President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1430: Two more relatives

Yan Luoyi was soaked and watched this thin film, next to Mrs. Liu’s distressed tears for her.

"Loy, they have all gone, as long as you come back, they will all rest in peace." Mrs. Liu comforted. "

Madam, why am I being taken away? Why is the babysitter so worried? ”

"You can only say rumors! Your grandmother's a family necklace was stolen. There is a babysitter who stands up and blames another blame. Moreover, she has come up with evidence to prove that your grandparents and parents believe. Then, let the babysitter return the necklace, they will not be held accountable."

Who knows that the previously accused mother-in-law is the real murderer, and this is awkward, she can't stand such humiliation. When she returns to the Chu family to pack things, she takes away the play in the garden, afterwards. Chu family tried to find you, and the mother-in-law had self-sufficiency, and there was no last words before death, and you never found it again. ”

Yan Luoyi glared with a pair of tears, she recalled that her parents are also very good to her, is the mother-in-law giving her to them? Or the mother-in-law abandoned her, and they got their own? "

What is the name of the babysitter? Yan Luoyi just wants to ask, because this babysitter changed her original life.

"It seems to be called Cui Lian!"

Yan Luoyi looked stunned. She had never heard of this name. When she was so small, she was taken to a place where she really became a secret unknown.

Mrs. Liu looked at her and felt very distressed. She held her hands and said, "Loy, don't worry. From now on, we are your family. My grandmother and I are good sisters, her granddaughter, It is my granddaughter, you can call my grandmother."

Mrs. Liu is now sixty-five, and Yan Luoyi is only twenty-three. It is reasonable to call a grandmother. One

The man sitting quietly, concentrating the eyebrows and not saying anything. willow

The lady immediately said to her, "You not only have my grandmother, you have an uncle, my son Li Wei will be your other elder."

Luo Yi’s tearful eyes looked at the man around him. The vice president suddenly became her unblooded uncle. Pan

Li Wei’s eyes flashed with complex colors. At this moment, he could not say anything more.

Looking at Yan Luoyi's gaze, he decapitated, "You can call me this way."

"Loy, don't worry about children, I am a child I have been looking for for more than ten years. I have already turned you into my granddaughter. Later, this is your home." Mrs. Liu comforted her.

Yan Luoyi nodded gratefully, holding the photo album, and suddenly could not help but burst into tears. The sadness in her heart has never been so strong. Her side, all the people who love her have left? Two pairs of parents, a pair of grandparents.

Yan Luoyi has been crying. Her age is not big, and she can't control her emotions very well. For her, crying a meal is more useful than sorrowing her heart.

Pan Lizhen quietly sat on the sofa next to her, her mother was around, all he could do was just stare at her, listen to her sad cry, and feel sad in her heart. willow

The lady comforted a few points. I felt that this time, she should be allowed to be alone. She whispered, "Loy, I will send you to the second floor to take a break. You can take a closer look at these photos and recall your family."

Yan Luoyi nodded with tears in his eyes, and as Mrs. Liu went up to the warm and exquisite room on the second floor, Yan Luoyi sat on the sofa, holding the photo still very sad.

"Children, you are quiet and quiet, don't be too sad. The most important thing at the moment is that you are healthy and safe, and it also comforts your family to know under the spring."

Luo Yi gratefully looked at the kind grandmother, "Thank you Grandma."

Hey! Ok, look at the photos first! "Mrs. Liu finished, and reached out and gently closed the door.

Luo Yi sucked his nose, resisted sorrow, and then flipped through the album again, and brought his loved ones in his mind into his mind. floor

Next, Mrs. Liu sighed and said to her son, "Li Wei, this child is too poor. We have to treat her well. From now on, I am her grandmother. You are her uncle."

Pan Lizhen screwed his eyebrows. "Mom, must I use such a generation?"

Mrs. Liu glanced, "What's wrong? Do you think it's not right?"

At this moment, Li Wei naturally did not dare to say some ideas. The mother always regarded the child lost by the Chu family as a grandson. He could not marry the mother’s concept for so long.

"Nothing." Pan Lizhen should be low.

"First let Luo Yi be alone for a while, calm down and calm down, you will go up and comfort, I will go to dinner."

Ok! Pan Liyi nodded. In

After the mother left, Pan Lijun’s gaze looked at the direction of the second floor. What he thought of, picked up his mobile phone and unplugged Qin Zheng’s phone.

"Hey! Your Excellency."

For me to investigate the social relations around Du Youwang, I want to be careful. "Pan Lizhen thinks that Du is expected to adopt Yan Luoyi. Will it be related to the events of the year?"

Ok! I will go check it out. "Qin Zheng Ying.

Hanging up the phone, he walked straight to the direction of the second floor. At the moment, Yan Luoyi looked at the side and wiped his tears. Each of these photos was telling a fact.

These people who love her, even if she can see their smiles in the photos, can't see them in this world. This

Is there any more sad fact in the world than this? door

Pushing it gently, Pan Liqi stepped forward and watched the girl sitting on the sofa shrouded in a deep sadness. His heart twitched and he sat down beside her. Yan Luoyi quickly smothered tears, and a gray handkerchief was handed over.

Yan Luoyi lifted his tears, blurring, and saw a pair of deep eyes that cared about themselves.

She reached for it and lowered her head and wiped it.

Pan Lizhen did not speak out to her, he just sat quietly beside her, staring at her.

Yan Luoyi put up a photo, sucked his nose and said to the man around him, "Thank you, if you don't recognize me, I don't even know that I still have a close relative."

Pan Li groaned, "I have been looking for you, but there are too few clues left in the past. If I don't see your birthmark, I don't know if it will be you."

Yan Luoyi thought of what Li Meichun did last night. It seems that her malice has become her luck, and she is fortunate enough to reveal this birthmark and let him see it.

"I want to go to their grave to worship." Yan Luoyi, at the moment, after sorrow, just want to use other ways to feel the existence of a close relative.

"Of course, I will take you there tomorrow." Pan Liyi nodded and said to her, "This thing, you should not tell your righteous father first."

why? "Yan Luoyi looked at him with red eyes."

In short, listen to me first. Pan Lijun did not intend to scare her, concealing his reasons.

Luo Yi’s low should be a sentence, “Okay.”

“Would you like to stay a little longer?” Pan Lizhen asked her. Yan

Luo Yi shook her head, she was much better, Pan Lizhen looked at her crying eyes, probably biting her lip, her red lips were a little dry, he said, "Come with me for a drink!"

Yan Luoyi nodded and put down the photo album in her arms. She just stood up and felt a little dizzy. Pan Liyi saw it and reached out and took her into her arms to protect her. she was

Under extreme sorrow, such a situation will occur and it is normal.

Yan Luoyi’s entire body relied on him. She closed her eyes and rubbed in his arms for a while. She stood up straight and said, “Thank you.”

My mom and your grandmother are in a good relationship with sisters. From now on, we are a family. Pan Lizhen said to her, she does not want her to be so polite again.

Luo Yi thought about it and said another word, "Thank you, uncle." Pan

Li Wei’s handsome face was slightly tight, and this uncle really called him a heart that was not a taste.

But he was still like an elder, and he reached out and touched her little head. "That's right."

Luo Yi blinked, inexplicable, so called him, she also felt very uncomfortable. When she got downstairs, Yan Luoyi took a sip of water, and Mrs. Liu came out. She went to Yan Luoyi. "Child, walk with me, you want to know the things of Chu, I will tell you."

Yan Luoyi stood up, "OK, Grandma Liu."

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