President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1429: Left little princess

"Yes." The doctor said, summoned the nurse next to him, "take a blood for the lady."

"Okay, miss, please sit down." Miss Nurse soon got ready to draw blood tools. Yan

When Loy was rolling her sleeves, her eyes flashed with fear. She was slender in her arms, and the last bruise was just a short time.

The nurse nurse tied her wrists and carefully leaned over to look for blood vessels for her, pressing a few times.

"Miss, your skin is so white, but the blood vessels are very thin." Miss nurse said calmly, pressing a place she thought was right.

Yan Luoyi immediately bit his lower lip and held a pair of squats. This expression made people think that she was sinned.

Pan Lizhen sat down on the sofa next to him, his eyes fell on Yan Luoyi's face. Look

Her expression made him see how the children were scared when they were shot. he

It’s not funny, but it’s also a bit of a distress.

"Miss, please clench your fists."

Luo Yi immediately clenched, and the nurse missed the needle. Yan

Loy’s breath sighed and felt the pain in the skin smash into the heart. However, it was not finished yet. The nurse’s needle seemed to be stabbed. She was adjusting the needle to find the right blood vessel.

"Ah... hurts." Yan Luoyi really couldn't hold back and called out. Pan

Li Wei immediately got up and watched the whole needle stick in Yan Luoyi's skin. His sword eyebrows screwed up. "How could this be?"

The lady's blood vessels are too thin to be found. "Miss nurse is also a cold sweat, she finally found the right, took a tube of blood, stuck the cotton sign in the wound of Yan Luoyi.

Luo Yi could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The pretty face was still pale. Pan Liyi immediately reached out and helped her to sit down on the sofa next to him. Protection

Miss Shi poured a glass of water on her, sorry, "Sorry Miss, it hurts you."

"Nothing." Yan Luoyi shook his head, not the first time. She heard the words of blood drawn in the future, probably had a shadow.

There was a slight tension in Pan Lizhen’s eyes. He urged Yan Luoyi to be the granddaughter of Qin Ayi, but he did not dare to make this conclusion before he had compared to the dna.

The doctor was doing the dna comparison. Yan Luoyi did not know why she was pumped blood. Pan Lizhen asked her to go to the lounge next to her and she went.

In the process of waiting, Pan Lizhen sat on the sofa, and the apparent mood was a little tight. After ten minutes, the doctor came to the side with a receipt from a laboratory.

Pan Lizhen almost reached the body, the doctor immediately nodded to him. "Your, this lady and the Korean family stayed in the dna comparison results, the young lady of the young man is the father-daughter relationship."

Li Xiaosong breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, he only knew that Qin Aunt had dna in this hospital. I did not expect that, except for her own, she still left her son. The result of this appraisal is fine.

"Okay, thank you doctor, give me this verification form." Pan Liyi finally fell into a heart, Yan Luoyi is the girl that the mother has been looking forward to for many years, looking for. Pan

Li Wei held the report in her hand. At the moment, it happened to be at 4:30 in the afternoon. He wanted to take her home. "

Loy, come home with me. Pan Liyi called her name with a touch of affection.

Luo Yi quickly got up and followed him out. She wondered why she is going home with him now? "

Lord, are we going to your home now? "Yan Luoyi asked curiously."

Ok! When I got to my house, I have something to tell you. Pan Lizhen sighed in the heart, this thing for her, I do not know whether it is a good thing, or a bad thing.

Mrs. Liu received a call from her son, who is now with the girl back. One

Next to her maids, she was delighted. "Mrs. It’s really Miss Han’s words. You can rest assured that you have another granddaughter, and the young master, there is also a prostitute."

When Mrs. Liu heard it, she immediately said happily, "Yes!"

Half an hour later, Pan Lijun’s car drove in. Yan Luoyi also had the privilege of witnessing the vice president’s home, a very ornamental garden, and a wall surrounded by more than 1,000 square meters, showing a majestic atmosphere. . Mrs. Liu couldn’t wait to welcome it. After Yan Luoyi got off the bus, Mrs. Liu’s eyes widened with surprise. “Like, really like...”

Pan Lizhen’s gaze also looked at the girl around her. Now she is sure that she is naturally similar to the Han family.

Yan Luoyi looked at the beautiful and excited old lady in front of her eyes. She immediately glanced at Pan Lizhen and was overwhelmed.

"Auntie, hello." Yan Luoyi said hello. "

Hello, please come in, the child is suffering. "Mrs. Liu reached out and took her and took her to the hall.

Yan Luoyi looked blank. She accompanied Mrs. Liu into the hall and sat on the sofa. Mrs. Liu had taken the photo album. She glanced at her son. "You haven't told her yet?"

"I think it's more appropriate for you." Pan Lizhen said to his mother, he must have been small in this year, but he did not know what happened. He only asked him to find this girl after he was an adult.

Mrs. Liu’s eyes sighed red and she sighed. She felt that the best opening statement should be to let Yan Luoyi look at her childhood photos. Here I took it from the piano and recorded a lot of her childhood. Look, until four and a half years old.

Yan Luoyi looked at the lady, some wanted to comfort, but she didn't know why she was red-eyed, and she looked sad. She looked at Pan Lizhen, and Pan Lijun's slender body sat on the sofa next to him. His eyes looked calm and deep. she was. "Child, do you have any influence on this photo?" Mrs. Liu said to her. Yan

Luo Yi opened the first page of the photo and saw an artistic photo of a little girl like a pink jade, probably a hundred days photo.

"Who is this?" Yan Luoyi blinked.

"This is what you were when you were young." Mrs. Liu said to her.

Yan Luoyi immediately shocked, "What? Is it a photo of my childhood?" Liu

The lady turned her to the third page, which was the way she had the birthmark on her back. When she was young, it already existed, and the shape was clearly visible. Yan

Loy's eyes blinked. She took the photo out and looked at it with a strong look. The child was also a birthmark of the left shoulder, and the shape was similar to her.

How can this be?

"Madam, how could this be me?" Yan Luoyi could not believe it! Because she has mom and dad! "

Child, you are the granddaughter of my best friend who was taken away by you. When you were four years old, you were taken away from home by a babysitter. ""

But... how can I? I have parents. Yan Luoyi still can't believe it.

"The couple who raised you, they have no blood relationship with you." Pan Lijun dispelled her doubts.

How can Yan Luoyi believe that his favorite parents will have no blood relationship?

Pan Lizhen handed the DNA verification report back to her. "I am taking you to the blood test today. I want to compare your dna with the dna kept by Han. This is the result of the comparison. You are Han. After the home."

Yan Luoyi took the report and looked at the conclusion below. It confirmed that she was a father-daughter relationship, which made her head blank. With what she thought of, she looked up and red. "Why are you talking about it?" Dna, they... what happened to them?"

The Han family went on a trip and encountered a car accident. They took the four lives of the Han family. Your grandmother pleaded with me at the last moment, and I must finally find you back. I finally lived up to expectations. "Mrs. Liu sadly told her the truth.

Yan Luoyi's face is white, car accident? Another car accident? Why did the people around her leave her? I thought that the last time my brother was also injured in a car accident. Yan

Loy’s tears twirled in her eyes. She flipped through the photos. In the blurred eyes, there was a picture of a family gathering, and she was the little girl who was conspicuous in the photo. she was

Dressed like a beautiful little princess, the photo of the photo is on her body, it is obvious that she is the most precious person in this family. Yan

Luo Yi’s tears fell, and Mrs. Liu took out a hand Juan, gently rubbing her, and the man next to her, at the heart, was as close as a force, and she couldn’t breathe. fruit

However, the truth is cruel and hurts her. Yan

Luo Yi has the result of this dna comparison. Anything is impossible. It is possible that she is not a parent's biological child.

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