President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1631: Ask him for help

Xia Wei stayed for a few seconds, then smiled and stroked his little head. "Well, Mommy believes that you can do it, you are a man!"

"Well! Mommy, I will also listen to my brother's words." Xia Xiaoguo also replied. summer

He looked at the children in a strange way. However, she didn't think much. She urged. "Well, we set off quickly. Mommy is very busy today and needs to go to the company earlier."

The family of three started, and soon arrived at the door of the two little guys' school. Xia Xi got out of the car and took the two little guys off the safety seat. She took the door ready to send them to school.

At this time, Xia Xiaoguo said, "Mummy, my brother and I have gone in, you are going to the company!"

Xia Wei looked at the teacher at the door of the school and was waving at the two little babies. She also nodded with confidence. "Okay! You are in the past!"

A little guy collapsed and jumped in the past, Xia Wei watched them go to the teacher, she left the throttle and left.

At this time, another group of parents sent their children to the school. At this time, Xia Xiaocheng took the hand of Xia Xiaoguo and sneaked from the side to the corner of the store next to him. After discovering that the teachers did not find it, he Xia Xiaoguo said, "Let's go! Don't let the teacher discover it."

Ok. "Xia Xiaoguo's big eyes are full of surprises, and they slid out of victory."

The two little guys went to a place where the taxis were stopped. Xia Xiaocheng reached out and suddenly, a taxi stopped at their side, the window that fell, and a middle-aged woman looked at the two little surprises.

"Children, where are you going?"

"We are going to find the land." Xia Xiaoguo said loudly. summer

Xiao Cheng was quite calm. He took the picture of the building from his pocket and said to the female driver, "Auntie, do you know this place?"

When the female driver saw it, how can I not know it! Isn't this the parliament building where their rights are concentrated? "

Of course I know! Are you going here? ""

Correct! We are here, can you send us in the past? "Xia Xiaoguo is very fluent in English. Female."

When the driver heard their father working there, he immediately smiled enthusiastically. "Yes, you get on the bus!"

"Thank you, Auntie."

The female driver started with two little guys. and

At the moment, Xia Wei is on her way to work. It took me twenty minutes to get to the time. At this moment, she is stuck on a road.

At this time, her mobile phone rang, she picked up a look, is the phone call of the school teacher, she quickly reached out and picked up, thinking, it would not be what the two little guys committed!

"Hey! Hello! Teacher Anna, is there something?"

Miss Xia, is your child sent to school? "Annan teacher asked anxiously at that end. Summer

The embarrassed head exploded, and she hurriedly said, "Send it. In the morning, I saw them holding hands and walking towards the school gate."

Miss Xia, when we were in class, we found that your two children were not in the classroom, and we searched every corner of the school and found them. ""

what? They obviously went in! "Xia Yu was anxious to brake again and again, and quickly turned the car to a turn around, hurriedly turned his head and returned in the direction of the school. "Miss Xia, are you sure the children are going to school?" "Anna teacher is also very anxious.

"Yes, I am sure, because I am busy with work today, I did not send them to the door, but I watched them come to your door." At the moment, a heart was stretched to the chest.

The two little guys are not in school, where are they going? Was it abducted? Or... what happened? Do not

What is the tube, Xia Wei’s heart disease is scared. on

When she ran up the phone and rushed to the school, the school had already released the morning surveillance video. The video found that the two little guys did go to the school gate, but when they were crowded, they took it and left. It is.

Xia Wei looked at the video in disbelief. The son took the daughter's hand and the two figures disappeared into the corner of the store. "

Miss Xia, do you know where your child is in a hurry? The director asked.

Xia Wei also panicked, unable to calm down, look at the situation, not like a trafficker took the children away, but two little guys deliberately left the school. At this time, the monitoring outside the store was also passed over by the teacher. I saw the little guys on a taxi. Because they were far apart, they only knew what the two little guys and the driver had said and left the car. summer

I saw this scene, I am going to be fainted. What do the children want to do? Who did they go to the taxi to find? Who gave them such a courage to dare to travel alone. "

Miss Xia, you still need to contact the police! Or, if you have more capable people around you, you can ask them for help. The children are too small, we are worried about accidents. "This

One point, Xia Wei is also anxious, she is probably the most frightened person. she was

Breathing is a little quick, she just arrived here, life is not familiar, where do you know what is capable? Even aunts and Xu Xiaoyu are just ordinary residents here. but

It was Xia Wei who went to the nearby police station to report to the police. The police naturally paid attention to it. However, after they gave Xia Wei some information, they let her go back.

Where Xia Wei can sit, she can't wait to find the children in the first time. This kind of waiting will make her collapse. She also contacted her mother and her aunt. The two old men were terrified after listening to them. summer

At the moment, standing in the police hall, thinking about someone, slamming, a figure appeared in her mind, Isey. he

It is like a native here, and he must know a lot of people, no matter what kind of connections he has, it is also helpful to find her children. Now

As long as there is a chance, she will not let go, Xia Yu endured the present, only to tears in his eyes. she was

The brains are full of children's safety, for fear that they will encounter bad people, or anything.

She resisted tears and quickly unplugged Isey.

At the moment, Isi was on the way to play golf. He heard the phone ringing and picked it up. He was taken aback and turned out to be Xia Wei.

He quickly picked it up, "Hey!"

The end came, but it was a string of snoring, and Xia Wei’s voice pleaded.

"Mr. Isey, can you help me? I urgently need your help."

"Miss Xia, can I help you?" Isi’s heart was tense, listening to her crying, and his heart was tightening.

"I have two children. They are gone. I am now reported to the police. However, I am still very worried. I am worried that they will have an accident. I beg you, can you launch your connections and find them for me. At the moment, even if she asked her to ask for help, she would be willing. only

Ask her a pair of children to return to her safely. Yi

After listening to the West, there was a pair of beautiful children in his mind, and he was shocked. "

How did they disappear? where? "Isey's voice is already anxious.

Xia Wei said at the fastest speed that the two children did not enter the school gate in the morning, but went to a taxi.

Isai finished listening, and she had already called the police. He comforted. "Well, I will use my relationship to find the children for you. You can wait for my message. I will call first."

After that, Isey’s phone call directly to the sheriff’s office in the summer. he

Self-reported identity, and asked the sheriff to immediately launch the police station in the city, to arrange a large-scale rescue of children, Isis's identity, enough to mobilize their enthusiasm. instant

In the meantime, almost the police in the whole city received this news and listed the search for these two children as their top priority. but

I don't know, at this moment, the two little guys have already paid the money, got out of the car, standing in front of the gate of this majestic parliament hall, Xia Xiaoguo raised his head and shouted, "Great! This is 爹Home of the land?" Summer

Xiao Cheng looked at the guarded person. He shook his head. "I don't think so."

Where is this place! ""

It should be the place where he works. "Xia Xiaocheng guessed,

"Brother, let's go in and find the land!" Xia Xiaoguo said innocently.

"Yeah! Good!" Xia Xiaocheng also wants to know if they have anything to do with this man. If it is really their father, as long as Mommy recognizes him, he will recognize him.

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