President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1471: Have him at

Pan Lizhen came out and said to his mother, he came out with Yan Luoyi, he personally drove, Yan Luoyi sat in the passenger seat, she was worried about the safety of Baizhen. because

For the last sentence, Bai Zhen’s cry for help was very miserable, as if she had been attacked.

Pan Liyi personally took Yan Luoyi to the biggest police station in the city center. On the road, Pan Lizhen also informed Qin Zheng that Qin Zheng was in a hurry with a group of bodyguards, which scared a cold sweat. He was worried, but it was Pan Lijun. Safety.

Sitting in the police room, the police running around, at this moment, in order to rescue Baizhen, in a conference hall, the life and death rescue line was launched.

Yan Luoyi sat in it and listened to the report that the police officers kept coming back. Her nerves were tight and tight, and she bit her fist nervously. Her side, Pan Lijun’s eyes fell from time to time on her face. On the light, her face was pale and scared, which made him feel bad. before

The police of the party are locking in the search for the whereabouts of Baizhen, because the sudden disappearance of information on the mobile phone, it is obvious that the monk knows Baizhen for help. This

The difficulty in search and rescue has increased. After a while, there is a message coming, "We found the victim's cell phone, but we did not see the victim."

Hearing this sentence, Yan Luoyi almost cried out, her tears in the eyes of the turn, Bai Zhen must not have an accident! Pan

Li Wei took a piece of paper and he did not hand it to her, but the big palm gently tore her tears, and calmed down, "Reassured, believe in the power of the police."

Yan Luoyi nodded and nodded. Pan Liyi reached out and gently put her hand on her shoulder, silently pacifying.

At this moment, there was good news from the police. "We found the victim in a waste house. The mood was a bit intense, the life characteristics were stable, and we were suffering from more serious skin injuries. We are now sending her to the hospital."

"Continue to track the whereabouts of the culprits and seize the criminals as quickly as possible." The sheriff ordered loudly. Yan

Luo Yi heard that Bai Zhen was rescued, and her heart fell in half, but the police said that serious trauma, how was it hurt? She only wants to visit her in the first place. "Hello, the injured lady was taken to the hospital."

"Okay, it’s hard." Pan Liyi nodded and looked at Yan Luoyi. Yan Luoyi also looked at him. "I want to see my friend."

"I will accompany you." Pan Lizhen did not trust her alone. Yan

Luo Yi, a moment, did not dare to forget his identity, she shook her head. "No, you can't go."

Yuan Lijun knows what she is scrupulous about, and he looks calmly. "At this time, I have to accompany you."

At the end, he took Yan Luoyi's hand and pulled her out. Qin Zheng had already prepared the team and went to the hospital in the direction of Baizhen.

On the road, Yan Luoyi was worried about his safety, and worried about Bai Zhen’s injury. She was very tight on the way, and went to the hospital. Bai Zhen was doing surgery and sewing. The police described it. Bai Zhen had been fierce. Struggling, but well-dressed, just at the forehead, there was a bruise, several wounds on the body, and one leg was broken.

Yan Luoyi couldn't imagine what Bai Zhen had experienced. Fortunately, she was alive, and there was no greater harm.

In the rescue room, Bai Zhen’s experience tonight was really terrible. She was dragged into the waste by this man, but she wanted to be out of the way, but Bai Zhen’s temper was staunch, and wherever she dared to commit it, she tried her best to struggle. Finally, the police The honking sound, scaring the gangster away, she was saved. White

At this moment, while crying, she endured the pain of the needle. She quickly fixed the plaster on her leg, and the body was stabbed. She also took the disinfectant and bandaged it. Her face was also slap a few slaps. Now Swelling scary.

Yan Luoyi looked at Bai Zhen, who was introduced, and his distressed eyes were moist, and came to comfort her. "

Thank you, Loy... If you don’t call the police tonight, I will...” Bai Zhen knew that she was struggling with no strength at that time, and that man had been saying that she would kill her and ask her for her life.

If the police did not come, she was unimaginable.

"Well, Ahzhen is fine, don't worry, you will be fine." Yan Luoyi appeased her.

Really save Baizhen, she is not the most important, credit in Pan Lizhen, and the police quickly police.

Bai Zhen cried with tears, and the whole person collapsed. Yan Luoyi accompanied her into the ward and continued to comfort. Yan Luoyi came back for a while, as if Pan Lizhen was still there.

She was shocked and turned to Bai Zhendao. "I will come in later." After that, she strode out. In a lounge next to it, Pan Liyi was still sitting there, and the bodyguards were protected around.

Yan Luoyi was guilty and sorry, "Lee brother, it’s too late, you haven’t had dinner yet, are you going back first?”

"Loy, I will let this hospital transfer to your hospital for your friend, you can safely accompany her to recover."

Luo Yi also hopes that Bai Zhen's injury can get the best treatment. When she listens, she naturally surprises. "Is it really? Can you let Azhen go in?"

"Of course, I can save all her medical expenses." After Pan Lijun finished, she got up and said to her, "You haven't eaten anything, I will let Qin Zheng send you in, and I will accompany your friend to the hospital tomorrow morning!"

Yan Luoyi's eyes are wet, there is this man, she really feels a strong sense of security, he will always arrange everything for her, even the people around her get the best care. "

Lai Ge, thank you. Yan Luoyi is grateful to him, she does not know how to return his kindness. Pan

Li Wei got her thank you, and she was satisfied. He reached out and tried to touch her head subconsciously. When he just reached out, he was taken back without any trace.

Now, he can't be like this to her, he must remember and restrain his feelings for her.

"Don't be too tired at night." After Pan Lizhen finished, he stepped away.

Yan Luoyi sent his figure to leave. She quickly returned to Baizhen. There was already a nurse who was comforting her. Baizhen saw that Yan Luoyi came in and had a reliance on her heart.

This matter, Baizhen was afraid to tell her family because she was afraid of her family's concern. Her family had a bad relationship with her parents. She divorced in her early years. She lived with her father and stepmother. She didn't want to say anything like this. . Yan

Luo Yi was listening to how Bai Zhen got on a black car. How to find the reason and change the route by the man, which made Bai Zhen finally get lost, which eventually led to the tragedy. Yan

Luo Yi comforted her, and she can go to the Royal Hospital for treatment tomorrow, and she said that she was free of expenses. Baizhen is now out of the society, her work is very ordinary, and she has no money in her hands. She heard this. Things are all excited.

“Is it really? How can I be so lucky? Can the cockroaches on my forehead be cured?”

It should be OK, now, you have to be optimistic, everything will be fine. Yan Luoyi comforted her.

In the morning, Yan Luoyi accompanied Baizhen to the Royal Hospital. This is the best hospital in the country, and all the equipment here is advanced. White

Zhen was placed in a very comfortable ward, which made her frightened and improved a lot. Moreover, the police also arrested the bad guy and was about to be convicted according to law.

Bai Zhen's leg fracture is more serious, so at least half a month of treatment is needed here. Yan Luoyi just has time to spend her time with her. Pan

On the second day, Li Wei entered a relatively tense government affairs. He is now working as a president. He can't get away from it for a while. He confessed to the hospital's follow-up treatment of Baizhen.

In a blink of an eye, time has passed for a week. Yan Luoyi looked at Baizhen gradually getting out of the trap of this matter. She was also relieved. Baizhen is an optimist. Fortunately, this matter has not left a shadow in my heart. . White

When Jane was doing the check, she heard two nurses in the next room chatting. she was

They probably thought that she was introduced by the nurse, and they chatted. "Is this Baizhen a relative of the Vice President?"

probably! Moreover, I heard that Miss Yan is not the vice president's girlfriend? Last time she was hospitalized by her righteous father, the hospital was privately circulating! ”

"I heard that someone saw that the Vice President had been comforting her with her, and it felt like a close boyfriend."

"So, Miss Yan may become the vice presidential wife of the future."

"No, it should be the President's wife! Is there news that the Vice President is about to take over the presidency?"

I am envious! ”

Bai Zhen, who was in a wheelchair, listened to all of this. She was completely stunned. It turned out that she could enter here for treatment because of the relationship between Loy and the vice president?

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