President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1555: Endure everything for her

After closing the night, I watched them leave and watched them leave. They said to him at night. "These are the brothers and sisters who grew up with me. I will introduce them to you later."

The night turned and asked, "Do you have no female soldiers here?"

No! There are only a few in the infirmary, but the age is bigger, what happened? Asked at night, curiously.

Feng Yeming immediately reached out and regained her hand. "Nothing, I think that the man who is looking at it now is somewhat dissatisfied."

Xia Xiu immediately asked, "Why?"

Because I feel that they are all playing your idea. "The night stared at her seriously."

At night, I laughed and laughed. Then, I looked at him with a serious look. "Then you don't have to worry, there is my dad, no one dares to hit my idea."

After listening to the night, I have a sense of peace of mind, yeah! The daughter of the night head! Who dares to make an idea? miss you

By the time he first knew her identity, he had a timid heart. Even now, he still has it, but he has overcome it. He must win her.

The mood of closing the night is much better. The night and night show him the environment around him and introduce everything that belongs to it.

The two people walked very far without knowing it, and the time was a bit late. In addition to the unknown bird screams, the whistle lights of those booths in the distance, the rest were quiet. night

On the evening of the evening, I looked up at the watch with the luminous light and said to him, "We should go back. Otherwise, my parents have to ask me."

I closed my lips and smiled. "Do your parents look so tight to you?"

I laughed at night, "I didn't know before, but after you came, I felt like they would."

The night was awkward, "Do they know what we are doing?"

Probably there is a bottom, but I haven't told the truth yet, but my parents are very smart people, I want to marry them for too long, impossible. "At night, I finished shooting and patted him." Don't worry! They are also enlightened people, and even if they know, they will not embarrass us. ”

When she wanted to turn around and leave, he reached out and grabbed her arm, holding her other shoulder, her eyes deep and revealing a craving. head

The street lamp was covered with half of the light by the leaves, but her face was fair and beautiful, so beautiful that he could not hold on to a kiss.

The two talents must have been together, and they have been separated. This is just a dizzy, but it is a torment!

At night, she noticed what he wanted to do. She immediately blinked and smiled. "This road is monitoring. Do you want others to appreciate the picture of our kissing?"

The night is full of annoyance, biting a thin lip, "What do I want to kiss you?"

"For the time being!" said the night eve, watching the time was too late, she turned and said, "We run back."

When she finished, she ran first, and behind her, she immediately caught up with her, and she could only eliminate the idea of ​​fullness and exercise. night

Xi Xi and he ran back together. On a separate road, the two separated. On the evening of the night, they quickly returned to their parents' room. She went upstairs lightly, but fortunately, my parents were not in the living room.

At night, she gave a slight breath and went to the window to look at the brightest rear-end dormitory. Her mouth was bent and happy.

early morning.

At night, she was ready to go out. She was about to keep up with her previous training methods. Although she changed her team, she was familiar with everyone here. early

It is generally more than five kilometers of running on the weights. At night, the team is running back with the team. It is already breakfast. She looks around with a plate. This

At the time, there was a voice calling her, "Oh, sit here."

It was Yang Shen. He sat with several brothers and greeted her. night

Sitting on their side, they are still looking for something.

Yang Shen immediately saw her thoughts and asked calmly, "Are you looking for a night?"

"Is he not coming?"

The recruits were dine at 8 o'clock today. ”

At night, I didn’t say anything, but at this time, one of the brothers next to him asked, “Yang Shen, the night is in your hands, are you under pressure?” Yang

There was a sneer in the cautious eyes. "Why do I have pressure? I don't necessarily see him worse than him."

At the end, his eyes looted over the face of the night, and he was drinking milk at night, looking up and looking at Yang Shendao, "I was trained in your hands?"

"Yes! It was the head of the night who personally arranged it." Yang Shen nodded.

The heartstrings of the night eve are stretched. Is this the intention of the father? Still unintentional? But at night, I felt that my father must have done this deliberately. She just looked at Yang Shen’s expression and knew that he had opinions on the night.

"Yang Shen, then you can have a little bit of it. What people say is also a special soldier. Moreover, he is still the captain. The strength is not simple!"

In my hands, he is just a recruit, he made a mistake and was punished. "Yang Shen’s eyes are shining with sternness. Night

I couldn’t help but twist my brow. At this time, she couldn’t say anything for the night, because she knew that the night was coming to retrain because of discipline. So, what she said would only give him Increase trouble and jokes. she was

No appetite was eaten and she got up. Yang Shen also got up and accompanied her out. "

Oh, are you not happy? Yang Shen saw that she had a thoughtful look. Night

Xiao Xi smiled. "How can I be unhappy?"

"You and I are very clear, why the headmaster trains him under my hands. I don't care who he used to be, but here I want to know who he is. I want to know if he is a qualified soldier. ""

"I have no opinion." Nodded at night.

Yang Shen had to say something more, but found that the night eve had already left. He could not help but sigh a little, and he still thought that he would ask for him at night, and he would be tolerant of the night. can

Yes, she said nothing. Yang

Cautiously thinks that the night can go to any base to retrain, but he is best not to stay here, because he does not want to block the night, such a person, get the excellent woman at night. To

What is the relationship between her and Feng Ning?

At night, she returned to the training ground. At noon, she went back to her parents to have lunch.

On the boot camp, the night was packed and the clothes were ready to leave, and Yang Shen stopped him behind him.

"Blocking the night, you stay."

"Yang instructor, is there something?" Feng Yeming turned and calmly asked.

"This I want to play against you, I want to know your specific strength." Yang Shen asked him.

After a night of contemplation, I tweeted. "I am only a recruit now."

He really doesn't want to cause trouble now.

"How? If you were a special soldier, would you dare to fight with me?" Yang Shen stirred him. Indeed, he wanted to make him make mistakes, and then left.

"Not afraid." The sound of the night is calm and rational.

"Why is that? Don't tell me, you are afraid of me." Yang Shen's voice was immediately a bit aggressive.

The night was just a good impression on Yang Shen. He put down his clothes and turned his head. "I am not afraid of you, but I am worried that I will change the instructor tomorrow."

This sentence changed Yang Shen’s face and looked at him in a gloomy manner. “The night is fascinating, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you.”

Night meditation continues to be calm and relative. "Here, we are all an identity, you are not my enemy, why should you provoke me?"

Suddenly approached him, "I warn you, you better not to fight the idea of ​​the night, because you are not worthy of her, you will only bring harm to people, do not think that you have some achievements before, you will I don’t like it, I’m all over the place, I tell you, here, I will teach you to be a new person.”

In the eyes of the night, there is a cold glow. "I don't deserve it, then you match?"

Yang Shen immediately stunned for a few seconds, as if he had been exposed to a scar. "Blocking the night, you should be careful, don't mess with me."

Feng Ye Ming picked up his shirt again and walked in the direction of the door. Yang Shen once again warned, "You will stay away from her in the future."

There is no response to the night, because he is forbearing, in order to get the final recognition, to get her, he is willing to endure everything. where

Afraid of his provocation, his anger, he will not care.

Behind him, Yang Shen frowned, how could she endure this night? Isn't he irritating? How is this, how can it be useless?

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