President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1557: Love breath

Looking at the night, she looked at her light car, and asked without a smile. "Is this your secret base?"

Xiao Xi smiled back. "This is where I grew up, like a person."

After that, her body leaped lightly onto a flat stone like a big bed. She sat cross-legged, and behind her, she jumped up.

He sat next to her, looked up, and saw a forest in the distance, under the moonlight, covered with a faint mist. "

is it beautiful? "Looking at him at night, he asked."

Ok! Very beautiful," the eyes of the night gaze at her, this sentence is to praise the scenery here, as if to praise her. Night

I couldn’t help but smile a little, holding my side face and looking far away. “Before, when I was troubled, I was alone and came here to think about it. Many things I couldn’t figure out, I saw this spectacular. The scenery is quickly figured out."

It’s curious to stop the night. “So, what did you think of before?”

Yes! I want to participate in special forces training. My dad doesn't let me. I want to enter a national special guard. My dad doesn't let me. At that time, I don't know what I can do to learn what I can do. "seal

The night's eyes fell softly on her face, reaching out for her long bangs. "Maybe, your father's idea is, I hope you can stay with them all the time."

Yes! I gradually figured it out. My dad gradually relaxed my protection. Because he first brought me here to live, let me learn the whole thing, I didn’t expect me to do anything, he just wanted me. Ability to learn to protect yourself. ""

Then do you think you have enough self-protection ability now? "The night is sly and laughs. Night."

I shook my head in the evening. "Not enough, I still need to work hard."

The hand that sealed the night suddenly took her and pushed her into his arms. His thin lips kissed her hair gently. "I will protect you."

On the eve of the evening, looking up at his strong chin line, her heart was warm and warm, she nodded, "Well! I know."

I was not afraid of death before, not afraid of everything, but the last time Ajie shot at you, I know, I am afraid of losing you, even if I close my eyes now and think about the moment, I still feel The back is cold, my heart is panic, I can't help but think, if AJie shot directly in your heart, I will suffer in this life. ”

At night, she always felt that this man was an invincible person. At this moment, her eyes were wet. It turned out that she became his weakness, and became the treasure of his heart, the one that could not be lost. night

Xi Xi also reached out and hugged him tightly, his face on his chest, "Do not worry! I will protect myself in the future, will not leave you."

She closed her body and kissed her hair constantly, as if to confirm that she was truly by his side. night

Xi Xi closed his eyes and felt his breath in his arms.

Both of them hugged each other quietly, surrounded by quiet, and the road was clearly presented under the moonlight. At this moment, the entire base was in a quiet sleep. seal

The night glow gently lifted the chin at night, and the gaze of the night glow touched the deep, flowing light in his eyes. She closed her eyes softly and greeted his gentle kiss. in

Under the moonlight, their suppressed feelings were released at this moment, as if to use this kiss to make up for their inner thoughts.

But here, it’s just a kiss, no more.

Twenty laps of running didn't make the man breathe a little more, but at the moment, when he released the girl in his arms, his breath was very heavy. night

There was some slight gasping in the evening, and her eyes looked at the time inadvertently. It was already half past nine. She was shocked and said to the man around me, "Let's go back!"

"Okay." Feng Ning did not want her to be defamed. In fact, at her parents, he must guarantee her innocence. which is

They have already crossed the line. in

On the way back, Feng Yeming sent her to a place not far from home, and left at night with him.

The night went to his dormitory, and as he passed by, he saw a man standing beside the pillar next to his door. seal

Night Ming looked at the man who was tight, as if he was full of taboos. He screwed his eyebrows, Yang Shen. "

Yang instructor, is there something? "Let the night calmly ask him."

It’s necessary to remind you that this is not the place where you talk about love. If you go back to the dormitory before 9:00 next time, I don’t have to sleep. ”

After that, he turned and left.

The night stunned his eyes and gave him a slight lip. In fact, he understood Yang Shen’s feelings and could not ask for it. For a man, it was very painful and unwilling.

He went back to the room and took a clean set of clothes to the bathroom. This time he took a cold bath directly because he had to take a cold shower.

At night, I returned to the room and felt a little dry. I closed my eyes and thought of this kiss. She still had some blushing ears. she was

Slightly sighed, letting herself calm down, standing in front of the window and looking at the direction of the night, her heart filled with a sweet love.

At four in the morning, a whistle sounded, and the sound of dressing came from the entire recruit dormitory. in

When the third whistle sounded, half of the people were not present. Yang Shen’s eyes focused on the last row, and the night was already in the queue.

He is the most neatly dressed person, Yang Shen is deliberately blowing a whistle at such an early time, he is to see the efficiency of the night.

After all the recruits arrived, Yang Shen directly ordered them to run in the morning, and not along the playground, was running towards a mountain road, approaching a five-kilometer morning run.

For the recruits, such satin training is also very difficult. Through the moonlight, in the uneven mountains of the highlands, it is necessary to run to the end point on time and on time, plus lack of sleep, it is really satin.

The night is also in it, but for him, a relaxed training, he does not want to perform too well, running at a speed.

When I ran to the darkest time at five o'clock, the moonlight and the stars in the sky were gone. The whole mountain was dark. There were many people whose eyes were not suitable for such light. They all had a shallow foot and many people fell. inverted.

"Oh, my feet hurt." A recruit screamed, probably hurting his foot.

The footsteps of the night stopped, and he went straight to the recruits. "I look." He

Just a touch of light, I know that he is naked and bruised, can not run at all, can not even walk, otherwise, the bone injury is more serious. "

Come up, I am carrying you back. "The night of the new dynasty."

"Big brother, no, I can't take your time, let's go first! I can't get it." The recruits didn't want to get tired of him.

The eyes of the night are sinking. "If this is the battlefield, do you think I will leave my own comrades? No matter?"

When the soldiers slammed, the eyes that were immediately moved were wet. He climbed up the back of the night, and he walked forward with his back.

There are still two kilometers of roads, and it is in the darkest time. If you can't finish this long-distance run, you must be punished with Yang Shen's rules. seal

Night Ming tried to hurry as fast as possible. The recruit on his back was also a big boy of more than one meter and eight meters. Even if he had energy, he stopped his footsteps. in

During the stipulated time, only a small part of it arrived. Yang Shen was already waiting. When he watched the time coming, and the night was still not there, his mouth sneered a sneer. seal

It’s just like the night meditation. However, just five minutes before the arrival time, he saw the first sunshine, and the night was carrying a new soldier. The pace was quickly moving toward this side, and In time, he still has the opportunity to reach the end. Yang

The cautious face has changed.

The recruits on the side are secretly admiring him. His spirit is worth learning. He is a real man.

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