eat!"

    Thinking of having enough meat to eat at night, the tribal people are full of energy and promise loudly. Hundreds of people shouted together, and the sound was like a thunder blast in the ground. The large army followed behind the galloping elephant herd and gradually moved away.

      Mammoth greeted.

    In the beginning, although the mammoth was scarred, it waved its strong and powerful long nose, and threw the human who hurt it out. The lucky primitive man fell on the grass, struggled for a while, then got up and continued to attack; with bad luck, his head slammed into a hard stone, and it was a trivial matter to bleed his head, and it was possible to die!

    But gradually, the mammoth's movements became slower and slower, the breath became heavier and heavier, and the light in the pair of big eyes full of despair became more and more dim. Later, because of excessive bleeding, its steps began to stagger, and its huge body swayed, and it might fall at any time.

    The primitive people surrounding the mammoths raised their arms excitedly and shouted "Ooh" in the face of the upcoming victory. The leader named Langyan grinned proudly, revealing his mouth full of yellow teeth, and rushed forward bravely, the spear in his hand slammed into the elephant's eye.


    "Hahahaha...Langyan, this time you have made another contribution. The position of the patriarch must belong to you!" Beside him, he was talking flattery.

    Langyan has been staring at the position of the patriarch for a long time. The elders of the wild wolf clan are old, and among the young and middle-aged, only he and Langhui are the most popular candidates to compete for the patriarch. In this hunt, Langhui was sent to lead another team to hunt in the opposite direction. He would definitely not have the luck to encounter such a large group of elephants.

    When she thinks of going back this time, she will be able to overwhelm Langhui, and may become the heir of the patriarch. Langyan's eyes burst into wild beast-like eyes, and on the face of dissatisfaction with Hengrou, the smile is particularly hideous. He raised the spear in his hand and raised it high, ready to take the credit for hunting the mammoth on himself.

    "Uh..." Suddenly, the small and wretched clan beside him, with a slight cracking sound, made a dull sound.

    Langyan turned his head and glared at him displeasedly: "What? Are you still going to take credit with me? Who gave you the guts, you give me..."

    When his eyes were focused on the eyebrows of the clan, he suddenly became frightened. In the middle of that thin primitive man's forehead, a hole was opened for some unknown reason, and blood was gurgling out!

    "Touch!" The wild wolf clan hunting warriors surrounding the dying mammoth were attracted by the suddenly fallen clansman, and they gathered around one after another, staring wide-eyed in astonishment, The primitive man who has been exhausted...

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