President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1556: Run with him

After the morning training, in the afternoon, I went to a vegetable garden in the evening, my mother was helping a group of aunts in the kitchen to grow vegetables. Here, even if there is no shortage of food, the kitchen aunts can’t help themselves. There is a room for this, and when it is developed, it will be able to grow vegetables. "

Mom, I am coming. "At night, I walked to my mother's side and took the **** from her hand. I had a small pit and sprinkled with seeds. In less than a month or two, I could harvest the cabbage." "

Why didn't you go to training? "Meng Momo looked at her daughter and sprinkled with seeds in her hands. She

The identity background, although the birth of a wealthy family, but she fell in love with everything here, including this farming life, she is now, in addition to the translator, is also the most respected night lady of this group of aunts.

"Trained, I plan to accompany you in the afternoon." At night, I lived with my parents from a young age, and I was a real and versatile talent. All kinds of activities were started.

Not far away, a group of new recruits just ran past, and the last person, looking at this side, watching the night's swaying movements, his eyes glaring at a smile. night

On the evening of the eve, I heard the footsteps. It also appeared to the side. In the new recruits who ran through the row, she saw the last figure that was smeared at a glance. His gaze was far from looking. instant

Filled her heart, she exudes a joyful atmosphere from the inside out. Miya Momo, who is sprinkling seeds on the side, looks at her daughter and looks at the night rushing through the distance. She has expectations and worries. seal

She is very satisfied with the background and shape of the night, and she has almost no choice.

It’s just his current situation and it will take some time to get approval. seal

The night's gaze, when it was about to run to another road, was removed, and the night eve also suddenly found the mother around, immediately peeked at the mother's expression, she leaned down and continued to work seriously.傍

In the evening, the cafeteria was very lively. After a day of training, it was only at this moment that it seemed easier. seal

At the moment, the night was surrounded by a group of new recruits, entangled with him to tell his previous deeds, and he didn’t want to be too cold, but the 18-year-old young faces, the look and worship in the eyes, He can't refuse. He had to pick some of the training events he had experienced at this age, and he also provoked people on the side to marvel.

At this moment, a dignified cold drink sounded. "After eating, go back to the dormitory to rest, get together and do something!"

Yang Shen did not know when she was coming to them. He said a word, these new soldiers, immediately smashed the birds and beasts. he

They were very afraid of this severe instructor. They closed their heads and looked up at Yang Shen. They also packed up the plates in front of him and prepared to leave.

"Blocking the night, I warn you, here is the base, not the place where you show off. If you are still complacent about your previous deeds, then you can leave here."

The night meditation stood up and was half a head taller than Yang Shen, and it was extremely oppressive.

Yang Shen’s eyes are obviously a few flickering, that is his repressed jealousy. He knows that on strength, he may not be able to beat the night of the night. Now, he can suppress him, and only his present Instructor status. "

Do you have any comments on my words? Yang Shen immediately lifted his chin and asked for it.

"No!" The night's quiet answer. "

Now go to the playground for 20 laps. This is my punishment for the gathering of you. Yang Shen directly ordered.

The cold night of the night was stunned, but he accepted his punishment. "Yes."

After that, he took the plate and walked in the direction of the door. this

Engraved, the sky outside is already dark, the whole base is shrouded in bright light, and the high-pitched tower lights in the distance pass through the air from time to time.

The night went to the direction of the playground, and behind him, he followed a recruit, Yang Shen sent to monitor him. "

Seal big brother, you can run slowly, I will not tell Yang instructors. "The younger brother is very distressed by him.

It must be that he is punishable in vain, it is not his fault. "

Nothing. "The night I picked up my eyebrows and ran to the runway."

After dinner with her parents, she chatted for a while in the sky. Her room was considered to be a tall building here, and she could look around most of the surrounding area.

She habitually came out on the balcony. She glanced at the direction of the night lodge, and there was no light. She glimpsed, did he still return to the dormitory? difficult

Does the road have training at night? on

At this time, at night, I saw the playground far away from her. Under the faint light, it seemed that someone was running there, inexplicable, though far away.

However, she has a familiar feeling, as if that person is the night. night

On the eve of the heart, why is he punishing? What did he do wrong? night

On the evening of the evening, she carefully confirmed her eyes. In the next second, she immediately rushed to the front of the closet and put on a set of running gear. When she opened the door, she came out. also

Well, my parents are not in the hall, she rushes out of the door. night

All the way to the side of the playground, I saw the man on the runway in the night, who is not the night? positive

The younger brothers, who are staring at the night running, are sitting next to each other, holding their chins, so tired that they are going to sleep.

At night, I ran into the playground and went to the night.

Fengyin heard the sound of footsteps behind him. He jerked back and saw the woman who was running with him. He was shocked and delighted. He immediately ran in the same place, waiting for her to keep up. night

She soon followed him, and she looked at him sideways. "What happened? Why was he sent off?"

I smiled at the night, "I don't worry about it."

Even if I don’t ask any more in the evening, I’m already clear in my heart. Yang Shen wants to punish him. It must be a reason! Just doing this is a bit too much.

"How many laps does he let you run?"

"Ten laps."

You have been training for a day, and you have to punish you for 20 laps? unacceptable. "The night eve is not good for him, and at the same time, he also hurts him."

The night can not help but run back, laughing and looking at her distressed expression, his heart is very happy, "Nothing, twenty laps is not difficult for me, you don't follow me for a while, go back to rest!" ”

There is some stubbornness at night, "No, I will run with you."

After that, she was by his side, running parallel to him.

Although Yang Shen was fined for the night, but he was still on the road, he took a look at the playground from the next intersection. when

Seeing the pair of pictures on the playground, he was stunned by the whole person. Unexpectedly, he was fined for running at night, but at night, he became a companion.

This scene also makes his heart not a taste, he actually understands that night eve likes to block the night.

Yang Shen secretly clenched his fist. He thought that he would not be worse than the night. He was a man who grew up with the night, and he still had a chance. Yang

Cautiously did not want to avoid the punishment of the night, he must let the night clear, he will not have a comfortable day here, if you are interested, you can leave.

After the soldier took a nap, he heard someone push his shoulder, and he immediately woke up.

I saw the night and the night eve and smiled at him.

"Teacher, we are finished, you can go back to sleep." Night eve said to him. "

what! Night sister, why are you here too! "The soldier squinted and asked."

Don't ask, go back quickly. "The night is finished, and the night is going in the other direction. Night

Xi Xi accompanied him to walk a lap, and the whole person was refreshed a lot, this time is half past eight. "

Do you want to go? Asked him at night.

"Well! Where are you going?" The night is full of energy, and it will take a long time to accompany her. night

In the eyes of the evening, I flashed a shy, "Come with me."

The eyes of the night were immediately crystallized, and he seemed to hear what invitation was meant. he

I immediately stepped on to catch up with her. At night, I took him to the other direction of the playground. This direction is not an important exercise area. It is a stone area, a rare stone mountain. After excavation, I left A lot of stones. and also

It is the favorite place to come before the night, sitting on the stone, you can lie down to watch the stars, enjoy the night view, you can also find some private space here.

This film is not in the scope of the monitoring period. night

On the evening of the eve, the night walked over the mountain road. Immediately, the two people went to the stone area on the mountainside. Under the bright moonlight, even if there was no light shining here, the moonlight was enough to make it clear.

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