President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1632: Find a child

In front of the building in the parliament hall, the closeness of the two little guys immediately attracted the attention of the guards. They looked at the small guys carrying the schoolbags, and they were still wary.

One of the guards came over and reached out to stop their way.

"Two children, who are you?"

Uncle, let's come to us. "Xia Xiaoguo communicates in a young and tender English."

Who are you kneeling? "The guard looked at the cute look of the two little guys and couldn't help but squat down."

However, we are working here slyly! "Xia Xiaoguo is wearing big blue eyes. Summer

In Xiao Cheng’s eyes, he showed his thoughts. He reached out and took out the photo of Isi in his pocket. He said to the guard, "Uncle, do you know him?"

When Weiyi looks at the photos, how can I not know? He replied directly, "Of course I know that he is the honorable Lord of Hercules in our country."

The two children squinted, English only communicated daily. For this title, they still don't understand. Xia Xiaoguo only knows that the guard uncle knows him, and immediately smiles at Mimi. "Excuse me, you can help." Can we contact him? He may be our land!"

"What?" The guard looked at the twins and the children, and they were shocked by their big blue eyes, because he remembered the count, also had a pair of such deep blue eyes, and looked at the little boy. It turned out to be like the count. "

Uncle, can you contact us for us and say that we are waiting for him here, we are leaving our family now, we must find him. "Xia Xiaocheng's tone is pleading. At the same time, on his little face, there is an inexplicable aristocratic atmosphere.

The guards really believed in this pair of little guys, maybe the count's children! He thought for a moment, "I can contact his assistant for you. As for the count, we have no right to contact him privately."

Ok! Thank you. Xia Xiaocheng nodded gratefully.

The guard couldn't help but look at the little boy. Is this calm look really a child of five years old? Moreover, when he looked at him, he reminded him of Isis who was sitting in the car and often left from his eyes. police

Wei walked into the booth, and he exchanged a few words with another guard. He went to check the contact information. There was an important person's assistant phone number to facilitate emergency contact information.

The guard found the number of an assistant to Isey, and he reached out and pulled it out. that

I’ll leave the phone number of Isey’s personal assistant Mike.

"Hey!" Mike's voice sounded. "

Hello, we are the guards of the parliament building. We have just received two children. They claim to be the children of the Earl of Herván. Please ask someone to come and make sure. ”

"What?" Mike's voice was very exaggerated. "How is it possible? You have no children at all."

"The two children claim to be his children, a boy, a girl, about five years old."

"Jokes, our lord is self-love and will not have children outside." Mike is at the moment of vacation, and he has just been quarreled by this phone in his private apartment.

At this moment, his mobile phone had another phone connected. He looked at Isai’s and went to the guardian’s humanity. “I don’t tell you, we have no children, what should you do? Do it! Goodbye."

Finished, I quickly picked up the phone number of Isey, "Your."

"Mike, come back to work."

When Mike was wearing his clothes, he asked, "Hello, what happened?"

I have a female friend. Her two children are gone. Now the police are looking for it. I want you to immediately organize my bodyguard to find it. ""

The child is gone? What kind of child. Mike asked in surprise.

"A pair of dragons and babies around the age of five." Isi's voice was eager, and obviously bothered the two children. Mai

Ke just wore half of the pants and immediately did not wear it. Then, his brain slammed, child? Just call the police station, is it also a pair of children around the age of five, and a boy and a girl? "

Lord, I seem to know where the child is! "When Mike can't think too much, he will report it quickly."

you know? "Isi's voice was surprised to ask."

I just picked up a security phone in the guardhouse of the parliament building. They claimed that a pair of children around the age of five were looking for you, and they said that it was your child, a boy and a girl, would you be the one you were looking for? A pair of children? "that

Isi was obviously shocked at the end. "What time?"

"When you just called, I was on the phone with the guard room."

"You let them keep the children, I hurry past." Isi's voice is almost imperative, and at the same time, it hangs.

Mike thought of what he said just now, and immediately called a damn, and quickly trousers did not wear half of it, and quickly retraced the phone in the guard room. and also

I don't know if the two children have been driven away.

At the moment, at the gate of the guardhouse, the two children looked at the security guard uncle. "

Really? He has no children? "Xia Xiaocheng asked again."

"His assistant determined that he has no children, so you still go back to find your family!"

"Brother, maybe he is really not our place, let's go!" Xia Xiaoguo also lost a small face, she thought that if she looks like a brother, it will definitely be her depression, it is not! "

Uncle, goodbye. "Xia Xiaocheng finished, took up the sister and planned to leave. Police

The guards sent them, and at this moment, someone called him behind him, and he quickly walked over and picked up the phone.


I am Mike, the assistant of Earl of Herfan, may I ask the two children still there! You must entertain me for me, and the Count, please come and pick up the children. ""

what? The two children have just left. ""

what? You hurry to chase. Mike yelled.

The two guards immediately chased the doorway, and they just saw two small figures leaving along the aisle. The guards ran to the past and stopped their two little guys.

"Children, wait, don't leave, someone will pick you up."

Xia Xiaocheng and Xia Xiaoguo immediately turned back, and the two pairs of big eyes were full of surprises.

"Who will pick us up?" Xia Xiaocheng asked with some vigilance. "

Yes... is the Count of Herfan Isey. ""

Who is he? "Xia Xiaoguo is holding her little head, because she doesn't know the name because she listens to the name! Police

Wei couldn’t help but smile. "He is what you said!"

Xia Xiaoguo’s big eyes immediately widened. “Is it really? He will come and pick us up? Yeah! Great, he really is awkward.” Summer

Xiao Cheng was not so happy, because the guard had just been confirmed with his assistant. He had no children at all, so he could not be awkward.

"Brother, we and my uncle go back to wait for the land!" Xia Xiaoguo took his hand and followed the guard back.

On the road to the side, a black limousine, almost on the streets of Tan, opened the speed of the car, the bodyguards driving the throttle once. and

The man sitting in the back seat, his eyes tightened and looked straight ahead. At this moment, all the heartstrings of Isey were stretched. Did the two children go to the parliament building? How did they go there?

Isi did not call Xia Wei now because he had to determine whether the two children were hers, and if not, they were just happy. Now

While the police are still looking around for the whereabouts of the child, Isi only wants to see the two children.

The distance from the parliament building is only a few kilometers. end

As a result, the black car entered the building's section, and there was an emergency brake. The sparks sizzled and the black body tilted forward.

But in the next second, in the back seat, Isi's slender figure quickly pushed the door and got off. He headed for the guard room, and a security guard was waiting for him. "

Excellency, you are here. ""

What about children? "Isey's voice can't hide the anxiety."

The two children were invited to the lounge in the lobby to wait for you. ”

Isi immediately stepped into the long steps of the hall. After striding up, his figure entered the spacious hall. In the corridor filled with historical reliefs, his noble figure carried a hint of excitement and tension. He hoped that these two A child is Xia Wei.

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