President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1472: Frankly inside

Bai Zhen was pushed back to the ward by the nurse, and she was waiting for her Yan Luoyi in the ward. She immediately came to help her to go to bed together. "

Ah Zhen, is it still painful to change medicine today? "Yan Luoyi asked about it. White

Jane smiled and shook her head. "Not too painful."

Miss Shi took a few things and pushed the door away. Yan Luoyi went to give her a glass of water. Baizhen looked at her back and hesitated. She was still very curious about Yan Luoyi. "

Luo Yi, what is your relationship with the Vice President! Bai Zhen curiously asked directly.

Yan Luoyi took a look at the water, and she came over with water. Looking at Bai Zhen’s eyes, she was staring at her. She smiled. “What have you heard?”

"When I changed the medicine at the nurse station, I heard them chatting and saying that you are the girlfriend of the vice president, Loy, really? You really want to be the vice president's wife?" When Bai Zhen said this The color of envy that can't be hidden in the eyes. "

I..." Yan Luoyi did not want to talk about this matter.

"I can come here for hospitalization, but I can also get rid of medical expenses. Is it also the blessing of Mr. Vice President? Loy, you tell me how good! I am your best sister." In Bai Zhen’s bones, there is a kind of Chasing the curiosity.

Yan Luoyi is also very tired during these days. When she and Bai Zhen were in college, she had nothing to say. There was no secret that would hide the other person, and Bai Zhen never concealed her affairs, and really changed her heart. It is the longevity of friendship.

Yan Luoyi nodded. "Yes, it is his row. When I received your call for help, it was at his house. If it was me, I might not be able to save you so soon, but he personally gave the police The order was issued, and the police came out quickly."

Jane’s heart was grateful and excited. It turned out that she was able to return a life this time. She was very blessed with the blessing of the Vice President. "

Luo Yi, I have a chance, I really have to say thank you to the Vice President. "When finished, Bai Zhen couldn't help but pull her hand with a smile." Loy, you are so happy, Mr. Vice President is your boyfriend! ”

Yan Luoyi sighed with a sigh. "Now we are only friends, not male and female friends."

Jane asked in amazement. "Why? Have you broken up? How can you break up with him!"

The pain of Luo Yi’s heart can only be said to Bai Zhen, because she is someone who knows her. "

Jane, remember the day we went to fortune telling? The fortune teller said it..."

That is a fake, he is nonsense, can he count that I almost died this time? Don't believe it. "Bai Zhen immediately refuted her."

But...but what happened to me is true. People who love me are leaving me, and those I love are hurt because of me. "Yan Luoyi’s eyes are filled with tears. She dare not think about her loved ones in this life, afraid to face them without face."

How is this going to happen? Your parents are just accidents! And your righteous father, he is just sick, and your brother is only an accident in a car accident. Bai Zhen advised her.

Yan Luoyi sucked his nose. "Not only they, I actually have a pair of biological parents, and grandparents."

"You are adopted?" Bai Zhen knows her life, and she is not surprised.

Yan Luoyi nodded. "Yes, I am born back to my foster parents. My real parents and grandparents, they..."

"What happened to them?" Bai Zhen looked at Yan Luoyi's face. She panicked and widened her eyes. "Does they... also..."

"They all left the world, it was also a car accident." Yan Luoyi bit his lip and endured tears. White

Zhen wants to persuade her, at this moment, can not help but swallow back, Yan Luoyi's life is really miserable, her side, and finally only left a younger brother. "

Loy... Don't be sad, isn't Mr. Vice President by your side? And your brother! ""

My brother had a car accident and entered the rescue room... I feel that people around me will be in danger. Azhen, fortune teller is right, I am an ominous person, I brought them bad luck! Yan Luoyi’s eyes sparkled with strong self-blame. “Why are people who really encounter these bad luck not me? "White

Jane took a paper towel and wiped her tears. Yan Luoyi’s feelings at the moment were that she had been suppressed for so long these days, so she wanted to say it. "Azhen, I can't like him. I can't stay with him. I have to leave him. He can be safe, so I won't be hurt by my ominousness. Even if I don't want it, I can't hurt him."

Ah Zhen just didn't understand it at first. Now she understands. Does Yan Luoyi's mouth refer to Mr. Vice President?

"Loy, you are stupid! Can you leave the person you like for these things?" Bai Zhen took care of her heart, such feelings, don't want the girl to ask for it, she actually gave up. Yan

Luo Yi shook her head. She just didn't dare to say that Pan Liyi was also shot wounded and there was a big incident. "

Ah Zhen, I just want to be alone. I find a place where no one is, a quiet life. Yan Luoyi said it, and his heart was also relaxed. Although there were tears in his eyes, he was also firm.

Bai Zhen looked at her, and she was distressed and helpless, but she still wanted to persuade her to say, "Loy, if the vice president really likes you, he certainly won’t care about it. Wouldn’t you regret it?"

"As long as he is safe and sound, let me do anything." Yan Luoyi smiled bitterly. "I don't hesitate even if I want my life."

After listening to Bai Zhen, he asked seriously, "Do you really love him?"

Loy's lips, the painful color of tears in her eyes, is her answer. Love

And can't love, this is the most painful thing.

"Then he loves you too, right?" Bai Zhen had no chance to see Pan Lizhen. She thought that the vice president must love her! Yan

Luo Yi looked awkward, but she hoped that he would not love her.

Bai Zhen reached out and hugged her.

In the afternoon, Yan Luoyi and Bai Zhen were chatting about some future plans. Bai Zhen heard that she was going to donate a few other schools, but also to teach in person. Bai Zhen couldn’t help but hear the blood. She also wanted to go with Yan Luoyi. In the same way, leave this irritating metropolis and stay in the quiet mountain village for two years, so that you can be a companion with Yan Luoyi. Yan Luoyi advised her to calm down, because her life plan is different from that of Bai Zhen. She only wants to be alone.

Bai Zhen felt a bit of hungry. Yan Luoyi said that there was a delicious dessert at the hospital. She went to personally pack it up, and Bai Zhen could not help but wait. No

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open. Bai Zhen thought that it was the nurse who came to the house, but did not want to, came in, it was a daunting man, his appearance, let white When I was cherished, I felt that the whole room was oppressive.

I saw a handsome man, a handsome but angular face, a long body wearing a dark suit, the style of the superior, naturally exposed.

Bai Zhen was blank in his head for a few seconds, and he knew the identity of the person coming. "

You are the Vice President. "Bai Zhen was so excited that he almost got up from the bed."

Miss Bai, is the injury better? Pan Lizhen thought that Yan Luoyi was here, but she did not expect her to be absent.

Bai Zhen was immediately flattered. "Thank you, Mr. Vice President, I care a lot. I am much better. Are you looking for Loy? She will be back soon."

Pan Li took a look at the first time and walked down to the sofa next to him. Bai Zhen was nervous and excited. Facing the honorable vice president of the country, the ordinary people were not excited.

"Mr. Vice President, thank you for saving me last time. Loy said to me. If it weren't for you, I might not be so lucky." Although Bai Zhen was nervous, but grateful, he took the opportunity to say it.

"Miss White doesn't have to be so polite, this is my part." Pan Liyi smiled. White

Jane looked at this outstanding man and only thought that Yan Luoyi gave up on him. It was a pity! It’s a great regret in life. How can I give up such a good man because of a fortune teller? "

Mr. Vice President, do you like Loy? Bai Zhen could not help but ask. Pan

Li Wei gave a slight glimpse, he nodded, "like it."

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